有没有办法从比long long int更大的文件中读取一个数字?

时间:2018-06-14 17:10:37

标签: c





typedef struct rArc{
    long long int code;

int main(){
    long long int code,i=0;
    FILE *arc;
    data *v;
    v = NULL;

    arc = fopen("CODES.txt","r");
    while(fscanf(arc,"%lld",&code) != EOF){
        v = (data *)realloc(v,sizeof(data) * (i + 1));
        v[i].code = code;

    for(int j=0;j<i;j++){

但由于数字太大,它会输出一些奇怪的随机数。 我正在考虑用模数取最后一个数字并添加到一个向量中,但因为我甚至无法读取它,所以我没办法按照我正在尝试的方式进行操作



while(fscanf(arc,"%45s\n",&code) != EOF){
        v = (data *)realloc(v,sizeof(data) * (i + 1));
        v[i].code = code;

    for(int j=0;j<i;j++){

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

即使在评论中经过3次重复澄清之后,我仍然不完全清楚你的算法,但我相信我理解它足以提供帮助。从您对我的评论的回复中,我了解到您希望将10th, 21st & 32nd字符处的文字替换为以下所示的值:

  1. 将位置左侧的所有字符相加,

  2. 通过将每个其他字符乘以2来生成总和,首先将第一个字符乘以2,将第二个字符乘以1,第三个按2并继续1-2-1-2-1...模式乘以每个数字,直到达到所需索引,最后

  3. 如果2之前的任何倍数超过10,那么您可以按产品 modulo 10增加总和(例如sum = sum + (digit * 2-1-multiple) % 10 )(或者您可能希望在每次替换第10个,第21个和第32个字符之前按10修改总累计金额 - 该部分仍然不清楚)

  4. 既然如此,您可以通过将每个数字字符串读入固定缓冲区来解决问题。 (不要吝啬缓冲区大小)。读取行后,迭代字符(验证每个字符是一个数字),根据上面的模式保持运行总和,直到达到所需的索引。在所需的索引处,将原始字符串中的字符替换为该点的总和,并继续,直到最终索引和第32个字符的替换为止。


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #define MAXC 512    /* constant for line-buffer size */
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
        char buf[MAXC] = "";    /* buffer to read each line */
        /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
        FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;
        if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
            fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]);
            return 1;

    接下来,您将需要开始读取循环并声明所需的变量以找到所需的位置以插入总和,这是一种跟踪2-1-2-1...乘数序列和运行总和的方法。虽然这里不需要(您只能通过第32个字符访问,但最好通过'\n'(或POSIX fgets)修剪缓冲区中包含的尾随getline作为验证所有字符是否适合您的缓冲区,例如

        while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {         /* read each line into buf */
            int const pos[] = { 10, 21, 32 },       /* indexes to replace */
                npos = sizeof pos / sizeof *pos;    /* no. of indexes */
            int ndx = 0,                            /* buffer index */
                *pdx = (int *)pos,                  /* pointer to pos */
                mult = 2;                           /* 2-1-2-... multiplier */
            size_t len = strlen (buf);              /* length of string */
            unsigned sum = 0;                       /* sum of digits */
            if (len && buf[len - 1] == '\n')    /* check for trailing '\n' */
                buf[--len] = 0;                 /* overwrite with nul-character */
            else if (len == MAXC - 1) {         /* otherwise string too long */
                fprintf (stderr, "error: line too long.\n");
                return 1;
            printf ("original: %s\n", buf);     /* output the original string */


            for (; buf[ndx]; ndx++) {           /* iterate over each character */
                if (!isdigit (buf[ndx])) {      /* validate character is digit */
                    fprintf (stderr, "error: non-digit '%c'.\n", buf[ndx]);
                    return 1;
                sum += ((buf[ndx] - '0') * mult) % 10; /* increment sum by % 10 */
                if (ndx + 1 == *pdx) {          /* check if ndx+1 is position */
                    int ndigit = 0;             /* no. of digits in sum */
                    char tmp[MAXC] = "";        /* tmp buffer for sum as string */
                    ndigit = sprintf (tmp, "%u", sum);  /* write sum to tmp */
    #ifdef DEBUG    /* debug output */
                    printf ("ndx+1: %2d, sum: %3u, ndigits: %d\n", 
                            ndx+1, sum, ndigit);
                    if (ndigit) /* validate characters written to tmp */
                        memcpy (&buf[ndx], tmp, ndigit);    /* copy to buf */
                    pdx++;              /* increment pos array index */
                    if (*pdx == npos)   /* check if past last pos index */
                mult = (mult & 1) ? 2 : 1;      /* toggle mult 2-1-2-1... */
            printf ("revised : %s\n\n", buf);   /* output updated number in buf */


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #define MAXC 512    /* constant for line-buffer size */
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
        char buf[MAXC] = "";    /* buffer to read each line */
        /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
        FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;
        if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
            fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]);
            return 1;
        while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {         /* read each line into buf */
            int const pos[] = { 10, 21, 32 },       /* indexes to replace */
                npos = sizeof pos / sizeof *pos;    /* no. of indexes */
            int ndx = 0,                            /* buffer index */
                *pdx = (int *)pos,                  /* pointer to pos */
                mult = 2;                           /* 2-1-2-... multiplier */
            size_t len = strlen (buf);              /* length of string */
            unsigned sum = 0;                       /* sum of digits */
            if (len && buf[len - 1] == '\n')    /* check for trailing '\n' */
                buf[--len] = 0;                 /* overwrite with nul-character */
            else if (len == MAXC - 1) {         /* otherwise string too long */
                fprintf (stderr, "error: line too long.\n");
                return 1;
            printf ("original: %s\n", buf);     /* output the original string */
            for (; buf[ndx]; ndx++) {           /* iterate over each character */
                if (!isdigit (buf[ndx])) {      /* validate character is digit */
                    fprintf (stderr, "error: non-digit '%c'.\n", buf[ndx]);
                    return 1;
                sum += ((buf[ndx] - '0') * mult) % 10; /* increment sum by % 10 */
                if (ndx + 1 == *pdx) {          /* check if ndx+1 is position */
                    int ndigit = 0;             /* no. of digits in sum */
                    char tmp[MAXC] = "";        /* tmp buffer for sum as string */
                    ndigit = sprintf (tmp, "%u", sum);  /* write sum to tmp */
    #ifdef DEBUG    /* debug output */
                    printf ("ndx+1: %2d, sum: %3u, ndigits: %d\n", 
                            ndx+1, sum, ndigit);
                    if (ndigit) /* validate characters written to tmp */
                        memcpy (&buf[ndx], tmp, ndigit);    /* copy to buf */
                    pdx++;              /* increment pos array index */
                    if (*pdx == npos)   /* check if past last pos index */
                mult = (mult & 1) ? 2 : 1;      /* toggle mult 2-1-2-1... */
            printf ("revised : %s\n\n", buf);   /* output updated number in buf */
        if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp);   /* close file if not stdin */
        return 0;



    $ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c11 -Ofast -DDEBUG \
      -o bin/str_fill_sum_dbg str_fill_sum.c




    $ ./bin/str_fill_sum_dbg <dat/sumdigits.txt
    original: 34194716400003108771090006638210572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  52, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  79, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 109, ndigits: 3
    revised : 34194716452003108771790006638211092088201000
    original: 34193716400000921121090006638390572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  50, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  68, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 104, ndigits: 3
    revised : 34193716450000921121680006638391042088201000
    original: 34191718400000607281090006638470572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  48, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  69, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 103, ndigits: 3
    revised : 34191718448000607281690006638471032088201000
    original: 34195718400000550361090006638540572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  46, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  59, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum:  98, ndigits: 2
    revised : 34195718446000550361590006638549872088201000
    original: 34192719900000550361090006638620572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  51, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  64, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum:  95, ndigits: 2
    revised : 34192719951000550361640006638629572088201000
    original: 34198721400000550361090006638700572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  47, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  62, ndigits: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum:  88, ndigits: 2
    revised : 34198721447000550361620006638708872088201000


    简单地删除DEBUG define的定义以省略调试输出,如果您愿意,可以在单独的文件名中输出可执行文件,以便两者都可用:

    $ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c11 -Ofast \
      -o bin/str_fill_sum str_fill_sum.c


    $ ./bin/str_fill_sum <dat/sumdigits.txt
    original: 34194716400003108771090006638210572088201000
    revised : 34194716452003108771790006638211092088201000
    original: 34193716400000921121090006638390572088201000
    revised : 34193716450000921121680006638391042088201000
    original: 34191718400000607281090006638470572088201000
    revised : 34191718448000607281690006638471032088201000
    original: 34195718400000550361090006638540572088201000
    revised : 34195718446000550361590006638549872088201000
    original: 34192719900000550361090006638620572088201000
    revised : 34192719951000550361640006638629572088201000
    original: 34198721400000550361090006638700572088201000
    revised : 34198721447000550361620006638708872088201000




            for (; buf[ndx]; ndx++) {           /* iterate over each character */
                if (!isdigit (buf[ndx])) {      /* validate character is digit */
                    fprintf (stderr, "error: non-digit '%c'.\n", buf[ndx]);
                    return 1;
                sum += ((buf[ndx] - '0') * mult); /* increment by digit*mult */
                if (ndx + 1 == *pdx) {          /* check if ndx+1 is position */
                    int replace = sum % 10;
    #ifdef DEBUG    /* debug output */
                    printf ("ndx+1: %2d, sum: %3u, replace: %d\n", 
                            ndx+1, sum, replace);
                    buf[ndx] = replace + '0';   /* replace char at buf[ndx] */
                    pdx++;                      /* increment pos array index */
                    if (*pdx == npos)           /* check if past last pos index */
                mult = (mult & 1) ? 2 : 1;      /* toggle mult 2-1-2-1... */



    $ ./bin/str_fill_sum_dbg2 <dat/sumdigits.txt
    original: 34194716400003108771090006638210572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  52, replace: 2
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  95, replace: 5
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 145, replace: 5
    revised : 34194716420003108771590006638215572088201000
    original: 34193716400000921121090006638390572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  50, replace: 0
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  78, replace: 8
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 145, replace: 5
    revised : 34193716400000921121890006638395572088201000
    original: 34191718400000607281090006638470572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  48, replace: 8
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  93, replace: 3
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 157, replace: 7
    revised : 34191718480000607281390006638477572088201000
    original: 34195718400000550361090006638540572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  56, replace: 6
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  87, replace: 7
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 146, replace: 6
    revised : 34195718460000550361790006638546572088201000
    original: 34192719900000550361090006638620572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  61, replace: 1
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  92, replace: 2
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 148, replace: 8
    revised : 34192719910000550361290006638628572088201000
    original: 34198721400000550361090006638700572088201000
    ndx+1: 10, sum:  57, replace: 7
    ndx+1: 21, sum:  88, replace: 8
    ndx+1: 32, sum: 141, replace: 1
    revised : 34198721470000550361890006638701572088201000

答案 1 :(得分:0)

//This Program  will solve your problem. If you have any doubt ask me 


    int main()

        int sum10th = 0 , sum21st = 0 , sum32nd = 0;    //to store the sum of 10th 21st 32nd

        FILE *stream;
        char *line = NULL;
        size_t len = 0;
        ssize_t nread;

        stream = fopen("number.txt","r");

        while ((nread = getline(&line, &len, stream)) != -1) 
            if( nread >= 10)

                sum10th += line[10 - 1] - 48 ;

                if( nread >= 21)
                    sum21st += line[21 - 1] - 48;

                    if( nread >= 32)
                        sum32nd += line[32 - 1] - 48;
            strcpy(line," ");  //empty line
        printf("Sum at 10th 21st 32th is %d %d %d\n",sum10th , sum21st, sum32nd);

        return 0;




    Sum at 10th 21st 32th is 14 18 21
