
时间:2018-06-14 07:27:02

标签: r read.table

我有一个大的(8GB +)csv文件(以逗号分隔),我想读入R.该文件包含三列

  • date #in 2017-12-27格式
  • text #a string
  • type每个字符串#a标签(NAtypeAtypeB



date        text                        type
2016-01-01  great job!                  NA
2016-01-02  please, type "submit"       typeA
2016-01-02  "can't see the "error" now" typeA
2016-01-03  "add \\"/filename.txt\\""   NA


  • 基础read.csvreadr' read_csv功能:适用于部分工作但失败(可能是由于记忆)或需要很长时间才能阅读
  • 通过Mac终端将数据分块成1m行的批次:因为线条似乎随意中断而失败
  • 使用fread(我希望这可以解决其他两个问题):Error: Expecting 3 cols, but line 1103 contains text after processing all cols.
  • 失败



编辑: 使用Mac TextWrangler打开的示例数据(匿名):



"2016-03-30","Maybe use `tapply` from `base`, and check how that works.",NA
"2016-04-01","Fiex this now. Please check.","typeA"
"2016-04-01","Does it work? Maybe try the other approach.","typeB"
"2016-04-01","This won't work. You should remove ABC ... each line starts with a date and ends with ... and this line is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long.",NA
"2014-05-02","Tried to remove ""../"" but no success @myid",typeA

可重现"date","text","type" "2018-05-02","i try this, but it doesnt work",NA "2018-05-02","Thank you very much. Cheers !!",NA "2018-05-02","@myid. I'll change this.",NA 错误的示例数据 fread

"Expecting 3 cols, but line 3 contains text after processing all cols."


"2015-03-02","Some text, some text, some question? Please, some question?",NA
"2015-03-02","Here you have the error ""Can’t access {file \""Macintosh HD:abc:def:filename\"", \""/abc.txt\""} from directory."" something -1100 from {file ""Macintosh HD:abc:def:filename"", ""/abc.txt""} to file",NA
"2015-03-02","good idea",NA
"2015-03-02","Worked perfectly :)",NA

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


infile <- file("test.txt", "r")
txt <- readLines(infile, n = 1)
df <- NULL

#change this value as per your requirement
chunksize <- 1

  txt <- readLines(infile, warn=F, n = chunksize)
  df  <- rbind(df, data.frame(date = gsub("\\s.*", "", txt),
                              text = trimws(gsub("\\S+(.*)\\s+\\S+$", "\\1", txt)),
                              type = gsub(".*\\s", "", txt),
                              stringsAsFactors = F))


> df
        date                          text  type
1 2016-01-01                    great job!    NA
2 2016-01-02         please, type "submit" typeA
3 2016-01-02   "can't see the "error" now" typeA
4 2016-01-03 "add \\\\"/filename.txt\\\\""    NA

示例数据: test.txt包含

date        text                        type
2016-01-01  great job!                  NA
2016-01-02  please, type "submit"       typeA
2016-01-02  "can't see the "error" now" typeA
2016-01-03  "add \\"/filename.txt\\""   NA

更新 您可以使用以下正则表达式解析器修改上面的代码,以解析另一组样本数据

df  <- rbind(df, data.frame(date = gsub("\"(\\S{10}).*", "\\1", txt),
                            text = gsub(".*\"\\,\"(.*)\"\\,(\"|NA).*", "\\1", txt),
                            type = gsub(".*\\,|\"", "", txt),
                            stringsAsFactors = F))


"2016-03-30","Maybe use `tapply` from `base`, and check how that works.",NA
"2016-04-01","Fiex this now. Please check.","typeA"
"2016-04-01","Does it work? Maybe try the other approach.","typeB"
"2016-04-01","This won't work. You should remove ABC ... each line starts with a date and ends with ... and this line is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long.",NA
"2014-05-02","Tried to remove ""../"" but no success @myid","typeA"