
时间:2018-06-14 02:17:21

标签: python


List = ['10', '11', '11', '12', '2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59']


List_Code = ['10', '11', '11', '12']
List_Date = ['2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59']

我怎样才能做到这一点? 谢谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您的代码仅由数字组成,请使用lst = ['10', '11', '11', '12', '2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59'] list_code = [x for x in lst if x.isdigit()] # list_code: ['10', '11', '11', '12'] list_date = [x for x in lst if not x.isdigit()] # list_date ['2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59'] 过滤它们。

public class HelpFragment extends Fragment {

ExpandableListView expandableListView;

public static HelpFragment newInstance() {
    HelpFragment fragment = new HelpFragment();
    return fragment;

ExpandableListAdapter listAdapter;
List<String> listDataHeader;
HashMap<String, List<String>> listDataChild;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_help, null);
    ButterKnife.bind(this, rootView);


    listAdapter = new ExpandableListAdapter(listDataHeader, listDataChild);

    Log.i("groups", listDataHeader.toString());
    Log.i("details", listDataChild.toString());

    return rootView;

private void prepareListData() {
    listDataHeader = new ArrayList<String>();
    listDataChild = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

    // Adding child data
    listDataHeader.add("Top 250");
    listDataHeader.add("Now Showing");
    listDataHeader.add("Coming Soon..");

    // Adding child data
    List<String> top250 = new ArrayList<String>();
    top250.add("The Shawshank Redemption");
    top250.add("The Godfather");
    top250.add("The Godfather: Part II");
    top250.add("Pulp Fiction");
    top250.add("The Good, the Bad and the Ugly");
    top250.add("The Dark Knight");
    top250.add("12 Angry Men");

    List<String> nowShowing = new ArrayList<String>();
    nowShowing.add("The Conjuring Despicable Me TurboGrown Ups 2 Red 2 the Wolverine The Conjuring Despicable Me TurboGrown Ups 2 Red 2 the Wolverine");

    List<String> comingSoon = new ArrayList<String>();
    comingSoon.add("2 Guns");
    comingSoon.add("The Smurfs 2");
    comingSoon.add("The Spectacular Now");
    comingSoon.add("The Canyons");
    comingSoon.add("Europa Report");

    listDataChild.put(listDataHeader.get(0), top250); // Header, Child data
    listDataChild.put(listDataHeader.get(1), nowShowing);
    listDataChild.put(listDataHeader.get(2), comingSoon);


public class ExpandableListAdapter extends BaseExpandableListAdapter {

    private List<String> _listDataHeader; // header titles
    // child data in format of header title, child title
    private HashMap<String, List<String>> _listDataChild;

    public ExpandableListAdapter(List<String> listDataHeader,
                                 HashMap<String, List<String>> listChildData) {
        this._listDataHeader = listDataHeader;
        this._listDataChild = listChildData;

    public Object getChild(int groupPosition, int childPosititon) {
        return this._listDataChild.get(this._listDataHeader.get(groupPosition))

    public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
        return childPosition;

    public View getChildView(int groupPosition, final int childPosition,
                             boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        final String childText = (String) getChild(groupPosition, childPosition);

        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()).inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);

        TextView txtListChild = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.expandedListItem);

        return convertView;

    public int getChildrenCount(int groupPosition) {
        return this._listDataChild.get(this._listDataHeader.get(groupPosition))

    public Object getGroup(int groupPosition) {
        return this._listDataHeader.get(groupPosition);

    public int getGroupCount() {
        return this._listDataHeader.size();

    public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) {
        return groupPosition;

    public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean isExpanded,
                             View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        String headerTitle = (String) getGroup(groupPosition);
        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()).inflate(R.layout.expandable_list_group, null);

        TextView lblListHeader = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.listExpandableTitle);

        return convertView;

    public boolean hasStableIds() {
        return false;

    public boolean isChildSelectable(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
        return true;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import re

List = ['10', '11', '11', '12', '2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59']

def isDate(s):
    return True if re.match('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}', s) else False

# Date strings:
List_Date = [x for x in List if isDate(x)]
# ['2018-06-19 00:00:00', '2018-06-20 23:59:59']

# Other strings:
List_Code = [x for x in List if not isDate(x)]
# ['10', '11', '11', '12']