使用Amazon MQ作为Spring Websockets + STOMP的代理中继

时间:2018-06-13 21:40:00

标签: spring spring-boot activemq spring-websocket amazon-mq

是否可以将Amazon MQ用作Spring + Websockets + STOMP的外部代理?我试着没有运气。我的配置如下:

public class WebSocketConfiguration extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

  public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {

  public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {


2018-06-13 16:16:42.290 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a] REGISTERED
2018-06-13 16:16:42.291 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a] CONNECT: my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614
2018-06-13 16:16:42.398  INFO [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : CONNECTED: [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614]
2018-06-13 16:16:42.399 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] ACTIVE
2018-06-13 16:16:42.399 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler : TCP connection opened in session=_system_
2018-06-13 16:16:42.404 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] WRITE: 94B
         |  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f |
|00000000| 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 0a 61 63 63 65 70 74 2d 76 |CONNECT.accept-v|
|00000010| 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3a 31 2e 31 2c 31 2e 32 0a 6c |ersion:1.1,1.2.l|
|00000020| 6f 67 69 6e 3a 70 61 70 65 72 6c 65 73 73 0a 70 |ogin:xxxxxxxxx.p|
|00000030| 61 73 73 63 6f 64 65 3a 4d 38 7c 42 61 6e 41 47 |asscode:xxxxxxxx|
|00000040| 4c 2d 45 61 0a 68 65 61 72 74 2d 62 65 61 74 3a |xxxx.heart-beat:|
|00000050| 31 30 30 30 30 2c 31 30 30 30 30 0a 0a 00       |10000,10000...  |
2018-06-13 16:16:42.405 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] FLUSH
2018-06-13 16:16:42.406 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] USER_EVENT: reactor.io.net.impl.netty.NettyChannelHandlerBridge$ChannelInputSubscriberEvent@37c47287
2018-06-13 16:16:42.512 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] READ: 7B
         |  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f |
|00000000| 15 03 03 00 02 02 0a                            |.......         |
2018-06-13 16:16:42.513 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] READ COMPLETE
2018-06-13 16:16:42.514 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 - R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] READ COMPLETE
2018-06-13 16:16:42.623 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 ! R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] INACTIVE
2018-06-13 16:16:42.624 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler : TCP connection to broker closed in session _system_
2018-06-13 16:16:42.624 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] o.s.m.s.s.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler : Cleaning up connection state for session _system_
2018-06-13 16:16:42.624  INFO [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : CLOSED: [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 ! R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614]
2018-06-13 16:16:42.625  INFO [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : Failed to connect to reactor.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient$ReconnectingChannelListener$3@1ad2dfa9. Attempting reconnect in 5000ms.
2018-06-13 16:16:42.625 DEBUG [] 17743 --- [eactor-tcp-io-5] r.io.net.impl.netty.tcp.NettyTcpClient   : [id: 0xcd26491a, L:/my.local.ip:50392 ! R:my.amazon.stomp.endpoint:61614] UNREGISTERED

它没有连接。有任何想法吗?它在连接到本地ActiveMQ实例时工作得很好,区别在于它本地使用tcp:// host vs Amazon,它提供了一个stomp + ssl:// host uri。

无论如何,我不包括协议任何软件。它似乎连接但它没有收到CONNECT消息的任何答案。我设置用于连接管理控制台的用户和密码。我能够通过javascript连接到wss://端点,但我需要将其设置为Spring Boot应用程序的外部代理。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



 * A TCP Client Factory to enable SSL connection
public class StompTcpFactory implements NetStreams.TcpClientFactory<Message<byte[]>, Message<byte[]>> {

  private final Environment environment;
  private final EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup;
  private final boolean ssl;
  private final List<String> addresses;

  public StompTcpFactory(List<String> addresses, boolean ssl) {
    this.addresses = addresses;
    this.ssl = ssl;
    this.environment = new Environment(
        () -> new ReactorConfiguration(Collections.emptyList(), "sync", new Properties()));
    this.eventLoopGroup = Reactor2TcpClient.initEventLoopGroup();

  public Spec.TcpClientSpec<Message<byte[]>, Message<byte[]>> apply(
      Spec.TcpClientSpec<Message<byte[]>, Message<byte[]>> tcpClientSpec) {
    Supplier<InetSocketAddress> supplier = new InetSocketAddressSupplier(addresses);
    return tcpClientSpec.env(environment).options(new NettyClientSocketOptions().eventLoopGroup(eventLoopGroup))
        .codec(new Reactor2StompCodec(new StompEncoder(), new StompDecoder())).ssl(ssl ? new SslOptions() : null)


请注意.ssl调用将标志设置为使用ssl。我还会收到一个用于配置端点的地址列表和一个布尔值,以能够打开和关闭ssl(对于dev)。创建InetSocketAddressSupplier是为了在使用HA设置时在Amazon为您提供的两个地址之间切换: / p>

 * Address supplier for failover connection
public class InetSocketAddressSupplier implements Supplier<InetSocketAddress> {

  private static int counter = 0;

  private final List<String> addresses;

  InetSocketAddressSupplier(List<String> addresses) {
    Assert.notNull(addresses, "addresses list cannot be null");
    Assert.isTrue(!addresses.isEmpty() && (addresses.size() == 2), "Addresses list must be of size 2");
    this.addresses = addresses;

  public InetSocketAddress get() {
    int serverIndex = counter % 2;
    String[] info = addresses.get(serverIndex).split(":");
    log.debug("Returning server {} {}:{} for connection", serverIndex, info[0], info[1]);
    return new InetSocketAddress(info[0], Integer.valueOf(info[1]));


如果不需要HA设置,则只需创建Spring docs中所示的内联供应商即可。


public class WebSocketConfiguration extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

  private MessageBrokerProperties config;
  private InetSocketAddressSupplier supplier;

  public WebSocketConfiguration(MessageBrokerProperties config) {
    this.config = config;
    this.supplier = new InetSocketAddressSupplier(config.getAddresses());

  public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
    InetSocketAddress address = supplier.get();

  private TcpOperations<byte[]> createTcpClient() {
    return new Reactor2TcpClient<>(new StompTcpFactory(config.getAddresses(), config.isUseSSL()));
