
时间:2018-06-13 19:53:50

标签: python-3.x opencv vector


import sys
import glob
import struct
import argparse
import traceback

def exception_response(e):
    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
    lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
    for line in lines:

def get_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-v', dest='vec_directory')
    parser.add_argument('-o', dest='output_filename')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return (args.vec_directory, args.output_filename)

def merge_vec_files(vec_directory, output_vec_file):
    Iterates throught the .vec files in a directory and combines them.
    (1) Iterates through files getting a count of the total images in the .vec files
    (2) checks that the image sizes in all files are the same
    The format of a .vec file is:
    4 bytes denoting number of total images (int)
    4 bytes denoting size of images (int)
    2 bytes denoting min value (short)
    2 bytes denoting max value (short)
    ex:     6400 0000 4605 0000 0000 0000
        hex     6400 0000   4605 0000       0000        0000
                # images    size of h * w       min     max
        dec         100         1350            0       0
    :type vec_directory: string
    :param vec_directory: Name of the directory containing .vec files to be combined.
                Do not end with slash. Ex: '/Users/username/Documents/vec_files'
    :type output_vec_file: string
    :param output_vec_file: Name of aggregate .vec file for output.
        Ex: '/Users/username/Documents/aggregate_vec_file.vec'

    # Check that the .vec directory does not end in '/' and if it does, remove it.
    if vec_directory.endswith('/'):
        vec_directory = vec_directory[:-1]
    # Get .vec files
    files = glob.glob('{0}/*.vec'.format(vec_directory))

    # Check to make sure there are .vec files in the directory
    if len(files) <= 0:
        print('Vec files to be mereged could not be found from directory: {0}'.format(vec_directory))
    # Check to make sure there are more than one .vec files
    if len(files) == 1:
        print('Only 1 vec file was found in directory: {0}. Cannot merge a single file.'.format(vec_directory))

    # Get the value for the first image size
    prev_image_size = 0
        with open(files[0], 'rb') as vecfile:
            content = b''.join((line) for line in vecfile.readlines())
            val = struct.unpack('<iihh', content[:12])
            prev_image_size = val[1]
    except IOError as e:
        print('An IO error occured while processing the file: {0}'.format(f))

    # Get the total number of images
    total_num_images = 0
    for f in files:
            with open(f, 'rb') as vecfile:
                content = b''.join((line) for line in vecfile.readlines())
                val = struct.unpack('<iihh', content[:12])
                num_images = val[0]
                image_size = val[1]
                if image_size != prev_image_size:
                    err_msg = """The image sizes in the .vec files differ. These values must be the same. \n The image size of file {0}: {1}\n
                        The image size of previous files: {0}""".format(f, image_size, prev_image_size)

                total_num_images += num_images
        except IOError as e:
            print('An IO error occured while processing the file: {0}'.format(f))

    # Iterate through the .vec files, writing their data (not the header) to the output file
    # '<iihh' means 'little endian, int, int, short, short'
    header = struct.pack('<iihh', total_num_images, image_size, 0, 0)
        with open(output_vec_file, 'wb') as outputfile:

            for f in files:
                with open(f, 'rb') as vecfile:
                    content = b''.join((line) for line in vecfile.readlines())
    except Exception as e:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    vec_directory, output_filename = get_args()
    if not vec_directory:
        sys.exit('mergvec requires a directory of vec files. Call mergevec.py with -v /your_vec_directory')
    if not output_filename:
        sys.exit('mergevec requires an output filename. Call mergevec.py with -o your_output_filename')

merge_vec_files(vec_directory, output_filename)


 File "mergevec.py", line 95, in merge_vec_files
    with open(output_vec_file, 'wb') as outputfile:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'output_vec_file'


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