template< class T : public CBaseClass >
答案 0 :(得分:13)
Following和example from Stroustrup:
template<class Test, class Base>
struct AssertSameOrDerivedFrom {
AssertSameOrDerivedFrom() { &constraints; }
static void constraints() {
Test *pd = 0;
Base *pb = pd;
template<class T>
struct YourClass {
YourClass() {
AssertSameOrDerivedFrom<T, CBaseClass>();
在C ++ 0x中,这变为:
template<class T>
struct YourClass {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<CBaseClass, T>::value);
答案 1 :(得分:11)
。如果您使用的是支持TR1或C ++ 0x的编译器,那么标准库(std::is_base_of中的那些构造等价,以及C ++ 0x中的static_assert语句)。
答案 2 :(得分:6)
如果你想断言,那就去做Nurk吧。如果要检查,请使用boost或C ++ 0x中的is_base_of。如果您不能使用其中任何一种,请使用SFINAE:
template < typename Base, typename PotentialDerived >
struct is_base
typedef char (&no) [1];
typedef char (&yes) [2];
static yes check(Base*);
static no check(...);
enum { value = sizeof(check(static_cast<PotentialDerived*>(0))) == sizeof(yes) };
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我想这不是问题。来自this GotW item的3。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
struct is_base {
constexpr static bool check(Base*) { return true; }
constexpr static bool check(...) { return false; }
enum { value = check(static_cast<Derived*>(0)) };
struct A {};
struct B : A { };
int main(void) {
static_assert(is_base<A,B>::value, "If Error: A is not base of B");
template <bool, typename T=void>
struct Use {
static std::string info() { return "Implementation that consider that A is not base of B"; }
template <typename T>
struct Use<true,T> {
static std::string info() { return "Implementation that consider that A is the base of B"; }
int main(void) {
std::cout << Use<is_base<A,B>::value>::info(); //Implementation that consider that A is the base of B