
时间:2018-06-13 00:09:43

标签: c# unity3d filtering

我正在尝试根据从SQlite DB循环的值来过滤我动态创建的按钮列表的方法。每个按钮都标有学生姓名,可能有大量按钮,因此需要过滤按钮。


public RectTransform GridWithNameElements;
public GameObject StudentNamePrefabButton;

while (reader.Read())
                //create a new button object and use the prefab button to make sure spacing etc is correct
                goButton = (GameObject)Instantiate(StudentNamePrefabButton);
                //set the parent of the button
                goButton.transform.SetParent(GridWithNameElements, false);
                goButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                //set the text of the button. Array value is 0 as the student name is always at position 0 on each iteration
                goButton.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[0].text = reader["fullName"].ToString()+" | "+ reader["studentNumber"].ToString();
                goButton.name = reader["studentID"].ToString();

                Button tempButton = goButton.GetComponent<Button>();
                int tempInt = i;

                tempButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ButtonClicked(tempInt));




//This method is called when the student attempts to search for their own name when taking the individual quiz
public void SearchExistingStudentName()

    //Get the name entered from the text field
    string student_name = searchExistingStudentNameInput.text;

    //Add names that exist to the new list
    List<string> names = new List<string>();
    //sets an id to the onclick listener of newly created buttons
    int x = 0;

    //if a new button object exists and the name was entered and then removed, clear it from the list and remove the created button
    if (student_name == "")
        //Clear the filtered names List
        x = 0;
        //Destroy the create filter buttons if the user clears the text area
        GameObject[] objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("filterButton");
        //loop through the buttons that share the tag "filterButton"
        for (int count = 0; count < objects.Length; count++)

            Debug.Log("Number of objects to be deleted " + objects.Length);

        //Loop through and show all children 
        foreach (Transform child in GridWithNameElements)
    else if (student_name != "")
        int count = 0;
        int filteredNameCount = 0;
        int filteredIDCount = 1;
        //loop through the list of buttons with student names
        for (int i = 0; i < GridWithNameElements.childCount; i++)
            Debug.Log("Children of grid "+GridWithNameElements.childCount);
            //Check if the user has typed their name with capitals or lowercase etc, and check the inputted value against names already in the list
            //If true, proceed 
            if (GridWithNameElements
               .GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.Contains(student_name) || GridWithNameElements
               .GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.ToLower().Contains(student_name) || GridWithNameElements

                //If the name entered contains letters found in the parent GridWithNameElements, then add them to the list array and their name value (unique id)
                names.Add(GridWithNameElements.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.Replace(@"[", string.Empty).Replace(@"]", string.Empty));
                names.Add(GridWithNameElements.GetChild(i).name); //this is the unique id of the student

                Debug.Log("Number of items in filtered names list " + names.Count);

                //Loop through and hide all children and hide them
                if (count == 0)
                    foreach (Transform child in GridWithNameElements)


                //Then create a button that represents a name added to the names List
                newButton = (GameObject)Instantiate(StudentNamePrefabButton);
                //set the parent of the button
                newButton.transform.SetParent(GridWithNameElements, false);
                newButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                //set the text of the button. Array value is 0 as the student name is always at position 0 on each iteration
                newButton.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[filteredNameCount].text = names[filteredNameCount].ToString();
                newButton.name = names[filteredIDCount].ToString().Trim();
                newButton.tag = "filterButton";


                //Then add a click listener to the button
                Button tempButton = newButton.GetComponent<Button>();
                int tempInt = x;

                tempButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ButtonClicked(tempInt));


                // Debug.Log("Student Unique ID " + newButton.name);

        count = 0;



然而,我只返回一个可能的名字,而不是一堆可能的选择。例如,如果我的名字是Ben Jones和Bob Dylan,根据我的代码,我只能返回Ben Jones而不是Bob Dylan。



我想我找到了IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.的原因这是因为每当我输入一个字母时,它都会调用SearchExistingStudentName()方法。这意味着只要在其中一个名称中找到键入的字母,它就会被添加到列表中 - 只有字母。这就是为什么我只能返回一个名称,而不是一个可能的名称列表。因此,我认为if语句需要修改,我现在正在努力研究。


//Loop through and hide all children and hide them
if (count == 0)
foreach (Transform child in GridWithNameElements)


//Then create a button that represents a name added to the names List
newButton = (GameObject)Instantiate(StudentNamePrefabButton);
//set the parent of the button
newButton.transform.SetParent(GridWithNameElements, false);
newButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
//set the text of the button. Array value is 0 as the student name is always at position 0 on each iteration
newButton.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[filteredNameCount].text = names[filteredNameCount].ToString();
newButton.name = names[filteredIDCount].ToString().Trim();
                    newButton.tag = "filterButton";


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


List<string> names = GridWithNameElements.Where(nameInList => nameInList.Contains(input))



List<string> names = new List<string>();
foreach (string nameInList in GridWithNameElements)
    if (nameInList.Contains(input)


答案 1 :(得分:0)



while (reader.Read())
                //create a new button object and use the prefab button to make sure spacing etc is correct
                GameObject goButton = (GameObject)Instantiate(StudentNamePrefabButton);
                //set the parent of the button
                goButton.transform.SetParent(GridWithNameElements, false);
                goButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                //set the text of the button. Array value is 0 as the student name is always at position 0 on each iteration
                goButton.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[0].text = reader["fullName"].ToString() + " | " + reader["studentNumber"].ToString();
                goButton.name = reader["studentID"].ToString();

                Button tempButton = goButton.GetComponent<Button>();
                int tempInt = i;

                tempButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ButtonClicked(tempInt));



然后我在用户界面中创建了一个用户inputfield,以便用户可以搜索他们的名字。然后附上一个听众。要执行此操作,请转到Unity编辑器并将脚本附加到On Value Changed方法。


然后我最终做了以下事情 - 再次,我强调,我刚刚开始工作这不是一个完美的例子,但至少是一个起点,可能还有更多的错误需要解决。我希望它有所帮助,因为我在寻找时没有找到任何完整的例子。

//This method is called when the student attempts to search for their own name when taking the individual quiz
public void SearchExistingStudentName()

    //Get the name entered from the text field
    string student_name = searchExistingStudentNameInput.text;

    //Create a list to store all the user names
    List<string> filteredNamesList = new List<string>();
    //Add another list to store the user unique ids
    List<string> filteredNameIDList = new List<string>();

    //Clear both lists before using them
    //sets an id to the onclick listener of newly created buttons
    int x = 0;

    //if a new button object exists and the name was entered and then removed, clear it from the list and remove the created button
    if (student_name == "")
        //Clear the filtered filteredNamesList List
        x = 0;
        //Destroy the create filter buttons if the user clears the text area
        GameObject[] objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("filterButton");
        //loop through the buttons that share the tag "filterButton"
        for (int count = 0; count < objects.Length; count++)

            Debug.Log("Number of objects to be deleted " + objects.Length);

        //Loop through and show all children 
        foreach (Transform child in GridWithNameElements)

    else if (student_name != "")

        //loop through the list of buttons in the main/unfiltered list with student filteredNamesList
        for (int i = 0; i < GridWithNameElements.childCount; i++)
            //Check if the user has typed their name with capitals or lowercase etc, and check the inputted value against filteredNamesList already in the list
            //If true, proceed 

            //Get the name value that contains entered character
            if (GridWithNameElements
               .GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.Contains(student_name) || GridWithNameElements
               .GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.ToLower().Contains(student_name) || GridWithNameElements

                //Do not allow duplicates to the list
                if (filteredNamesList.Distinct().Count() == filteredNamesList.Count())
                    //If the name entered contains letters found in the parent GridWithNameElements, then add them to the list array and their name value (unique id)
                    filteredNamesList.Add(GridWithNameElements.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[i].text.Replace(@"[", string.Empty).Replace(@"]", string.Empty));
                    filteredNameIDList.Add(GridWithNameElements.GetChild(i).name); //this is the unique id of the student

                //end of if statement   
            //end of main loop
        //hide original list
        //show filtered list

        //Destroy the created filter buttons if the user presses another button, as previously 
        //added filteredNamesList might need to be ruled out. 
        GameObject[] objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("filterButton");
        //loop through the buttons that share the tag "filterButton"
        for (int count = 0; count < objects.Length; count++)

            Debug.Log("Number of objects to be deleted " + objects.Length);

        int filteredNameIDCount = 0;

        foreach (string nameInList in filteredNamesList)

            //Then create a button that represents a name added to the filteredNamesList List
            newButton = Instantiate(StudentNamePrefabButton);
            //set the parent of the button
            newButton.transform.SetParent(GridWithNameElements2, false);
            newButton.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            //set the text of the button. Array value is 0 as the student name is always at position 0 on each iteration
            newButton.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>()[0].text = nameInList.ToString();
            newButton.name = filteredNameIDList[filteredNameIDCount].ToString().Trim();
            newButton.tag = "filterButton";

            Debug.Log("Filtered Name " + nameInList.ToString() + " Their ID " + filteredNameIDList[filteredNameIDCount].ToString().Trim());


        //end of loop

        //Then add a click listener to the button
        Button tempButton = newButton.GetComponent<Button>();
        int tempInt = x;

        tempButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ButtonClicked(tempInt));


        // Debug.Log("Student Unique ID " + newButton.name);

