DayMax = 0 'Initialize max to 0
DayMin = 999999999 'Initialize min to large number
DayMean = 0 'Initialie mean to 0
For IHour = 1 To 24 'For each hour
Line Input #1, txtLine 'Read next line
txtNumber = Mid(txtLine, 12, 10) 'Get the value as string for this line. This is UNIQUE for each file. Could also get the date
HourVal = Val(txtNumber) 'Convert string to number
HourVal = HourVal * 1.8 + 32 'Converts from C to F
If HourVal > DayMax Then DayMax = HourVal 'If this is above the current max it is the new max
If HourVal < DayMin Then DayMin = HourVal 'If this is below the current min it is the new min
DayMean = DayMean + HourVal 'Add this to the mean, this is a running sum of the values for this day
Sheets(HourSheet).Cells(IRowHour, IColHour).Value = HourVal 'Save the hourly value
IRowHour = IRowHour + 1 'Increment hourl row position
Next IHour 'Go to the next hour
DayMean = DayMean / 24 'All done so devide the running sum by 24 to get the daily mean
'Sheets(DaySheet).Cells(IRowDay, IColDayMin).Value = DayMin 'Save daily values, Put the results where you want them
'Sheets(DaySheet).Cells(IRowDay, IColDayMax).Value = DayMax
Sheets(DaySheet).Cells(IRowDay, IColDayMean).Value = DayMean
IRowDay = IRowDay + 1
Loop 'End of the read loop
Close #1