
时间:2018-06-12 19:31:54

标签: c# mongodb


var update = Bundle.Update.Set(b => b.followers, new List<User>());
int res = Bundle.UpdateOne(Bundle.Filter.Eq(b => b._id, id), update);


我尝试使用类似的东西,但它返回null !!

var builder = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter;               
var filter = builder.Exists("followers", false).ToBsonDocument();
var RetrievedData = Bundle.Collection().Find(filter).ToList();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. 按以下方式使用“尝试/捕获”:

    var document = Bundle.Collection().Find(filter); // here is your BsonDocument
          document["fieldNameToCheck"] // if field doesn`t exist it throws KeyNotFoundException. If there are nested objects just follow the pattern: document["fieldName"]["fieldNestedToCheck"]
    catch (Exception ex) when (ex is KeyNotFoundException)
          // your logic for "the field wasn`t found in the document" case
  2. 使用.Contains(),如下所示:

    var exists = document.Contains("fieldNameToCheck");// if field exists it returns true
    // If you need to check the nested fields, you can do as follows:
    var nestedExists = document["fieldName"].ToBsonDocument().Contains("fieldNameToCheck"); // or:
    var nestedExists = document["fieldName"]["nestedFieldNameNextLevel"].ToBsonDocument().Contains("fieldNameToCheck");  // and so on...      
  3. 通过使用TryGetElement您还可以获取此元素:

    BsonElement element; // it will contains found element if true
    var exists =  document.TryGetElement("fieldNameToCheck", out element); // returns true if element is found
