它工作正常,但是我修改了代码,以便第一个查询检查他们所选择的房间是否在他们指定的日期范围内的任何时间被预订。这可以在第一个查询$ q
这两个查询都直接在sql中工作,但是我无法弄清楚为什么初始if语句不起作用 - 'if(mysqli_num_rows($ result)== 0)'。
$page_title = 'Process Booking Form';
require 'login-db.php'; // require once means that it well generate a fatal error if the file is not found and means that the file will only be read in when it has not previously been inclued which prevents wastefule duplicate disk accesses.
$dbc = new mysqli($hn, $un, $pw, $db);
if($dbc->connect_error) {
die ($dbc->connect_error);
if(isset($_POST['firstname']) &&
isset($_POST['lastname']) &&
isset($_POST['datefrom']) &&
isset($_POST['dateto']) &&
isset($_POST['specialevent']) &&
$firstname = secure_post($dbc, 'firstname');
$lastname = secure_post($dbc, 'lastname'); //security
$datefrom = secure_post($dbc, 'datefrom');
$dateto = secure_post($dbc, 'dateto');
$specialevent = clean_string($dbc, 'specialevent');
$roomno = secure_post($dbc, 'roomnumber');
$error_message = "";
if(strlen($firstname) < 2 || strlen($firstname) > 20) {
$error_message .= 'Your first name does not appear to be valid.<br>';
if(strlen($lastname) < 2 || strlen($lastname) > 30) {
$error_message .= 'Your last name does not appear to be valid.<br>';
if(strlen($error_message) > 0) {
//Query to find out if user selected dates are already booked for their chosen room
$q = "SELECT customerinfo.firstname, customerinfo.lastname, roominfo.roomnumber, roominfo.roomsize, roominfo.roomprice, bookings.datefrom, bookings.dateto, bookings.daterange
FROM customerinfo
LEFT JOIN bookings ON bookings.customer_id = customerinfo.customer_id
LEFT JOIN transactions ON customerinfo.customer_id = transactions.customer_id
LEFT JOIN transactionsdetails ON transactionsdetails.transactions_id = transactions.transactions_id
LEFT JOIN roominfo ON transactionsdetails.room_id = roominfo.room_id
WHERE roomnumber = $roomno
AND (bookings.datefrom BETWEEN $datefrom AND $dateto)
OR (roomnumber = $roomno
AND (bookings.dateto BETWEEN $datefrom AND $dateto))";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
// $checkdates = mysqli_query($dbc, $checkdatessql);
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
//echo confirmation message to user
echo "Hello $firstname, your booking has been requested for room: $roomno. Your check-in date and time is $datefrom at 11:00am and your scheduled checkout date and time is $dateto at 15:00pm. Thank you for choosing to stay at Westworld.";
//submit customer information to the database
"INSERT INTO customerinfo(firstname, lastname, specialevent) VALUES ('$firstname','$lastname','$specialevent');
INSERT INTO bookings(dateto, datefrom, daterange, customer_id) VALUES ('$dateto','$datefrom',DATEDIFF(dateto,datefrom), @cusID);
INSERT INTO transactions (customer_id, datebooked) VALUES (@cusID, CURDATE());
SET @roomID := (SELECT room_id FROM roominfo WHERE roomnumber = '$roomno');
INSERT INTO transactionsdetails (transactions_id, room_id) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), @roomID);");
} else {
//echo room error message
echo "The room you have selected is unavailable in that date range.";
function secure_post($dbc, $string) {
return htmlentities($dbc->real_escape_string($_POST[$string]));
function clean_string($dbc, $string) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string);
return htmlentities($dbc->real_escape_string($_POST[$string]));
答案 0 :(得分:0)
好吧,添加&#34; print_r(mysqli_num_rows($ result));&#34;看看会发生什么。它可能会返回一个字符串,如文档中所述。我不知道你在$ datefrom和其他变量中使用了什么,你在你的查询中使用而没有任何转义(great idea),但是当它是一个有效的日期时(&#39; YYYY-MM) -DD&#39;),然后你需要逃脱它。
无论是什么,你都应该真正切换到PDO。在那里你可以使用预备语句,让PDO为你映射变量(你仍然写相同的SQL命令,而不是&#34; $ test&#34;你写&#34;:test&#34;然后说& #34;:测试应该用$ test替换,它是一个字符串&#34;)。更安全,公司不会当场解雇你;)