如何使用QT 5.6在MAC OS X上为dylib设置VERSION

时间:2018-06-12 11:43:19

标签: macos qt c++11 version dylib

    My .Pro file on MAC OS X
    TEMPLATE = lib    //creates library
    CONFIG += console c++11 //using c++11
    CONFIG -= app_bundle  //not creating app bundle
    CONFIG -= qt          //not using qt library
    TARGET = MyLogDylib   //my dylib name
    CONFIG += plugin      //single dylib
    DESTDIR += ../../MyLogLib  //location of dylib
    VERSION = 1.2.3 //version i.e unable to set this 

我有.pro文件的以下配置,但无法在MAC OS X上使用QT 5.6设置“MyLogDylib.dylib”动态库版本

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