Gerrit prolog规则 - 充分设置累积投票

时间:2018-06-11 15:52:43

标签: linux github prolog gerrit


  • 该补丁将成为提交表,只有3票或以上+1,但不应该是+2投票,只有+1票数将被视为此标准。


% rule      : 1+1+1=2 Code-Review                                       
% rationale : introduce accumulative voting to determine if a change    
%             is submittable or not and make the change submittable        
%             if the total score is 3 or higher.                                                                                                                                                                   

sum_list([], 0).                                                        
sum_list([H | Rest], Sum) :- sum_list(Rest,Tmp), Sum is H + Tmp.        

add_category_min_score(In, Category, Min,  P) :-                        
    findall(X, gerrit:commit_label(label(Category,X),R),Z),             
    sum_list(Z, Sum),                                                   
    Sum >= Min, !,                                                      
    gerrit:commit_label(label(Category, V), U),                         
    V >= 1,                                                             
    P = [label(Category,ok(U)) | In].                                   

add_category_min_score(In, Category,Min,P) :-                           
    P = [label(Category,need(Min)) | In].                               

submit_rule(S) :-                                                       
    X =.. [submit | Ls],                                                
    add_category_min_score(NoCR,'Code-Review', 3, Labels),              
    S =.. [submit | Labels].

此规则根本不起作用,问题在于+2投票。 我怎样才能按照自己的意愿重新制定这条规则?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



submit_rule(submit(CR)) :-
  sum(3, 'Code-Review', CR),
  % gerrit:max_with_block(-1, 1, 'Verified', V).

% Sum the votes in a category. Uses a helper function score/2
% to select out only the score values the given category.
sum(VotesNeeded, Category, label(Category, ok(_))) :-
  findall(Score, score(Category, Score), All),
  sum_list(All, Sum),
  Sum >= VotesNeeded,
sum(VotesNeeded, Category, label(Category, need(VotesNeeded))).

score(Category, Score) :-
  gerrit:commit_label(label(Category, Score), User).

% Simple Prolog routine to sum a list of integers.
sum_list(List, Sum)   :- sum_list(List, 0, Sum).
sum_list([X|T], Y, S) :- Z is X + Y, sum_list(T, Z, S).
sum_list([], S, S).