我想尝试mongoose map reduce函数,结果如下:
// See: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#mongoose_Mongoose-Model
function mapReduceStatistic(homework) {
let mapReduceObject = {};
mapReduceObject.map = function () {
// each submission contains the exercises array which stores the picked answer for each exercise of the student
this.exercises.forEach(function (pickedAnswer, i) {
// key is index of the exercise in exercise array
// value is map of:
emit(i, pickedAnswer);
mapReduceObject.reduce = function (keyExerciseIndex, mapArray) {
let pickedAnswers = [];
pickedAnswers[0] = 0;
pickedAnswers[1] = 0;
pickedAnswers[2] = 0;
pickedAnswers[3] = 0;
mapArray.forEach(function (pickedAnswer, i) {
return {pickedAnswers: pickedAnswers};
mapReduceObject.query = {
homework: homework._id
return SubmissionModel.mapReduce(mapReduceObject).then((statistics) => {
if(!statistics) throw Error("Error in map reduce");
return statistics;
//submission Schema with an array of indexes of the picked answer of each
//exercise of an homework and the assigned Homework
// exercises values between zero and three
const SubmissionSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
exercises: {
type: [Number],
required: true
homework: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Homework',
required: true
student: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true
},{ collection: 'submission' });
问题:如果只有一个输入模型,则无效。如果只有一个学生提交了他的作业,因此在数据库中只有一个提交了这个作业,则map reduce会将submission.exercises数组的每个值作为数组结果的一个值而不是mapAnwers返回。
{ results:
[ { _id: 0, value: 0 },
{ _id: 1, value: 0 },
{ _id: 2, value: 1 } ],
{ processtime: 51,
counts: { input: 1, emit: 3, reduce: 0, output: 3 },
{ mapTime: 0,
emitLoop: 51,
reduceTime: 0,
mode: 'mixed',
total: 51 } } }
为什么会这样?看起来map和reduce甚至不会运行一次,而是返回结果数组。我甚至可以在reduce函数中返回{“Hello World”},它仍会打印练习数组而不是Hello World。
有关完整代码,请参阅:https://github.com/andrelandgraf/high5-learning-backend 如果您有更多代码段或信息,请告诉我们。