
时间:2018-06-10 17:54:08

标签: vba excel-vba performance coding-efficiency excel


  1. 从时间段0开始(意味着第一个值不打折)

  2. 它允许折扣率的数组来计算一段时间内的费率变化

  3. 我写的函数如下,然而,这是非常低效的。保存文件花了我几分钟 - 所以我需要一种新方法,但我看不到在VBA中进行批量计算的方法。非常感谢任何帮助。

    Public Function NPV_UDF(disc_rng As Range, disc_rate As Variant)
    'disc_rng - range of cash flows to be discounted and summed
    'disc_rate - discount rate, can either be a single value, or a range of rates matched to the range of cash flows
        'range_NPV will be the running sum of the discounted cash flows
        range_NPV = 0
        'If the disc_rate is a range larger than 1 cell, check to make 
        'sure it matches the dimension of the cash flow range (disc_rng)
        If TypeName(disc_rate) = "Range" Then
            If disc_rate.Columns.Count > 1 Then
                If disc_rate.Columns.Count <> disc_rng.Columns.Count Then
                    NPV_UDF = -1
                    Exit Function
                End If
                'iterate over the cash flows (disc_rng), discount and update total
                For col_idx = 1 To disc_rng.Columns.Count Step 1
                    range_NPV = range_NPV + (disc_rng.Cells(1, col_idx).Value / ((1 + disc_rate.Cells(1, col_idx).Value) ^ (col_idx - 1)))
                'In this conditional only a single discount rate value was specified
                'iteration will only be over the cash flows range (disc_rng) and
                'the discount rate value will remain constant
                For col_idx = 1 To disc_rng.Columns.Count Step 1
                    range_NPV = range_NPV + (disc_rng.Cells(1, col_idx).Value / ((1 + disc_rate.Value) ^ (col_idx - 1)))
            End If
            'In this conditional, the discount rate (disc_rate) was some other type than a range (e.g., a hard-coded number was entered)
            'as such the same approach is taken where the discount rate 
            'is held constant and the function discounts the cash flows and totals them 
            For col_idx = 1 To disc_rng.Columns.Count Step 1
                 range_NPV = range_NPV + (disc_rng.Cells(1, col_idx).Value / ((1 + disc_rate) ^ (col_idx - 1)))
         End If
         NPV_UDF = range_NPV 
    End Function`

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