BLE cadence特性解析iOS蓝牙Swift

时间:2018-06-10 13:02:15

标签: ios swift bluetooth sensor cadence

我正在尝试创建一个读取节奏传感器的iOS应用程序(Wahoo健身节奏)。这是蓝牙特征 0x2A5B (CSC Measurement)。在这个例子中,节奏是踏板在自行车上旋转的速度。

我在Swift中使用以下代码来读取传感器的特性: 版本1:

private func cadence(from characteristic: CBCharacteristic) -> Int {

    guard let characteristicData = characteristic.value else {return -1 }
    let byteArray = [UInt8](characteristicData)

    let firstBitValue = byteArray[1] & 0x01 //set bit 1 (not 0)
    if firstBitValue == 1 { //IF crank revolution data is present, 1==true
        return Int(byteArray[2])
    } else {
        return 0

当我打印byteArray时,我得到“[2,1,0,152,11]”。 “2”和“0”永远不会改变。 “1”位置增加而不会减少。 “152”和“11”位置似乎是完全随机的,永远不会变为0.它们在曲柄完全停止时也不会改变。在阅读文档时,我预计“11”将成为最后一个事件曲柄时间。但是,尽管旋转传感器的速度有多慢,但似乎并没有改变。




    func cadence(from characteristic:CBCharacteristic, previousRotations:Int = 0) -> (rpm:Double, rotations:Int)? {
        guard let characteristicData = characteristic.value else {
            return nil

        let byteArray = [UInt8](characteristicData)
        if  byteArray[0] & 0x02 == 2 {
            // contains cadence data
            let rotations = (Int(byteArray[2]) << 8) + Int(byteArray[1])
            var deltaRotations = rotations - previousRotations
            if deltaRotations < 0 {
                deltaRotations += 65535
            let timeInt = (Int(byteArray[4]) << 8) + Int(byteArray[3])
            let timeMins =  Double(timeInt) / 1024.0 / 60.0
            let rpm = Double(deltaRotations) / timeMins

            return (rpm:rpm, rotations: rotations)
        return nil

返回的RPM目前低于预期值,大约53是最高,3是最低。将这些值与传感器开发人员的应用程序进行比较,该应用程序指示大约50-70 rpm。


func cadence(from characteristic:CBCharacteristic, previousTime: Int=0, previousRotations:Int = 0) -> (rpm:Double, time: Int, rotations:Int)? {
            guard let characteristicData = characteristic.value else {
                return nil

            let byteArray = [UInt8](characteristicData)
            if  byteArray[0] & 0x02 == 2 {
                // contains cadence data
                let rotations = Int(byteArray[2])<<8 + Int(byteArray[1])
                var deltaRotations = rotations - previousRotations
                if deltaRotations < 0 {
                    deltaRotations += 65535
                let timeInt = Int(byteArray[4])<<8 + Int(byteArray[3])
                var timeDelta = timeInt - previousTime
                if (timeDelta < 0) {
                    timeDelta += 65535

                let timeMins =  Double(timeDelta) / 1024.0 / 60
                let rpm = Double(deltaRotations) / timeMins

                return (rpm:rpm, time: timeInt, rotations: rotations)
            return nil

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


func onCSC(from characteristic: CBCharacteristic) -> Double{
    guard let characteristicData = characteristic.value else { return -1 }
    let byteArray = [UInt8](characteristicData)
    let firstBitValue  = byteArray[0] & 0x01 // Bit1 [2] == 0010 & 0000 == 0000 == 0 (Dec) Wheel Rev FALSE (For Spd)
    let secondBitValue = byteArray[0] & 0x02 // Bit2 [2] == 0010 & 0010 == 0010 == 2 (Dec) Crank Rev TRUE  (For Cad)
    if firstBitValue > 0 {
      // Since using Wahoo RPM cadence only sensor. (Revisit Later)
    if secondBitValue > 0 {
      let cumCrankRev   = Int(byteArray[2])<<8 + Int(byteArray[1])
      let lastCrankTime = Int(byteArray[4])<<8 + Int(byteArray[3])
      var deltaRotations = cumCrankRev - prevCumCrankRev
      if deltaRotations < 0 { deltaRotations += 65535 }
      var timeDelta = lastCrankTime - prevCrankTime
      if (timeDelta < 0) { timeDelta += 65535 }
      // In Case Cad Drops, we use PrevRPM 
      // to substitute (up to 2 seconds before reporting 0)
      if (timeDelta != 0) {
        prevCrankStaleness = 0
        let timeMins =  Double(timeDelta) / 1024.0 / 60
        rpm = Double(deltaRotations) / timeMins
        prevRPM = rpm
      } else if (timeDelta == 0 && prevCrankStaleness < 2 ) {
        rpm = prevRPM
        prevCrankStaleness += 1
      } else if (prevCrankStaleness >= 2) {
        rpm = 0.0

      prevCumCrankRev = cumCrankRev
      prevCrankTime = lastCrankTime
      return rpm
    return -1


  //  byte1 uint8: flags
  //   bit 0 = 1: Wheel Revolution Data is present
  //   bit 1 = 1: Crank Revolution Data is present
  //   byte2/3 The next two fields are present only if bit 0 above is 1:
  //    uint32: Cumulative Wheel Revolutions
  //    uint16: Last Wheel Event Time, in 1024ths of a second
  //   byte 3/4 The next two fields are present only if bit 10 above is 1:
  //    uint16: Cumulative Crank Revolutions
  //    uint16: Last Crank Event Time, in 1024ths of a second

  //    Flag       : 2 (0x2)
  //    CumWheel   : 6 (0x6)
  //    LastWheel  : 0 (0x0)
  //    CumCrank   : 231 (0xe7)
  //    LastCrankTm: 30 (0x1e)