
时间:2018-06-09 12:51:19

标签: ios profiling metal compute-shader

从我的应用程序捕获GPU帧时,我在管道统计信息下看到以下消息 - >备注:




确保您的数据大小是4的倍数   字节并对齐到4个字节,并尝试使用简单的访问模式。   对于常量缓冲区,请尝试使用固定的缓冲区大小。


pointLightBufferCenterAndRadius无法升级 -   lightCuller.metal:light_culler


const int MaxLights = 2048;
pointLightCenterAndRadiusBuffer = [GfxDevice::GetMetalDevice() newBufferWithLength:MaxLights * sizeof( Vec4 )
pointLightCenterAndRadiusBuffer.label = @"pointLightCenterAndRadiusBuffer";


kernel void light_culler(texture2d<float, access::read> depthNormalsTexture [[texture(0)]],
                         constant Uniforms& uniforms [[ buffer(0) ]],
                         constant float4* pointLightBufferCenterAndRadius [[ buffer(1) ]],
                         device uint* perTileLightIndexBufferOut [[ buffer(2) ]],
                         constant float4* spotLightBufferCenterAndRadius [[ buffer(3) ]],
                         uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]],
                         uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]],
                         uint2 dtid [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]])
    threadgroup uint ldsLightIdx[ MAX_NUM_LIGHTS_PER_TILE ];
    threadgroup atomic_uint ldsZMax;
    threadgroup atomic_uint ldsZMin;
    threadgroup atomic_uint ldsLightIdxCounter;

    uint2 globalIdx = gid;
    uint2 localIdx = tid;
    uint2 groupIdx = dtid;

    uint localIdxFlattened = localIdx.x + localIdx.y * TILE_RES;
    uint tileIdxFlattened = groupIdx.x + groupIdx.y * GetNumTilesX( uniforms.windowWidth );

    if (localIdxFlattened == 0)
        atomic_store_explicit( &ldsZMin, 0x7f7fffff, memory_order_relaxed ); // FLT_MAX as uint
        atomic_store_explicit( &ldsZMax, 0, memory_order_relaxed );
        atomic_store_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, 0, memory_order_relaxed );

    float4 frustumEqn[ 4 ];
        uint pxm = TILE_RES * groupIdx.x;
        uint pym = TILE_RES * groupIdx.y;
        uint pxp = TILE_RES * (groupIdx.x + 1);
        uint pyp = TILE_RES * (groupIdx.y + 1);

        float winWidth  = float( TILE_RES * GetNumTilesX( uniforms.windowWidth ) );
        float winHeight = float( TILE_RES * GetNumTilesY( uniforms.windowHeight) );

        float4 v0 = float4( pxm / winWidth * 2.0f - 1.0f, (winHeight - pym) / winHeight * 2.0f - 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
        float4 v1 = float4( pxp / winWidth * 2.0f - 1.0f, (winHeight - pym) / winHeight * 2.0f - 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
        float4 v2 = float4( pxp / winWidth * 2.0f - 1.0f, (winHeight - pyp) / winHeight * 2.0f - 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
        float4 v3 = float4( pxm / winWidth * 2.0f - 1.0f, (winHeight - pyp) / winHeight * 2.0f - 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );

        float4 frustum[ 4 ];
        frustum[ 0 ] = ConvertClipToView( v0, uniforms.clipToView );
        frustum[ 1 ] = ConvertClipToView( v1, uniforms.clipToView );
        frustum[ 2 ] = ConvertClipToView( v2, uniforms.clipToView );
        frustum[ 3 ] = ConvertClipToView( v3, uniforms.clipToView );

        for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            frustumEqn[ i ] = CreatePlaneEquation( frustum[ i ], frustum[ (i + 1) & 3 ] );

    threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );

    float minZ = FLT_MAX;
    float maxZ = 0.0f;

    float depth = depthNormalsTexture.read( globalIdx.xy ).x;

    uint z = as_type< uint >( depth );

    if (depth != 0.0f)
        /*uint i =*/ atomic_fetch_min_explicit( &ldsZMin, z, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
        /*uint j =*/ atomic_fetch_max_explicit( &ldsZMax, z, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );

    threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );

    uint zMin = atomic_load_explicit( &ldsZMin, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
    uint zMax = atomic_load_explicit( &ldsZMax, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
    minZ = as_type< float >( zMax );
    maxZ = as_type< float >( zMin );

    int numPointLights = uniforms.numLights & 0xFFFFu;

    for (int i = 0; i < numPointLights; i += NUM_THREADS_PER_TILE)
        int il = localIdxFlattened + i;

        if (il < numPointLights)
            float4 center = pointLightBufferCenterAndRadius[ il ];
            float radius = center.w;
            center.xyz = (uniforms.localToView * float4( center.xyz, 1.0f ) ).xyz;

            if (-center.z + minZ < radius && center.z - maxZ < radius)
                if ((GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 0 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 1 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 2 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 3 ] ) < radius))
                    // do a thread-safe increment of the list counter
                    // and put the index of this light into the list
                    int dstIdx = atomic_fetch_add_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, 1, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
                    ldsLightIdx[ dstIdx ] = il;

    threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );

    int numPointLightsInThisTile = atomic_load_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );

    // Spot lights.
    int numSpotLights = (uniforms.numLights & 0xFFFF0000u) >> 16;

    for (int i = 0; i < numSpotLights; i += NUM_THREADS_PER_TILE)
        int il = localIdxFlattened + i;

        if (il < numSpotLights)
            float4 center = spotLightBufferCenterAndRadius[ il ];
            float radius = center.w * 5.0f; // FIXME: Multiply was added, but more clever culling should be done instead.
            center.xyz = (uniforms.localToView * float4( center.xyz, 1.0f )).xyz;

            if (-center.z + minZ < radius && center.z - maxZ < radius)
                if ((GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 0 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 1 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 2 ] ) < radius) &&
                    (GetSignedDistanceFromPlane( center, frustumEqn[ 3 ] ) < radius))
                    int dstIdx = atomic_fetch_add_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, 1, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
                    ldsLightIdx[ dstIdx ] = il;
    threadgroup_barrier( mem_flags::mem_threadgroup );

    {   // write back
        int startOffset = uniforms.maxNumLightsPerTile * tileIdxFlattened;

        for (int i = localIdxFlattened; i < numPointLightsInThisTile; i += NUM_THREADS_PER_TILE)
            // per-tile list of light indices
            perTileLightIndexBufferOut[ startOffset + i ] = ldsLightIdx[ i ];

        int jMax = atomic_load_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
        for (int j = localIdxFlattened + numPointLightsInThisTile; j < jMax; j += NUM_THREADS_PER_TILE)
            // per-tile list of light indices
            perTileLightIndexBufferOut[ startOffset + j + 1 ] = ldsLightIdx[ j ];

        if (localIdxFlattened == 0)
            perTileLightIndexBufferOut[ startOffset + numPointLightsInThisTile ] = LIGHT_INDEX_BUFFER_SENTINEL;

            int offs = atomic_load_explicit( &ldsLightIdxCounter, memory_order::memory_order_relaxed );
            perTileLightIndexBufferOut[ startOffset + offs + 1 ] = LIGHT_INDEX_BUFFER_SENTINEL;

我正在使用iOS 11.4和Xcode 9.4在iPad Pro 10.5上调试应用程序。如何修复警告?

我还尝试将缓冲区的类型从constant float4*更改为constant PointLight& pointLightBufferCenterAndRadius,其中PointLightstruct PointLight { float4 d[ 2048 ]; },如Apple的Metal WWDC talk所示。

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