
时间:2018-06-09 12:23:51

标签: arrays matlab vector size

如何在不使用诸如length(),size()等函数的情况下确定Matlab中数组的元素数量? 谢谢你!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

逻辑是迭代单元格直到遇到空单元格。我已经为迭代采用了两个变量,即 i j i 用于行, j 用于列。

最初将i和j的值设置为<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd"> <suite name="SanitySuite"> <listeners> <listener class-name="XYZScripts.Listeners" /> </listeners> <parameter name="BROWSER" value="chrome" /> <parameter name="URL" value="http://blabla.com" /> <test name="XYZTests" parallel="classes" thread-count="1"> <classes> <class name="XYZ.Class1" /> <class name="XYZ.Class2" /> <class name="XYZ.Class3" /> </classes> </test> </suite> i=1。现在在j=1循环迭代中,通过递增j 将i = 1保持为常量

**首先尝试将该单元格复制到变量 x 中。如果该单元格是空单元格,则会弹出错误。目标是使用 try / catch 语句来利用此错误。

Scince语句while写在x = vec(i,j);块中,因此在遇到空单元而不是try时,try块将被执行catch使标志为0,这将导致while循环结束。

因此,我们在flag = 0中存储了列数,j循环在遇到空单元时终止。


flag = 1; i = 1; j = 1; while(flag==1) % loop will continue till flag is 1 (or say flag is HIGH) try x = vec(i,j); % Try to copy this cell of array vec in x j = j+1; % if successful to copy then increment value of j else catch block is executed catch flag = 0; % Set flag = 0 (or low) to end the while loop end end j = j - 1; % The value of j comes out to be one greater than number of columns hence decrementing by 1 % % WE HAVE THE NUMBER OF COLUMNS !! % % WE WILL PERFORM SAME THING TO GET THE NUMBER OF ROWS BY INCREMENTING i AND % KEEPING j AS CONSTANT flag=1; while(flag==1) try x = vec(i,j); i = i+1; catch flag = 0; end end i = i - 1; % i is the number of rows in the matrix or array % j is the number of columns in the matrix dim = [i,j] % vector named dim(or say matrix named dim) contains the required output 包含 vec
