
时间:2018-06-09 11:43:05

标签: navigation netlogo


Prop Navigation

Definition of theta

其中v_r是速度的差异,r是视线,phi是角度。 θ应该是视线的变化,N是导航常数。因为我是二维的,所以我正在使用罪恶的公式。



;; line of sight
let rx [xcor] of target - xcor
let ry [ycor] of target - ycor
; difference in velocity components
let vx ([dx] of target * speed) - dx * predator-speed
let vy ([dy] of target * speed) - dy * predator-speed


let dot  (vx * rx + vy * ry)
let det  (vx * ry - vy * rx)
set angle atan det dot


let theta (sqrt (vx ^ 2 + vy ^ 2) * sin angle) / sqrt(rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2)


let delta-theta theta - theta-old
set theta-old theta
let turn-rate (delta-theta * N * 180 / pi)
turn-at-most turn-rate max-hunt-turn


enter image description here

我认为在理解最后一步时我有一些错误,因为我认为组件应该没问题。 将其置于一个问题中:我如何处理theta(或delta theta)才能更改标题?


to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
        [ rt max-turn ]
        [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

编辑2:当前状态是我认为为theta给出的公式实际上已经是theta的衍生物了,因为使用theta而不是delta-theta给了我期望的行为(或者至少看起来像它) 。我仍然需要对此进行确认,但我会更新主题。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


globals [N]

breed [predators predator]
breed [preys prey]
turtles-own [speed]
predators-own [angle theta-old]

to setup
  create-preys 1
  [ setxy 0 10
    set heading 90
    set speed 1
    set color blue
  create-predators 1
  [ setxy 0 0
    set heading 0         ; experiment with this
    set speed 1
    set color red
  set N 4

to go
  ask one-of predators
  [ let target one-of preys
    ;; line of sight
    let rx [xcor] of target - xcor
    let ry [ycor] of target - ycor
    ; difference in velocity components
    let vx ([dx] of target * [speed] of target) - dx * speed
    let vy ([dy] of target * [speed] of target) - dy * speed
    ; calculate change in direction
    let dot  (vx * rx + vy * ry)
    let det  (vx * ry - vy * rx)
    set angle atan det dot
    type "Angle is: " print angle
    let theta (sqrt (vx ^ 2 + vy ^ 2) * sin angle) / sqrt (rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2)
    type "Theta is: " print round (180 * theta / pi)
    let delta-theta theta - theta-old
    type "change in theta is: " print round (180 * delta-theta / pi)
    set theta-old theta
    let turn-rate (delta-theta * N * 180 / pi)
    turn-at-most turn-rate 360
  ask turtles [forward speed]

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
        [ rt max-turn ]
        [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]


答案 1 :(得分:0)

已经确认,θ已经是差值,因此不需要计算δ-θ。 此外,坐标的计算没有考虑到世界的圆环形状,这引起了进一步的混乱。

; calculation of LOS using shortest distance in a torus world
let dist-target [distance myself] of target
let angle-target towards target
let rx sin angle-target * dist-target
let ry cos angle-target * dist-target
; difference in velocity components
let vx ([dx] of target * speed) - dx * predator-speed
let vy ([dy] of target * speed) - dy * predator-speed

; angle
let dot  (vx * rx + vy * ry)
let det  (vx * ry - vy * rx)
let angle 0
set angle atan det dot
; finally, theta
let theta (sqrt (vx ^ 2 + vy ^ 2) * sin angle) / sqrt(rx ^ 2 + ry ^ 2) / pi * 180
turn-at-most theta * interceptN max-hunt-turn