class nlpcut:
def __init__(self,content):
self.content = content
def __spark_session(filePath):
filePath = SparkSession.builder.appName('test').master('yarn').getOrCreate()
dataFrameReader = session.read
data = dataFrameReader.option('header','true') \
.option('inferSchema',value=True) \
return data
def __nlp_cut(self):
# processing some nlp cut..
cut = nlp.cut(self.content)
return cut
def spark_nlp_cut(self):
# here i want to use sparksql UDF
data_session = DPP().__spark_session('/project/test.csv')
# i have problem at this part, how can i insert column 'address' content into class self.content in to class DPP?
my_udf = udf(DPP.__nlp_cut, StringType())
是否有任何方法可以将列#34;地址"从sparkSQL dataFrame到class作为全局值,它作为self.content插入到udf函数中? 谢谢