
时间:2018-06-07 13:27:07

标签: python matplotlib


from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas

fig = Figure((4, 4))

text_1 = "I'm a short text"
text_2 = "I'm a longer text that will be wrapped autoamtically by Matplotlib, using wrap=True"

title = fig.suptitle(text_1, wrap=True)
fig.canvas.draw()  # Draw text to find out how big it is
bbox = title.get_window_extent()
print(bbox.width)  # 105
print(bbox.height)  # 14

title = fig.suptitle(text_2, wrap=True)
fig.canvas.draw()  # Draw text to find out how big it is
bbox = title.get_window_extent()
print(bbox.width)  # 585 <-- This looks about right
print(bbox.height)  # Still 14 even though this time the text is wrapped!

同样的事情发生在Text个对象上(使用fig.text(0.5, 0.5, text_1, wrap=True)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


def get_text_height(fig, obj):
    """ Get the approximate height of a text object.
    fig.canvas.draw()  # Draw text to find out how big it is
    t = obj.get_text()
    r = fig.canvas.renderer
    w, h, d = r.get_text_width_height_descent(t, obj._fontproperties,
    num_lines = len(obj._get_wrapped_text().split("\n"))
    return (h * num_lines)

text = "I'm a long text that will be wrapped automatically by Matplotlib, using wrap=True"
obj = fig.suptitle(text, wrap=True)
height = get_text_height(fig, obj)
print(height)  # 28 <-- Close enough! (In reality 30)