//Change debug to value greater than 0 for debugging; make it greater than 5 for seeing all the arrays
$newfile = "filetemp.txt";
copy($file, $newfile) or exit("failed to copy $file");
$z = new XMLReader;
$doc = new DOMDocument;
// move to the first <invoice /> node
while ($z->read() && $z->name !== 'invoice');
// now that we're at the right depth, hop to the next <invoice /> until the end of the tree
while ($z->name === 'invoice') {
//the tot_array gathers the fund summary data into this array
//this is needed in order to calculate the prorated shipping charges
// either one should work
//$node = new SimpleXMLElement($z->readOuterXML());
$node = simplexml_import_dom($doc->importNode($z->expand(), true));
if ($debug > 5) { print_r($node); }
//initialize the check variable
//this foreach checks for invoices that have "proratedByLine" - trying to reduce processing by reducing the number of records need to examine
foreach ($node->invoiceLine as $atts) {
if ($atts->attributes() == "proratedByLine") {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Yes", PHP_EOL; }
} else {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "No", PHP_EOL; }
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Check --> ".$check, PHP_EOL; }
if ($check == "yes") {
// now you can use $node without going insane about parsing
echo "InvoiceID: ".$node->invoiceID, PHP_EOL;
//this foreach assigns the $tot_array variable the fund summary data from the invoice
foreach ($node->fundSummary->fund as $funds) {
//initialize $x, $y, and $sortable_array variables;
$x=0; $y=0; $sortable_array=null;
//assign sortable_array variable as an array
//this foreach stores the individual invoiceLine "fundId | amout paid" into an array, to be used to compare with the fund summary array (tot_array)
foreach ($node->invoiceLine as $atts) {
if ($debug > 5) { print_r($atts); }
if ($atts->attributes() == "orderLine") {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "FundID: ".$atts->fundID,PHP_EOL; }
//this count variable is used to find the last invoiceLine in the invoice - always the prorated line (shipping)
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Count: ".$count, PHP_EOL; }
//need to sort the "fundId|amount paid" array in order to calculate total
if ($debug > 5) { print_r($tot_array); print_r($sortable_array); }
//this section sums the "fundId|amount paid" into the fund2 array
foreach($sortable_array as $key=>$value) {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "key: ".$key."; value: ".$value, PHP_EOL; }
if ($fund == $x) {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Fund1: ".$fund."; Amount: ".$tot, PHP_EOL; }
} else {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Fund2: ".$fund."; Amount: ".$amt, PHP_EOL; }
if ($debug > 5) { print_r($fund2); }
//this section calculates the actual prorated shipping charges per fund and stores it in the $entry variable as XML
//initialize the prov, insert, entry, library, fyear, and entry variables
$prov=0; $insert=array(); $entry=null; $library=null; $fyear=null; $entry=PHP_EOL;
foreach($tot_array as $key=>$value) {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Key: ".$key."; Value: ".$value, PHP_EOL; }
foreach($fund2 as $key2=>$value2) {
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Key2: ".$key2."; Value2: ".$value2, PHP_EOL; }
if ($key == $key2) {
//have to assign the value variables to the float type in order to calculate correctly
settype($value, "float");
settype($value2, "float");
if ($debug > 0) { echo "Value (".$value.") minus Value2 (".$value2.")",PHP_EOL; }
$entry .= "<fundID>".$key."</fundID>".PHP_EOL;
$entry .= "<fundLibrary>".$library."</fundLibrary>".PHP_EOL;
$entry .= "<fiscalCycle>".$fyear."</fiscalCycle>".PHP_EOL;
$entry .= "<vendorFinalPrice currency=\"$\">".$prov."</vendorFinalPrice>".PHP_EOL;
//None of the below works
foreach($lines as $line) {
if (strstr($line,$key)) { //look for $key in each
fwrite($f,$newline."\n"); //insert data before line with key
fwrite($f,$line); //place $line back in file
$string = 'I am happy today.';
$replacement = 'very ';
echo substr_replace($string, $replacement, 4, 0); // I am very happy today.
//appendChild not available in Windows version of PHP
$node->invoiceLine[$count]->appendChild('funds', $entry);
//the below two lines wipes out the original file and only maintains the last invoice with the changes; can't do that
$node->invoiceLine[$count]->funds = $entry;
//the below works in Linux but not Windows
$cmd = "cat $file| sed -e 's/</</g' -e 's/>/>/g' > newfile.txt";
$cmd2 = "mv newfile.txt $file";
} //end invoice check for prorated line
// go to next <invoice />
} //end while statement
//the below line does not work - only inserts the last invoice into the file; does not include all invoices from the file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<invoiceControlNumber> 1</invoiceControlNumber>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">373.88</amountPaid>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">35.16</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">35.16</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">35.16</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">52.76</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">52.76</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">52.76</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">70.40</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">70.40</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">70.40</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">43.96</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">43.96</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">43.96</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">61.60</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">61.60</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">61.60</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">110.00</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">110.00</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">110.00</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceControlNumber> 3</invoiceControlNumber>
<vendorAmount currency="$">235.80</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">235.80</vendorAmountPaid>
<entry name="Note">mew</entry>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">102.53</amountPaid>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">27.27</amountPaid>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">70.55</amountPaid>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">35.45</amountPaid>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">30.00</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">30.00</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">30.00</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">18.95</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">18.95</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">18.95</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">17.00</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">17.00</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">17.00</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">26.50</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">26.50</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">26.50</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">23.25</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">23.25</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">23.25</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">39.00</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">39.00</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">39.00</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">14.95</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">14.95</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">14.95</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">59.95</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">59.95</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">59.95</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="proratedByLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">6.20</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">6.20</vendorAmountPaid>
<invoiceControlNumber> 5</invoiceControlNumber>
<vendorAmount currency="$">524.27</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">524.27</vendorAmountPaid>
<entry name="Note">mew</entry>
<amountInvoiced currency="$">0.00</amountInvoiced>
<amountPaid currency="$">524.27</amountPaid>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">118.75</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">118.75</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">118.75</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">80.75</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">80.75</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">80.75</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">85.45</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">85.45</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">85.45</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">85.45</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">85.45</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">85.45</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">94.95</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">94.95</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">94.95</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="orderLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">45.13</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">45.13</vendorAmountPaid>
<vendorFinalPrice currency="$">45.13</vendorFinalPrice>
<invoiceLine lineType="proratedByLine">
<vendorAmount currency="$">13.79</vendorAmount>
<vendorAmountPaid currency="$">13.79</vendorAmountPaid>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
XMLReader用于逐个读取大型XML文档。这意味着您无法修改原始内容 - 它永远不会作为一个整体提供。缺少的组件是XMLWriter。通过invoice
读取源XML invoice
为了让我更容易,我在FluentDOM(我自己的PHP XML库)中为XMLWriter添加了一个collapse()
// load the source into a reader
$reader = new \FluentDOM\XMLReader();
// create a writer instance for the target file
$writer = new \FluentDOM\XMLWriter();
// iterate the invoice elements
/** @var \FluentDOM\DOM\Element $invoiceNode */
foreach (new FluentDOM\XMLReader\SiblingIterator($reader, 'invoice') as $invoiceNode) {
// fetch the proratedByLine invoiceLine as target node
/** @var \FluentDOM\DOM\Element|NULL $shippingNode */
$shippingNode = $invoiceNode->evaluate('invoiceLine[@lineType = "proratedByLine"]')[0];
// if here is a shipping line, check and modify
if ($shippingNode) {
echo 'InvoiceID: '.$invoiceNode->evaluate('string(invoiceID)'), PHP_EOL;
// collect the fundSummary by fundId
$currentTotals = [];
/** @var \FluentDOM\DOM\Element $fund */
foreach ($invoiceNode->evaluate('fundSummary/fund') as $fund) {
$totals[$fund->evaluate('string(fundID)')] = $fund->evaluate('number(amountPaid)');
// iterate all orderLine values and sum them up grouped by fund ID
$vendorPaid = [];
/** @var \FluentDOM\DOM\Element $line */
foreach ($invoiceNode->evaluate('invoiceLine[@lineType = "orderLine"]') as $line) {
$fundID = $line->evaluate('string(fundID)');
if (!isset($lines[$fundID])) {
$vendorPaid[$fundID] = 0;
$vendorPaid[$fundID] += $line->evaluate('number(amountInvoiced/vendorAmountPaid)');
// build a list with all fundIDs
$fundIDs = array_merge(array_keys($currentTotals), array_keys($vendorPaid));
// iterate over them
foreach ($fundIDs as $fundID) {
// calculate the new value
$totalValue = $currentTotals[$fundID] ?? 0.0;
$vendorValue = $vendorPaid[$fundID] ?? 0.0;
$value = number_format($totalValue - $vendorValue, 2);
// modify the $targetNode or $invoiceNode as needed
// for example add the values as a new element to the $shippingNode
$entry = $shippingNode->appendElement('calculated-entry');
$entry->appendElement('fundID', $fundID);
$entry->appendElement('vendorFinalPrice', $value, ['currency'=> '$']);
// collapse/write the invoice element into the target file