
时间:2018-06-06 13:47:39

标签: ios swift oauth-2.0 account


@available(iOS 5.0, *)
open class ACAccountCredential : NSObject {
    public init!(oAuthToken token: String!, tokenSecret secret: String!)
    public init!(oAuth2Token token: String!, refreshToken: String!, expiryDate: Date!)

    // This property is only valid for OAuth2 credentials
    open var oauthToken: String!


@available(iOS 5.0, *)
open class ACAccountStore : NSObject {
    // Saves the account to the account database. If the account is unauthenticated and the associated account
    // type supports authentication, the system will attempt to authenticate with the credentials provided.
    // Assuming a successful authentication, the account will be saved to the account store. The completion handler
    // for this method is called on an arbitrary queue.
    open func saveAccount(_ account: ACAccount!, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: ACAccountStoreSaveCompletionHandler!)

    open func requestAccessToAccounts(with accountType: ACAccountType!, options: [AnyHashable : Any]! = [:], completion: ACAccountStoreRequestAccessCompletionHandler!)

    // Call this if you discover that an ACAccount's credential is no longer valid.
    open func renewCredentials(for account: ACAccount!, completion completionHandler: ACAccountStoreCredentialRenewalHandler!)

ACAccountStore中有几件事情并不那么清楚。什么是account database?它是一个钥匙串,所以我也可以在其他应用程序中使用?或者它是一种私人CoreData数据库?


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