所以 - 我是Angular JS的新手,并尝试使用PapaParse库对服务中的CSV进行排序;此CSV数据将用于两个不同的模块。每个模块代表一个不同的图表。
这是一项名为' graph'
的服务 var parseCSV = $window.Papa.parse("data/claims.csv", {
download: true,
header: true,
fastmode: true,
//Streaming function
step: function(results, parser) {
var data = results.data[0]; //Data object
var d = new Date(data['IncidentDate']) //Get the date
var month = d.getMonth(); //Get the date's month
var year = d.getFullYear(); //Get the date's full year
var value = 0; //Initialize value to zero
//Create a conditional in case their are empty lines
if (data['CloseAmount'] !== undefined)
//If there's not a hypen, convert to integer
if (data['CloseAmount'] !== '-')
value = convertDollarToInteger(data['CloseAmount']);
//Create a push object with all neccessary info
var pushObj = {
airline: data['AirlineName'].trim(),
value: value,
airport: data['AirportCode']
//Push object into rawData
//When the parsing is done
complete: function() {
return rawData;
return {
parseCSV: parseCSV,
years: years
//Create a structure for rawData
$scope.rawData = graph.parseCSV;