我试图在Sublime Text 3中使用RegReplace插件运行一系列命令,但我无法获取加载命令,也无法使键绑定工作。我不知道出了什么问题。
If you don't need a setting, just leave it as None.
When the rule is parsed, the default will be used.
Each variable is evaluated separately, so you cannot substitute variables in other variables.
# name (str): Rule name. Required.
name = "extract_variables"
# find (str): Regular expression pattern or literal string.
# Use (?i) for case insensitive. Use (?s) for dotall.
# See https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/re.html for more info on regex flags.
# Required unless "scope" is defined.
find = r".*\[(.*[^(<|>)]*?)\].*"
# replace (str - default=r'\g<0>'): Replace pattern.
replace = r"\1"
# literal (bool - default=False): Preform a non-regex, literal search and replace.
literal = None
# literal_ignorecase (bool - default=False): Ignore case when "literal" is true.
literal_ignorecase = None
# scope (str): Scope to search for and to apply optional regex to.
# Required unless "find" is defined.
scope = None
# scope_filter ([str] - default=[]): An array of scope qualifiers for the match.
# Only used when "scope" is not defined.
# - Any instance of scope qualifies match: scope.name
# - Entire match of scope qualifies match: !scope.name
# - Any instance of scope disqualifies match: -scope.name
# - Entire match of scope disqualifies match: -!scope.name
scope_filter = None
# greedy (bool - default=True): Apply action to all instances (find all).
# Used when "find" is defined.
greedy = None
# greedy_scope (bool - default=True): Find all the scopes specified by "scope."
greedy_scope = None
# format_replace (bool - default=False): Use format string style replace templates.
# Works only for Regex (with and without Backrefs) and Re (with Backrefs).
# See http://facelessuser.github.io/backrefs/#format-replacements for more info.
format_replace = None
# selection_inputs (bool -default=False): Use selection for inputs into find pattern.
# Global setting "selection_only" must be disabled for this to work.
selection_inputs = None
# multi_pass (bool - default=False): Perform multiple sweeps on the scope region to find
# and replace all instances of the regex when regex cannot be formatted to find
# all instances. Since a replace can change a scope, this can be useful.
multi_pass = None
# plugin (str): Define replace plugin for more advanced replace logic.
plugin = None
# args (dict): Arguments for 'plugin'.
args = None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test: Here you can setup a test command. This is not saved and is just used for this session.
# - replacements ([str]): A list of regex rules to sequence together.
# - find_only (bool): Highlight current find results and prompt for action.
# - action (str): Apply the given action (fold|unfold|mark|unmark|select).
# This overrides the default replace action.
# - options (dict): optional parameters for actions (see documentation for more info).
# - key (str): Unique name for highlighted region.
# - scope (str - default="invalid"): Scope name to use as the color.
# - style (str - default="outline"): Highlight style (solid|underline|outline).
# - multi_pass (bool): Repeatedly sweep with sequence to find all instances.
# - no_selection (bool): Overrides the "selection_only" setting and forces no selections.
# - regex_full_file_with_selections (bool): Apply regex search to full file then apply
# action to results under selections.
test = {
"replacements": ["extract_variables"],
"find_only": True,
"action": None,
"options": {},
"multi_pass": False,
"no_selection": False,
"regex_full_file_with_selections": False
此代码在AppData \ Roaming \ Sublime Text 3 \ Packages \ User \ reg_replace_rules.sublime-settings
"find": ".*\\[(.*[^(<|>)]*?)\\].*",
"name": "extract_variables",
"replace": "\\1"
"caption": "Reg Replace: Extract ERS Variables",
"command": "extract_ers_variables",
"args": {
"replacements": [
答案 0 :(得分:1)
带着我自己的麻烦来到这里,也可以记录我愚蠢的错误。我对 JSON 一无所知。
添加两个由 the examples at the developer's site 一起使用的替换时,我无法让命令显示在命令面板中。我可以让一个键绑定工作,但它给出了错误消息,说找不到第一个替代品……在成功使用它之后。罪魁祸首是格式错误的 reg_replace_rules.sublime-settings
//other stuff
//stuff, comma
//other stuff
修复清除了错误消息,但命令仍然不会出现在命令面板中。问题是更多糟糕的 JSON,这次是在 Default.sublime-commands
"caption": "My Command",
"command": "reg_replace",
"args": {"replacements": ["rep_one", "rep_two"]}
"caption": "My Command",
"command": "reg_replace",
"args": {"replacements": ["rep_one", "rep_two"]}
对于正确学习 JSON 并经常使用它的人来说,这可能是显而易见的,也许有一天我会成为其中之一。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果从菜单中选择Preferences > Package Settings > RegReplace > Quick Start Guide