下面的导出代码适用于除自身之外的每个模块,因为我检查函数/ sub的开始和结束的方式。这是一个循环问题,真的,因为它认为支票中的短语是新子的开始!
Sub ExportVBCode2()
'NOTE: Globals will be included with the first procedure exported, not necessarily the procedure(s) they're used in
Dim directory As String
directory = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\VBA Exports" & "\"
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
' If fso.FolderExists(Left(directory, Len(directory) - 1)) Then
' fso.deletefolder Left(directory, Len(directory) - 1)
' End If
If Len(Dir(directory, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir directory
End If
Dim VBComponent As Object
Dim Fileout As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim currLine As String
Dim currLineLower As String
Dim functionString As String
Dim functionName As String
Dim funcOrSub As String
For Each VBComponent In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
If VBComponent.Type = 1 Then 'Component Type 1 is "Module"
If Len(Dir(directory & "\" & VBComponent.Name & "\", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir directory & VBComponent.Name
End If
For i = 1 To VBComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines
currLine = RTrim$(VBComponent.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1))
currLineLower = LCase$(currLine)
'TODO need a more clever solution for the if check below, because it catches ITSELF. Maybe regex ?
If (InStr(currLineLower, "function ") > 0 Or InStr(currLineLower, "sub ") > 0) And InStr(currLineLower, "(") > 0 And InStr(currLineLower, ")") > 0 Then
'this is the start of a new function
Select Case InStr(currLineLower, "function ")
Case Is > 0
funcOrSub = "function"
Case Else
funcOrSub = "sub"
End Select
functionName = Mid(currLine, InStr(currLineLower, funcOrSub) + Len(funcOrSub & " "), InStr(currLine, "(") - InStr(currLineLower, funcOrSub) - Len(funcOrSub & " "))
End If
functionString = functionString & currLine & vbCrLf
If Trim$(currLineLower) = "end sub" Or Trim$(currLineLower) = "end function" Then
'this is the end of a function
Set Fileout = fso.CreateTextFile(directory & "\" & VBComponent.Name & "\" & functionName & ".txt", True, True)
Fileout.Write functionString
functionString = ""
functionName = ""
End If
Next i
End If
Next VBComponent
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为问题的关键在于检查该行是否包含术语“函数”,并且在函数名称之后是否还包含左括号。例如:Private Function foo(