
时间:2018-06-05 13:29:44

标签: c algorithm


 Input: 54687
Output: 45867


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 前两位数位于1000s位置(例如a = 1000)。

  2. 前两位数字因-1而异(b = -1说;请注意签名约定。)

  3. 您需要将9 * a * b添加到Input。即-9000。交换前两位数字。然后我们继续:

  4. 接下来的两位数字位于10s位置(a = 10)。

  5. 数字相差+2b = 2

  6. 再次添加9 * a * b,即+180

  7. 强有力的候选人会指出Input可能太大而无法容纳int,具体取决于您的平台。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


forever {
    c = read()



只是为了证明这一点(当然,不要用这种方式编写代码),例如DFA&#34; tree&#34;使用switch switchLive at ColiruDissassembly at Compiler Explorer)内的#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { for (;;) { switch (getchar()) { case '0': switch (getchar()) { case '0': putchar('0'); break; ... case '9': putchar('9'); break; default: putchar('0'); return 0; } putchar('0'); break; ... case '9': switch (getchar()) { case '0': putchar('0'); break; ... case '9': putchar('9'); break; default: putchar('9'); return 0; } putchar('9'); break; default: return 0; } } } 来C:


答案 2 :(得分:1)



 Input │ Output │ Operation
 54687 │        │ Initial state
 5468  │      7 │ Keep least significant decimal digit,
       │        │ because odd number of decimal digits.
 54    │    867 │ Swap next two digits (68), and add to output.
       │  45867 │ Swap next two digits (45), and add to output.


Function DecimalDigits(value):
    Let  digits = 1

    While (value >= 10):
        Let  digits = digits + 1
        Let  value = value / 10    # Truncate, or round down
    End While

    Return digits
End Function

或略微&#34;优化&#34; version,通过计算十进制数字组来使用较少数量的除法和模数:

Function DecimalDigits(value):
    Let  digits = 1
    Let  value = value / 10
    While (value > 9999999):
        Let  digits = digits + 8
        Let  value = value / 100000000
    End While
    If (value > 999):
        Let  digits = digits + 4
        Let  value = value / 10000
    End If
    If (value > 9):
        Let  digits = digits + 2
        Let  value = value / 100
    End If
    If (value > 0):
        Let  digits = digits + 1
    End If

    Return digits
End Function


Function DecimalDigits(value):
    # Number of decimal digits in value
    Return ceil(log10(value))
End Function


Function SwapAlternateDigits(value):

    # Remember if negative. We operate on nonnegative 'value'.
    If (value < 0) Then:
        Let  value = -value
        Let  sign = -1
        Let  sign = +1
    End If

    # If there is an odd number of digits,
    # keep the rightmost (least significant)
    # digit as-is.
    If (IsOdd(DecimalDigits(value))) Then:
        Let  result = value % 10
        Let  value = value / 10
        Let  base = 10
        Let  result = 0
        Let  base = 1
    End If

    # Loop over the remaining pairs of decimal digits.
    While (value > 0):
        Let  lower = value % 10
        Let  value = value / 10
        Let  upper = value % 10
        Let  value = value / 10

        Let  result = result + base * (upper + 10 * lower)

        Let  base = base * 100
    End While

    Return sign * result
End Function


base变量是10的幂,用于跟踪要添加到result的下一个数字对的位置。 lower是较低的十进制数字,upper是从value提取的高位十进制数字。显然,upper + 10*lower是交换时十进制数字对的值。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


int in = 354687;                // Input number   
int out = 0;                    // Output number
int decimal = 10;               // The current decimal we are working with
int subtractor = 0;             // Subtractor to make sure we ingore previous variables
int residue = 0;                // The current decimal's value

for (int i=1; i<8; i++){        // Limit to 8 chars

    // Move the current char
    residue = (in-subtractor)%decimal;
    if (i%2)                    // If even, need to move digit left
        out += residue * 10; 
    else                        // Else move digit right
        out += residue / 10;

    // Get ready for next time around
    subtractor += residue;
    decimal *= 10;

printf("\n\nOut: %d\n", in);
printf("Out: %d\n", out);