I'm trying to open this link: https://clubedevantagenslidery.gointegro.com/auth/signin inside my page, because if I need change that service I need just to change the url.
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<base href="https://clubedevantagenslidery.gointegro.com/" target="_blank">
echo file_get_contents("https://clubedevantagenslidery.gointegro.com/auth/signin");
var frm = document.getElementById('login-form') || null;
if(frm) {
frm.action = 'https://clubedevantagenslidery.gointegro.com/auth/signin_check'
This is the closer what I can get, added tag to open css/js files and jquery to change action of the form to the original URL, but when use form I get redirected and I dont want that.
I tried to do with PHP with require, jquery loading it in a div and iframe and nothing works.
Can anybody help to make this page works all inside my page without change url in adreess bar? Thanks!