
时间:2018-06-04 14:09:55

标签: vba catia


Sub CatMain()

    Dim fileSys

    Set fileSys = CATIA.FileSystem

    Dim FolderPath

    FolderPath = InputBox( "Enter a folder path:", "Folder path to convert the drawings" ,sDocPath & "P:\DrawingtoPDF")

    Dim filefolder
    Set filefolder = FileSys.GetFolder(FolderPath)

    Dim i as Integer

    'loop through all files in the folder
     For i = 1 To filefolder.Files.Count
        Dim IFile
        Set IFile = filefolder.Files.Item(i)

        'if the file is a CATDrawing, then open it in CATIA
        If InStr(IFile.Name, ".CATDrawing") <> 0 Then
            Dim Doc
            Set Doc = CATIA.Documents.Open(IFile.Path)
            Set partDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
            Dim drawingName as String
            drawingName =len(CATIA.ActiveDocument.Name)
            dxfName =left( CATIA.ActiveDocument.Name,drawingName-11)
            'msgbox partt
            PartDocument1.ExportData FolderPath &"\"& dxfName, "dxf"

            'close the open drawing document

        'Skip file not CATDrawing
        ElseIf InStr(IFile.Name, ".CATDrawing") = False Then

            For a = 1 To filefolder.Files.Count
            Set filefolder.Files.Item(a)

        End IF
    Next 'go to the next drawing in the folder
End Sub

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