
时间:2018-06-01 16:15:00

标签: excel vba excel-vba




Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim RandNum As Integer
Dim RollArray() As Integer
Dim KeptArray() As Integer
Dim RollArrayDummy() As Integer
Dim NumRoll As Integer
Dim Kept As Integer
Dim Largest As Integer

NumRoll = Range("B2").Value
ReDim RollArray(NumRoll)

Kept = Range("C2").Value
ReDim KeptArray(Kept)

For i = 5 To 15

    RandNum = 1 + Rnd() * (Range("A2").Value - 1)
    Cells(i, 1).Value = RandNum
Next i

For j = 1 To NumRoll
    RollArray(j) = Cells(4 + j, 1).Value
    Cells(4 + j, 2).Value = RollArray(j)
Next j

k = 1
i = 1
m = 1
Largest = 1
For k = 1 To Kept
m = 1
KeptArray(k) = Largest

    If m <= NumRoll Then
        If Largest >= RollArray(m) And Largest >= KeptArray(k) Then
            Largest = KeptArray(k)
            KeptArray(k) = Largest
            Largest = RollArray(m)
        End If
    m = m + 1
    End If

Cells(4 + k, 3).Value = KeptArray(k)

Next k

End Sub



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


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Public Sub RollMe()

    Dim numberOfSides As Long: numberOfSides = Range("A2")
    Dim timesToRoll As Long: timesToRoll = Range("B2")
    Dim howManyToKeep As Long: howManyToKeep = Range("C2")

    Dim cnt As Long
    Dim rngCurrent As Range

    Cells.Interior.Color = vbWhite
    Set rngCurrent = Range(Cells(1, 6), Cells(1, 6 + timesToRoll - 1))

    For cnt = 1 To timesToRoll
        rngCurrent.Cells(1, cnt) = makeRandom(1, numberOfSides)
    Next cnt

    Dim myArr As Variant
    With Application
        myArr = .Transpose(.Transpose(rngCurrent))
    End With

    WriteTopN howManyToKeep, myArr, Cells(2, lastCol(rowToCheck:=2))

End Sub

Public Sub WriteTopN(N As Long, myArr As Variant, lastCell As Range)

    Dim cnt As Long
    For cnt = 1 To N
        Set lastCell = lastCell.Offset(0, 1)
        lastCell = WorksheetFunction.Large(myArr, cnt)
        lastCell.Interior.Color = vbYellow
    Next cnt

End Sub


Public Function makeRandom(down As Long, up As Long) As Long

    makeRandom = CLng((up - down + 1) * Rnd + down)

    If makeRandom > up Then makeRandom = up
    If makeRandom < down Then makeRandom = down

End Function

Function lastCol(Optional strSheet As String, Optional rowToCheck As Long = 1) As Long

    Dim shSheet  As Worksheet
        If strSheet = vbNullString Then
            Set shSheet = ActiveSheet
            Set shSheet = Worksheets(strSheet)
        End If
    lastCol = shSheet.Cells(rowToCheck, shSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

End Function



Public Sub ColorTopCells(howManyToKeep As Long, rngCurrent As Range, myArr As Variant)

    Dim colorCell As Range
    Dim myCell As Range
    Dim cnt As Long
    Dim lookForValue As Long
    Dim cellFound As Boolean

    For cnt = 1 To howManyToKeep
        lookForValue = WorksheetFunction.Large(myArr, cnt)
        cellFound = False
        For Each myCell In rngCurrent
            If Not cellFound And myCell = lookForValue Then
                cellFound = True
                myCell.Interior.Color = vbMagenta
            End If
        Next myCell
    Next cnt

End Sub


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编辑:我甚至在我的博客中使用上面的代码写了一篇文章: vitoshacademy.com/vba-simulation-of-rolling-dices

答案 1 :(得分:1)

试试这个,改变了一些事情: 也编辑了随机位

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim RandNum As Long
Dim RollArray() As Long
Dim KeptArray() As Long
Dim NumRoll As Long
Dim Kept As Long

NumRoll = Range("B2").Value
ReDim RollArray(1 To NumRoll)

Kept = Range("C2").Value
ReDim KeptArray(1 To Kept)

For i = 5 To 15

    'RandNum = 1 + Rnd() * (Range("A2").Value - 1)
    RandNum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * Range("A2").Value)
    Cells(i, 1).Value = RandNum
Next i

For j = 1 To NumRoll
    RollArray(j) = Cells(4 + j, 1).Value
    Cells(4 + j, 2).Value = RollArray(j)
Next j

For k = 1 To Kept
    KeptArray(k) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Large(RollArray, k)
    Cells(4 + k, 3).Value = KeptArray(k)
Next k

End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)

Here is my attempt to fix this problem. I left the reading cell values and writing results to the OP as I am focused on the logic of the process.

There are three main functions. DiceRollSim(), RollDie() and GetNLargestIndex() as well as a function to test the code, named Test().

DiceRollSim() runs the particular simulation given the number of sides, and number of die and the number to keep. It prints the results in the output window. DollDie() fills in an array of random values simulating the rolling of the die. Caution is needed to make sure the interval probabilities are maintained as VBA does round values when converting the result of Rnd() into integers. Finally, GetNLargestIndex() is the meat of the answer, as it takes the die roll results, creates an array of index values (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd .. ) and then sorts the array based on the values of the die rolls.

Option Explicit

Public Sub Test()
    DiceRollSim 6, 15, 3

    ' Example, 15k3:

    '    Rolling 15 die.
    '    x(1) = 5       *
    '    x(2) = 4
    '    x(3) = 4
    '    x(4) = 2
    '    x(5) = 4
    '    x(6) = 5       **
    '    x(7) = 6       ***
    '    x(8) = 1
    '    x(9) = 4
    '    x(10) = 3
    '    x(11) = 1
    '    x(12) = 3
    '    x(13) = 5
    '    x(14) = 3
    '    x(15) = 3

    '    Sorting die values.
    '    x(7) = 6
    '    x(6) = 5
    '    x(1) = 5
    '    Sum of 3 largest=16

End Sub

Public Sub DiceRollSim(ByVal n_sides As Long, ByVal n_dice As Long, ByVal n_keep As Long)

    Dim die() As Long, i As Long
    ReDim die(1 To n_dice)

    Debug.Print "Rolling " & n_dice & " die."
    Call RollDie(n_sides, n_dice, die)
    For i = 1 To n_dice
        Debug.Print "x(" & i & ")=" & die(i)
    Next i

    Dim largest() As Long

    Debug.Print "Sorting die values."
    Call GetNLargestIndex(die, n_keep, largest)

    Dim x_sum As Long
    x_sum = 0
    For i = 1 To n_keep
        x_sum = x_sum + die(largest(i))
        Debug.Print "x(" & largest(i) & ")=" & die(largest(i))
    Next i

    Debug.Print "Sum of " & n_keep & " largest=" & x_sum
End Sub

Public Sub RollDie(ByVal n_sides As Long, ByVal n_dice As Long, ByRef result() As Long)
    ReDim result(1 To n_dice)
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To n_dice
        ' Rnd() resurns a number [0..1)
        ' So `Rnd()*n_sides` returns a floating point number zero or greater, but less then n_sides.
        ' The integer conversion `CLng(x)` rounds the number `x`, and thus will not keep equal
        ' probabilities for each side of the die.
        ' Use `CLng(Floor(x))` to return an integer between 0 and n_sides-1
        result(i) = 1 + CLng(WorksheetFunction.Floor_Math(Rnd() * n_sides))
    Next i
End Sub

Public Sub GetNLargestIndex(ByRef die() As Long, ByVal n_keep As Long, ByRef index() As Long)
    Dim n_dice As Long, i As Long, j As Long, t As Long
    n_dice = UBound(die, 1)

    ' Instead of sorting the die roll results `die`, we sort
    ' an array of index values, starting from 1..n
    ReDim index(1 To n_dice)
    For i = 1 To n_dice
        index(i) = i
    Next i

    ' Bubble sort the results and keep the top 'n' values
    For i = 1 To n_dice - 1
        For j = i + 1 To n_dice
            ' If a later value is larger than the current then
            ' swap positions to place the largest values early in the list
            If die(index(j)) > die(index(i)) Then
                'Swap index(i) and index(j)
                t = index(i)
                index(i) = index(j)
                index(j) = t
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

    'Trim sorted index list to n_keep
    ReDim Preserve index(1 To n_keep)

End Sub