
时间:2018-06-01 11:20:46

标签: javascript d3.js





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                    <title>Julia Spyrou DECO3100 Assignment 3</title>
                    <h1>Voting at the Eurovision Song Contest</h1>
                    <h3>Mouseover individual chords to view voting relationships</h3>
                      <h4>NB: These visualisations exclude the countries that did not make the Final and their votes as well</h4>
                      <button class="button">2016</button>
                      <button class="button button2">2017</button>
                      <button class="button button3">2018</button>
                      <div id="tooltip" class="hidden">
                        <p>$<span id="value">100</span></p>

                    <svg width="1050" height="1050"></svg>
                    <script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>

                    var names = ["Ukraine","Spain","Slovenia","Lithuania","Austria","Estonia","Norway","Portugal","UK","Serbia","Germany","Albania","France","Czech Republic","Denmark","Australia","Finland","Bulgaria","Moldova","Sweden","Hungary","Israel","Netherlands","Ireland","Cyprus","Italy"];

                    var opacityDefault = 0.7;

                                var matrix = [
                                  [0.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,4,12,0,0,0,1,15,0,0,7,0,0,2,8], //Ukraine
                                  [0,0,0,0,0,0,2,14,1,0,6,0,5,0,6,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,7,0], //Spain
                                  [5,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,8,0,0,2,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,1,0,0,0], //Slovenia
                                  [2,0,0,0,0,22,15,6,12,0,8,0,0,1,0,3,0,10,0,7,5,0,7,12,6,0],  //Lithuania
                                  [7,8,12,15,0,18,16,8,12,4,15,2,7,5,18,5,10,16,3,12,11,13,13,5,2,7], //Austria
                                  [4,3,5,12,2,0,0,19,6,3,2,4,7,5,7,8,12,2,13,0,0,8,4,7,5,10], //Estonia
                                  [0,3,5,0,0,6,0,0,5,9,0,0,0,0,8,1,0,0,7,10,7,0,4,0,5,12], //Norway
                                  [0,0,0,7,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,6,0,0], //Portugal
                                  [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3,3,0,3,6,0,0,0,0,0,8,0,10,0,6], //UK
                                  [0,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], //Serbia
                                  [0,13,4,7,16,6,18,8,3,10,0,14,8,3,24,12,1,6,8,6,1,8,24,16,3,13], //Germany
                                  [0,0,5,0,9,0,0,10,7,1,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,7,0,0,10,0,0,2,6,12], //Albania
                                  [19,10,2,15,0,0,8,5,0,0,0,12,0,0,2,0,9,5,0,5,0,6,0,4,4,0], //France
                                  [14,14,11,8,15,5,4,0,5,5,8,1,4,0,6,4,5,11,6,3,8,12,6,7,13,0], //Czech Republic
                                  [11,0,7,10,5,8,10,2,2,4,3,0,2,7,0,10,13,0,0,12,24,0,8,2,0,12], //Denmark
                                  [2,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,1,0,7,0,10,0,12,0,0,0,7,8,7,7,0,0,0,0], //Australia
                                  [0,0,0,0,0,12,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,3,0,4,0,0,0,9,0,6,0,0,0,0], //Finland
                                  [0,5,0,0,6,7,0,7,14,2,0,14,0,5,1,0,10,0,11,6,0,1,0,10,12,0], //Bulgaria
                                  [6,0,6,0,0,1,0,6,4,6,0,2,6,6,0,7,0,8,0,0,2,10,0,1,10,10], //Moldova
                                  [6,2,12,12,8,5,13,0,2,12,12,4,5,8,11,12,8,2,0,0,1,10,8,0,12,1], //Sweden
                                  [1,0,3,2,3,3,0,0,0,12,2,0,0,2,0,0,8,5,2,0,0,3,2,0,4,0], //Hungary
                                  [22,22,1,7,19,0,7,2,17,9,11,6,24,22,3,18,19,14,22,17,16,0,15,13,10,9], //Israel
                                  [8,0,7,3,1,1,9,0,0,7,5,0,6,0,5,0,2,0,0,1,8,0,0,3,0,0], //Netherlands
                                  [0,6,0,4,8,0,1,3,13,0,15,7,1,14,4,12,2,1,0,4,3,0,4,0,0,5], //Ireland
                                  [4,20,14,7,1,12,7,5,8,10,9,20,3,8,6,7,7,15,13,16,7,2,11,17,0,8], //Cyprus
                                  [5,10,10,7,10,7,0,14,0,14,12,24,10,2,0,0,10,6,8,0,6,5,7,0,15,0], //Italy


                                var svg = d3.select("svg"),
                                    width = +svg.attr("width"),
                                    height = +svg.attr("height"),
                                    outerRadius = Math.min(width, height) * 0.4 - 100,
                                    innerRadius = outerRadius - 20;

                                var formatValue = d3.formatPrefix(",.0", 1e3);

                                var chord = d3.chord()

                                var arc = d3.arc()

                                var ribbon = d3.ribbon()

                                var color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
                                    .range(["#4B5320", "#50C878", "#98FB98", "#679267","#2E8B57","#043927", "#0B6623","#9DC183","#708238", "#C7EA46", "#3F704D","#00A86B","8F9779"]);

                                var g = svg.append("g")
                                    .attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")

                          // Append the groups:
                                var group = g.append("g")
                                    .attr("class", "groups")
                                  .data(function(chords) { return chords.groups; })

                                    .style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.index); })
                                    .style("stroke", function(d) { return d3.rgb(color(d.index)).darker(); })
                                    .attr("d", arc)
                                    .on("mouseover", highlightRibbons)
                                    .on("mouseout", showAllRibbons)

                                  .each(function(d) { d.angle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2; })
                                  .attr("dy", ".35em")
                                  .attr("class", "titles")
                                  .attr("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.angle > Math.PI ? "end" : null; })
                                  .attr("transform", function(d) {
                                    if (outerArcs = 0) {
                                      width = 10;
                                    return "rotate(" + (d.angle * 180 / Math.PI - 90) + ")"
                                    + "translate(" + (outerRadius + 10) + ")"
                                    + (d.angle > Math.PI ? "rotate(180)" : "");
                                  .text(function(d,i) { return names[i]; });  

                          // Append the ribbons
                                var ribbons = g.append("g")              // save the selection as a variable
                                    .attr("class", "ribbons")
                                  .data(function(chords) { return chords; })
                                    .attr("d", ribbon)
                                    .style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.target.index); })
                                    .style("stroke", function(d) { return d3.rgb(color(d.target.index)).darker(); })
                            .on("mouseover", highlightOneRibbon)

                          // Highlight
                          function highlightRibbons(d,i) {
                            ribbons.filter(function(r) {
                                  if(!(r.target.index == i || r.source.index == i)) return r;
                                ribbons.filter(function(r) {
                                if(r.target.index == i || r.source.index == i) return r;

                          // Unhighlight
                          function showAllRibbons() {
                               //.transition()      // don't use for individual ribbons - transition is too long
                              //.duration(500);     // any visually effective transition will be too long given how quickly the mouse can cross multiple paths

                          // show a particular ribbon:
                          function highlightOneRibbon() {
                            d3.select(this).style("opacity", 1);
                              .style("left", xPosition + "100px")
                              .style("top", yPosition + "3000px")
                              .text(names[d.source.index] + " received " + d.source.value + " points from " + names[d.target.index]);


                          d3.select("#tooltip").classed("hidden", false);



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