如何在nodejs / javascript中解析Azure Blob URI?

时间:2018-05-31 17:58:24

标签: javascript node.js regex azure azure-blob-storage

我需要在nodejs中解析Azure Blob URI并提取存储帐户名,容器名和blob名。


如果Blob URI无效,我也想检测一下,所以可能正则表达式(如果可能的话)是一个很好的方法。

Blob URI的一些示例:

  1. https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob
  2. http://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/myblob
  3. https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/$root/myblob

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

通过关注specification from Azure,我想出了以下函数(gist),它使用正则表达式来解析blob uri,如果blob uri无效,它也会抛出错误。


 * Validates and parses given blob uri and returns storage account, 
 * container and blob names.
 * @param {string} blobUri - Valid Azure storage blob uri.
 * @returns {Object} With following properties:
 *   - {string} storageAccountName
 *   - {string} containerName
 *   - {string} blobName
 * @throws {Error} If blobUri is not valid blob uri.
const parseAzureBlobUri = (blobUri) => {
  const ERROR_MSG_GENERIC = 'Invalid blob uri.'

  const storageAccountRegex = new RegExp('[a-z0-9]{3,24}')
  const containerRegex = new RegExp('[a-z0-9](?!.*--)[a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]')
  const blobRegex = new RegExp('.{1,1024}')  // TODO: Consider making this one more precise.
  const blobUriRegex = new RegExp(
    `^http[s]?:\/\/(${ storageAccountRegex.source })\.blob.core.windows.net\/`
    + `(?:(\$root|(?:${ containerRegex.source }))\/)?(${ blobRegex.source })$`
  const match = blobUriRegex.exec(blobUri)
  if (!match) throw Error(ERROR_MSG_GENERIC)

  return {
    storageAccountName: match[1],
    // If not specified, then it is implicitly root container with name $root.
    containerName: match[2] || '$root',
    blobName: match[3]

答案 1 :(得分:0)




const url = require('url')

const parseAzureBlobUri = (blobUrl) => {
    let uri = url.parse(blobUrl)

    // Extract the storage account name
    let storageAccountName = uri.hostname.split('.')[0]        

    // Remove the 1st trailing slash then extract segments
    let segments = uri.pathname.substring(1).split('/')

    // If only one segment, this is the blob name
    if(segments.length === 1){
        return {
            containerName: '$root',
            blobName: segments[0]

    // get the container name
    let containerName = segments[0]

    // Remove the containername from the segments

    return {
        blobName: segments.join('/')