我有一个包含一些信息的单元格,其中包含一个ddmmmyy格式的日期(排序为“16dec 21 hello”)。 我需要生成一封电子邮件,其中在电子邮件的某些部分包含日期但是以数字形式(即16122021,所以ddmmyyyy)。 我尝试首先使用left()函数提取日期,然后尝试通过.numbertype =“ddmmyyyy”和cdate函数将其转换为数据,但它似乎不起作用。以下是我的代码:
'Getting date
Dim expdt As Date
Dim dt As String
dt = Left(Range("A8").Value, 8)
expdt = CDate("dt")
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Dim expdt As Date
Dim dt As String
'your sample had a space between Dec and 21
dt = Left(Range("A8").Value2, 2) & "-" & mid(replace(Range("A8").Value2, chr(32), chr(45)), 3, 6)
expdt = datevalue(dt)
debug.print expdt
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Function GetDate(str As String) As String
Dim dtStr As String, m As Long
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = False
.Pattern = "\d{1,2}\s?[a-zA-Z]{3}\s?\d{2}"
If .Test(str) Then
dtStr = .Execute(str)(0)
m = GetMonth(dtStr)
If m > 0 Then
GetDate = Left(dtStr, 2) & m & Right(dtStr, 2)
End If
End If
End With
End Function
Function GetMonth(str As String) As Long
Dim m
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = False
.Pattern = "[a-zA-Z]{3}"
If .Test(str) Then
m = DateValue(.Execute(str)(0) & "-1-2018")
If Not IsError(m) Then GetMonth = Month(m)
End If
End With
End Function
Sub Test()
MsgBox GetDate("16dec 21 hello")
MsgBox GetDate(Range("A8").Value)
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
撇开您输入错误的事实 - 您希望CDate(dt)
- CDate
Public Function fConvertDate(strDate As String) As Date
Dim bytDay As Byte
Dim intYear As Integer
Dim strMonth As String
Dim bytMonth As Byte
bytDay = Val(Left$(strDate, 2))
intYear = CInt(Mid$(strDate, 6, 4))
strMonth = UCase$(Mid$(strDate, 3, 3))
bytMonth = Val(Switch(strMonth = "JAN", "1", strMonth = "FEB", "2", strMonth = "MAR", "3", _
strMonth = "APR", "4", strMonth = "MAY", "5", strMonth = "JUN", "6", strMonth = "JUL", "7", _
strMonth = "AUG", "8", strMonth = "SEP", "9", strMonth = "OCT", "10", strMonth = "NOV", "11", _
strMonth = "DEC", "12"))
fConvertDate = DateSerial(intYear, bytMonth, bytDay)
End Function