
时间:2018-05-30 20:15:18

标签: r dplyr stringr


Q1                                                     keywords
How do you assess strategic deterrence messaging?      Deterrence messaging effects perception assessment
An energy transition for green growth                  Energy transition sustainable
Some other research question here                      research keywords topics etc

其中Q1引用问题而keywords是单词列表(在这种情况下,清除了删除AND,NOT和OR的布尔搜索)。我要确定的是keywords字符串中是否有任何Q1出现,找到匹配项,并计算发生的频率(因此我可以说keywords }出现在column1 n %的时间内,在column2 n %的时间内......)。


df_final <- df %>% 
  mutate(matches = str_extract_all(
    str_c(df$keywords, collapse = "|") %>% regex(ignore_case = T)),
    match = map_chr(matches, str_c, collapse = ", "),
    count = map_int(matches, length)



structure(list(Q1 = c("Assessing the effects of strategic deterrence messaging in the cognitive dimension", 
"How do you assess effects of strategic deterrence messaging?", 
"Determine Strategic Implications of Climate Change to USG/DoD"
), keywords = c("Deterrence messaging effects perception assessment", 
"political philosophy sociology social sciences history marketing power structure government governing class bourgeoisie social class military class ruling class governing class", 
"Climate Change Strategic Global Warming Strategic Climate Change Policy Global Warming Policy"
)), .Names = c("Q1", "keywords"), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下代码将根据问题后的关键字返回您的data.frame以及问题中关键字的出现次数。在您的示例输出中为3 0 6.所有函数均来自tidyverse包。


df  %>%  mutate(count = map2_int(Q1, keywords, function(x, y) sum(str_detect(str_to_lower(x), str_to_lower(flatten_chr(str_split(y, " ")))))))

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Q1                                                                                 keywords                                        count
  <chr>                                                                              <chr>                                           <int>
1 Assessing the effects of strategic deterrence messaging in the cognitive dimension Deterrence messaging effects perception assess~     3
2 How do you assess effects of strategic deterrence messaging?                       political philosophy sociology social sciences~     0
3 Determine Strategic Implications of Climate Change to USG/DoD                      Climate Change Strategic Global Warming Strate~     6


df <- structure(list(Q1 = c("Assessing the effects of strategic deterrence messaging in the cognitive dimension", 
"How do you assess effects of strategic deterrence messaging?", 
"Determine Strategic Implications of Climate Change to USG/DoD"
), keywords = c("Deterrence messaging effects perception assessment", 
"political philosophy sociology social sciences history marketing power structure government governing class bourgeoisie social class military class ruling class governing class", 
"Climate Change Strategic Global Warming Strategic Climate Change Policy Global Warming Policy"
)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"

答案 1 :(得分:0)


a <-tolower(unique(unlist(strsplit(df$keywords, " "))))

dfcounter <- data.frame(table(tolower(unlist(strsplit(df$Q1, " ")))),stringsAsFactors = F)

dfcounter[match(a,dfcounter$Var1,nomatch = 0),]