
时间:2018-05-30 13:01:40

标签: excel vba excel-vba

我已经创建了用户表单并在excel VBA中动态添加了控件。现在我想计算我添加的文本框的数量,并且还希望在用户输入文本框时捕获文本框值。请帮帮我。

   public dynuserform as object

   Sub answer()

   Dim options As Variant      
   Dim txtbx As MSForms.TextBox
   Dim cmdbtn As MSForms.CommandButton
   Dim txtcap As Variant
   Dim cntl As Control
   Set dynuserform = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3)
   With dynuserform
    .Properties("Height") = 100
    .Properties("Width") = 200
   End With   
   with dynuserform    
    txtcap = "some array with dynamic size"
    For i = LBound(txtcap) To UBound(txtcap)
        Set txtbx = .designer.Controls.Add("forms.Textbox.1")
        With txtbx
            .Left = 180
            If i = 0 Then
                .Top = 30
                .Top = (30 * i) + 25
            End If
            .Height = 25
            .Width = 90
        End With
    Next i
   Set cmdbtn = .designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1")
    With cmdbtn
        .Caption = "next"
        .Height = 25
        .Left = 190
        .Top = 80
    End With
   end with
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 1, "Public ans As String"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 2, "Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 3, "     if txtboxcount>1 then"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 4, "         ans = ansload"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 5, "     'Else"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 6, "         'ans = TextBox1.Value"
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 7, "     'End If"     
    dynuserform.codemodule.insertlines 8, "End Sub"
   end sub

一旦用户单击命令按钮,我想计算文本框的计数,我在fucntion中定义了它,但它显示了一个未设置的错误对象变量。 我想知道如何使用dynuserform对象来查找计数。请教我帮忙。

  function txtboxcount() as long
  Dim iCtrl As Long
  countTextboxes = 0
   For iCtrl = 0 To dynuserform.designer.Controls.Count - 1
      If TypeName(dynuserform.designer.Controls(iCtrl)) = "TextBox" Then
    countTextboxes = countTextboxes + 1
    Debug.Print countTextboxes
   End If
   Next iCtrl
   txtboxcount =  countTextboxes
   End Sub

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