我有一个Excel公式,可以在单元格中找到 Nth to last word 并输出它。但是,现在我使用VBA宏以更格式化的形式将错误排序的数据从Sheet1输出到Sheet2。
Split(Sheets("reportsheet").Range("A1").Value, " ")(wordNumber - 1)
然而,我真的很遗憾如何在我的情况下应用这个。 VBA代码如下:
Sub findData()
Dim datasheet As Worksheet
Dim reportsheet As Worksheet
Dim SearchString As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Set datasheet = Sheet1
Set reportsheet = Sheet2
Dim chNum As String 'Ticket number
Dim chSub As String 'Change subject
Dim rptNum As String 'analysis number
Dim ChangeNumbers As New Dictionary 'dictionary that holds all of the info (ticket number, change subject, analysis number and details)
Dim dictKey1 As Variant
Dim dictKey2 As Variant
Dim dictKey3 As Variant
Dim dictKey4 As Variant
Dim formula1 As String
Dim formula2 As String
finalrow1 = datasheet.Cells(datasheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Loop that finds the required pieces of text from the data-sheet
For i = 1 To finalrow1
'Basic info in column A
SearchString = datasheet.Range("A" & i)
If InStr(1, SearchString, "Change number") Then
chNum = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Add chNum, New Dictionary 'For ticket numbers
ElseIf InStr(1, SearchString, "Change subject") Then
chSub = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Add chSub, New Dictionary 'For change subjects
ElseIf InStr(1, SearchString, "Report-") Then
rptNum = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Add rptNum, New Dictionary 'For analysis
'Loop for the details (requirements, tech.specs, impl. and testing)
j = 0
'Verifies that the details belong to the current report
'String checks are included after locating a report to maintain a connection between the report and its details
Do While IsEmpty(datasheet.Cells(i + j, 1)) Or datasheet.Cells(i + j, 1) = rptNum
If InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Priority") Then
' The 4 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 4, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #1
ElseIf InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Workload") Then
' The 5 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 5, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #2
ElseIf InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Deadline") Then
' The 6 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 6, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #3
End If
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
i = 1
For Each dictKey1 In ChangeNumbers.Keys
reportsheet.Cells(i, 1) = dictKey1 'Change Ticket Number
If ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Count > 0 Then
For Each dictKey2 In ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Keys
reportsheet.Cells(i, 2) = dictKey2 'Change Subject; assuming in column B on same row as Change Number
If ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Item(dictKey2).Count > 0 Then
For Each dictKey3 In ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Item(dictKey2).Keys 'Analysis number
reportsheet.Cells(i, 3) = dictKey3
'reportsheet.Cells(i, 2) = dictKey2 'Uncomment if you want change subject in every row w/ matching report
For Each dictKey4 In ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Item(dictKey2).Item(dictKey3).Keys
reportsheet.Cells(i, dictKey4) = ChangeNumbers.Item(dictKey1).Item(dictKey2).Item(dictKey3).Item(dictKey4)
Next dictKey4
i = i + 1 'moves to new row for new report (or next change number)
Next dictKey3
i = i + 1 'no reports, so moves down to prevent overwriting change number
End If
Next dictKey2
i = i + 1 'no change subject, so moves down to prevent overwriting change number
End If
Next dictKey1
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
lstFlowList.FlowTappedBackgroundColor = Color.White;
lstFlowList.FlowRowBackgroundColor = Color.White;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
根据字典结构,选项2)可能是最简单的,也可能是最复杂的。 (使用嵌套的词典 - 以及可能保存哪个词的不同规则 - 这可能会更复杂)。但是,如果你想使用这种方法,请注意你必须使用新方法覆盖旧项目(如果你要更改键值,你只需要添加键 - 而不是覆盖它们)
For i = 1 To finalrow1
'Basic info in column A
SearchString = datasheet.Range("A" & i)
If InStr(1, SearchString, "Change number") Then
chNum = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Add chNum, New Dictionary 'For ticket numbers
ElseIf InStr(1, SearchString, "Change subject") Then
chSub = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Add chSub, New Dictionary 'For change subjects
ElseIf InStr(1, SearchString, "Report-") Then
rptNum = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Add rptNum, New Dictionary 'For analysis
'Loop for the details (requirements, tech.specs, impl. and testing)
j = 0
'Verifies that the details belong to the current report
'String checks are included after locating a report to maintain a connection between the report and its details
Do While IsEmpty(datasheet.Cells(i + j, 1)) Or datasheet.Cells(i + j, 1) = rptNum
If InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Priority") Then
' The 4 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 4, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #1
ElseIf InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Workload") Then
' The 5 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 5, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #2
ElseIf InStr(1, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2), "Deadline") Then
' The 6 after ".Add" is the column number for this detail in sheet2
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 6, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #3
End If
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
Split(Sheets("reportsheet").Range("A1").Value, " ")(wordNumber - 1)
chNum = datasheet.Cells(i, 1)
chNum = Split(datasheet.Cells(i, 1)," ")(wordNumber - 1)
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 4, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #1
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 4, Split(datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2)," ")(wordNumber - 1) ' the detail #1
ChangeNumbers.Add chNum, New Dictionary 'For ticket numbers
- >
ChangeNumbers.Add Split(chNum," ")(wordNumber - 1), New Dictionary 'For ticket numbers
ChangeNumbers.Item(chNum).Item(chSub).Item(rptNum).Add 4, datasheet.Cells(i + j, 2) ' the detail #1
将不再等于此处指定的密钥ChangeNumbers.Add Split(chNum," ")(wordNumber - 1), New Dictionary 'For ticket numbers
(密钥 - > {{1} })