Haskell - 表示玫瑰树的深度优先遍历作为展开的实例,以代数方式推导出它

时间:2018-05-29 19:43:21

标签: haskell tree fold unfold anamorphism

假设我们定义了一个Rose Tree,以及相应的数据类型的折叠。

data RTree a = Node a [RTree a]

foldRTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> RTree a -> b
foldRTree f (Node x xs) = f x (map (foldRTree f) xs)


dft :: RTree a -> [a]
dft (Node x xs) = x : concat (map dft xs)


// Suppose dft = foldRTree f
// Then foldRTree f (Node x xs) = f x (map (foldRTree f) xs) (definition of foldRTree)
// But also foldRTree f (Node x xs) = dft (Node x xs) (by assumption)
//                                 = x : concat (map dft xs) (definition of dft)

// So we deduce that f x (map (foldRTree f) xs) = x : concat (map dft xs)
// Hence f x (map dft xs) = x : concat (map dft xs) (by assumption)
// So we now see that f x y = x : concat y



unfold :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a) -> a -> [b]
unfold n h t x | n x = []
               | otherwise = h x : unfold n h t (t x)

// Or Equivalently
unfold' n h t = map h . takeWhile (not.n) . iterate t


dft (Node x xs) = x : unfold null h t xs
                         where h ((Node a xs) : ys) = a
                               t ((Node a xs) : ys) = xs ++ ys

我正在努力找到一种方法来开发一种代数计算函数的方法,与cons一样。特别是在开发展开方面有一个巧妙的步骤,即要意识到展开的最终论证需要是[RTree a]而不仅仅是RTree a。因此,对dft提出的论证并未直接传递到展开,因此我们在推理这两个函数方面遇到了障碍。


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