Json C#:反序列化不断变化的内容或json响应

时间:2011-02-20 14:43:35

标签: c# json deserialization


      "placeTypeName attrs":{
      "name":"My Region",
      "country attrs":{
      "admin1":"My Region",
      "admin1 attrs":{


我使用ServiceStack C#serializer但欢迎所有提议。感谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用 DataContractJsonSerializer ,它是标准.NET框架的一部分。您只需定义您感兴趣的属性。其他属性将被忽略。

class CentroidReader
    public static Centroid ReadControid(Stream stream)
        DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Response));
        Response response = serializer.ReadObject(stream) as Response;
        return response.Place.Centroid;

class Response
    [DataMember(Name = "place")]
    public Place Place { get; set; }

class Place
    [DataMember(Name = "centroid")]
    public Centroid Centroid { get; set; }

class Centroid
    [DataMember(Name = "latitude")]
    public double? Latitude { get; set; }
    [DataMember(Name = "longitude")]
    public double? Longitude { get; set; }

答案 1 :(得分:1)

实际上有几种方法可以使用ServiceStack的JsonSerializer解析它,如example of parsing one of GitHub's JSON API所示。

我会采用 JsonObject 方法,因为你最终得到了你选择的C#类,尽管它需要的不仅仅是你习惯使用ServiceStack的JsonSerializer的1-liner。无论如何这里是结果代码:

Func<JsonObject, Centroid> toCentroid = map => 
    new Centroid(map.Get<decimal>("latitude"), map.Get<decimal>("longitude"));

var place = JsonObject.Parse(JsonCentroid)
    .ConvertTo(x => new Place
        WoeId = x.Get<int>("woeid"),
        PlaceTypeName = x.Get(""),
        PlaceTypeNameAttrs = x.Object("placeTypeName attrs"),
        Name = x.Get("Name"),
        Country = x.Get("Country"),
        CountryAttrs = x.Object("country attrs"),
        Admin1 = x.Get("admin1"),
        Admin1Attrs = x.Object("admin1 attrs"),
        Admin2 = x.Get("admin2"),
        Admin3 = x.Get("admin3"),
        Locality1 = x.Get("locality1"),
        Locality2 = x.Get("locality2"),
        Postal = x.Get("postal"),

        Centroid = x.Object("centroid")

        BoundingBox = x.Object("boundingBox")
            .ConvertTo(y => new BoundingBox
                SouthWest = y.Object("southWest").ConvertTo(toCentroid),
                NorthEast = y.Object("northEast").ConvertTo(toCentroid)

        AreaRank = x.Get<int>("areaRank"),
        PopRank = x.Get<int>("popRank"),
        Uri = x.Get("uri"),
        Lang = x.Get("lang"),

这是full source code of this example