&#39;(&#39;,&#39;)&#39;,<column constraint =“”>或逗号预期,得到&#39; TEXT&#39; android studio中的SQLite数据库错误

时间:2018-05-28 21:32:24

标签: java android sqlite android-studio



    package com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Database;

    import android.content.Context;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
    import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;

    import com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities.Course;
    import com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities.Staff;
    import com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities.Student;

    public class BTC_UCS_Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "BTCUCSdatabase";
    private Context c;

    public BTC_UCS_Database(Context context) {
       super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
       this.c = context;

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
       String CREATE_TABLE_STUDENTS = "CREATE TABLE " + Student.TABLE + "("
            + Student.KEY_STUDENTID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, "
            + Student.KEY_PASSWORD + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_FIRSTNAME + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_SURNAME + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_ADDRESSONE + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_ADDRESSTWO + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_TOWNCITY + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_POSTCODE + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_MOBILENO + " BIGINT, "
            + Student.KEY_LANDLINENO + " BIGINT,"
            + Student.KEY_PEMAIL + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_CEMAIL + " TEXT, "
            + Student.KEY_COURSEID + " TEXT, "
            + " FOREIGN KEY (KEY_COURSEID) REFERENCES " + Course.TABLE + " 

            + Staff.KEY_STAFFID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, "
            + Staff.KEY_PASSWORD + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_FIRSTNAME + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_SURNAME + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_ADDRESSONE + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_ADDRESSTWO + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_TOWNCITY + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_POSTCODE + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_MOBILENO + " BIGINT, "
            + Staff.KEY_LANDLINENO + " BIGINT, "
            + Staff.KEY_PEMAIL + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_CEMAIL + " TEXT, "
            + Staff.KEY_COURSEID + " TEXT REFERENCES " + Course.TABLE + " 

            + Course.KEY_COURSEID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSENAME + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSEDES + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSECONTENTONE + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSECONTENTTWO + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSECONTENTTHREE + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSECONTENTFOUR + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSEPRICE + " TEXT, "
            + Course.KEY_COURSELENGTH + " TEXT)";



    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) 
       if (oldVersion < newVersion) {
          db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Student.TABLE);
          db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Staff.TABLE);
          db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Course.TABLE);
      }while (newVersion < oldVersion);


package com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities;

import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class Student {

private String StudentID;
private String  Password;
private String  FirstName;
private String  Surname;
private String  Address1;
private String  Address2;
private String  Town_City;
private String  Postcode;
private long  MobileNo;
private long  LandlineNo;
private String  pEmail;
private String  cEmail;
private String  CourseID;

public String getStudentID() {
    return StudentID;

public void setStudentID(String studentID) {
    StudentID = studentID;

public String getPassword() {
    return Password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
    Password = password;

public String getFirstName() {
    return FirstName;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    FirstName = firstName;

public String getSurname() {
    return Surname;

public void setSurname(String surname) {
    Surname = surname;

public String getAddress1() {
    return Address1;

public void setAddress1(String address1) {
    Address1 = address1;

public String getAddress2() {
    return Address2;

public void setAddress2(String address2) {
    Address2 = address2;

public String getTown_City() {
    return Town_City;

public void setTown_City(String town_City) {
    Town_City = town_City;

public String getPostcode() {
    return Postcode;

public void setPostcode(String postcode) {
    Postcode = postcode;

public long getMobileNo() {
    return MobileNo;

public void setMobileNo(long mobileNo) {
    MobileNo = mobileNo;

public long getLandlineNo() {
    return LandlineNo;

public void setLandlineNo(long landlineNo) {
    LandlineNo = landlineNo;

public String getpEmail() {
    return pEmail;

public void setpEmail(String PEmail) {
    this.pEmail = PEmail;

public String getcEmail() {
    return cEmail;

public void setcEmail(String CEmail) {
    this.cEmail = CEmail;

public String getCourseID() {
    return CourseID;

public void setCourseID(String courseID) {
    CourseID = courseID;

public static String TABLE = "Students";

public static final String KEY_STUDENTID = "Student ID";
public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "Student Password";
public static final String KEY_FIRSTNAME = "First Name";
public static final String KEY_SURNAME = "Surname";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSONE = "Address Line 1";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSTWO = "Address Line 2";
public static final String KEY_TOWNCITY = "Town or City";
public static final String KEY_POSTCODE = "Postcode";
public static final String KEY_MOBILENO = "Mobile Number";
public static final String KEY_LANDLINENO = "Home Number";
public static final String KEY_PEMAIL = "Personal Email";
public static final String KEY_CEMAIL = "College Email";
public static final String KEY_COURSEID = "Course ID";

public Student(String studentID, String password, String firstName, String 
surname, String address1, String address2, String town_City, String 
postcode, long mobileNo, long landlineNo, String PEmail, String CEmail, 
String courseID, Context context) {

    StudentID = studentID;;
    Password = password;
    FirstName = firstName;
    Surname = surname;
    Address1 = address1;
    Address2 = address1;
    Town_City = town_City;
    Postcode = postcode;
    MobileNo = mobileNo;
    LandlineNo = landlineNo;
    pEmail = PEmail;
    cEmail = CEmail;
    CourseID = courseID;

    Toast.makeText(context, "Student account successfully created!!!!", 

public String toString() {
    return "Student{" +
            "StudentID='" + StudentID + '\'' +
            ", Password='" + Password + '\'' +
            ", FirstName='" + FirstName + '\'' +
            ", Surname='" + Surname + '\'' +
            ", Address1='" + Address1 + '\'' +
            ", Address2='" + Address2 + '\'' +
            ", Town_City='" + Town_City + '\'' +
            ", Postcode='" + Postcode + '\'' +
            ", MobileNo=" + MobileNo +
            ", LandlineNo=" + LandlineNo +
            ", pEmail='" + pEmail + '\'' +
            ", cEmail='" + cEmail + '\'' +
            ", CourseID='" + CourseID + '\'' +


package com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities;

import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class Staff {

private String StaffID;
private String Username;
private String  Password;
private String  FirstName;
private String  Surname;
private String  Address1;
private String  Address2;
private String  Town_City;
private String  Postcode;
private long  MobileNo;
private long  LandlineNo;
private String  pEmail;
private String  cEmail;
private String  CourseID;

public String getStaffID() {
    return StaffID;

public void setStafftID(String staffID) {
    StaffID = staffID;

public String getPassword() {
    return Password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
    Password = password;

public String getFirstName() {
    return FirstName;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    FirstName = firstName;

public String getSurname() {
    return Surname;

public void setSurname(String surname) {
    Surname = surname;

public String getAddress1() {
    return Address1;

public void setAddress1(String address1) {
    Address1 = address1;

public String getAddress2() {
    return Address2;

public void setAddress2(String address2) {
    Address2 = address2;

public String getTown_City() {
    return Town_City;

public void setTown_City(String town_City) {
    Town_City = town_City;

public String getPostcode() {
    return Postcode;

public void setPostcode(String postcode) {
    Postcode = postcode;

public long getMobileNo() {
    return MobileNo;

public void setMobileNo(long mobileNo) {
    MobileNo = mobileNo;

public long getLandlineNo() {
    return LandlineNo;

public void setLandlineNo(long landlineNo) {
    LandlineNo = landlineNo;

public String getpEmail() {
    return pEmail;

public void setpEmail(String PEmail) {
    this.pEmail = PEmail;

public String getcEmail() {
    return cEmail;

public void setcEmail(String CEmail) {
    this.cEmail = CEmail;

public String getCourseID() {
    return CourseID;

public void setCourseID(String courseID) {
    CourseID = courseID;

public static String TABLE = "Staff";

public static final String KEY_STAFFID = "Student ID";
public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "Staff Password";
public static final String KEY_FIRSTNAME = "First Name";
public static final String KEY_SURNAME = "Surname";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSONE = "Address Line 1";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSTWO = "Address Line 2";
public static final String KEY_TOWNCITY = "Town or City";
public static final String KEY_POSTCODE = "Postcode";
public static final String KEY_MOBILENO = "Mobile Number";
public static final String KEY_LANDLINENO = "Home Number";
public static final String KEY_PEMAIL = "Personal Email";
public static final String KEY_CEMAIL = "College Email";
public static final String KEY_COURSEID = "Course ID";

public Staff(String staffID, String password, String firstName, String 
surname, String address1, String address2, String town_City, String 
postcode, long mobileNo, long landlineNo, String PEmail, String CEmail, 
String courseID, Context context) {

    StaffID = staffID;
    Password = password;
    FirstName = firstName;
    Surname = surname;
    Address1 = address1;
    Address2 = address1;
    Town_City = town_City;
    Postcode = postcode;
    MobileNo = mobileNo;
    LandlineNo = landlineNo;
    pEmail = PEmail;
    cEmail = CEmail;
    CourseID = courseID;

    Toast.makeText(context, "Staff account successfully created!!!!", 

public String toString() {
    return "Staff{" +
            "StaffID='" + StaffID + '\'' +
            ", Password='" + Password + '\'' +
            ", FirstName='" + FirstName + '\'' +
            ", Surname='" + Surname + '\'' +
            ", Address1='" + Address1 + '\'' +
            ", Address2='" + Address2 + '\'' +
            ", Town_City='" + Town_City + '\'' +
            ", Postcode='" + Postcode + '\'' +
            ", MobileNo=" + MobileNo +
            ", LandlineNo=" + LandlineNo +
            ", pEmail='" + pEmail + '\'' +
            ", cEmail='" + cEmail + '\'' +
            ", CourseID='" + CourseID + '\'' +


package com.example.ajhillie.btc_ucs_ma.Entities;

import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class Course {

private String CourseID;
private String CourseName;
private String CourseDes;
private String CourseContent1;
private String CourseContent2;
private String CourseContent3;
private String CourseContent4;
private String CoursePrice;
private String CourseLength;

public String getCourseID() {
    return CourseID;

public void setCourseID(String courseID) {
    CourseID = courseID;

public String getCourseName() {
    return CourseName;

public void setCourseName(String courseName) {
    CourseName = courseName;

public String getCourseDes() {
    return CourseDes;

public void setCourseDes(String courseDes) {
    CourseDes = courseDes;

public String getCourseContent1() {
    return CourseContent1;

public void setCourseContent1(String courseContent1) {
    CourseContent1 = courseContent1;

public String getCourseContent2() {
    return CourseContent2;

public void setCourseContent2(String courseContent2) {
    CourseContent2 = courseContent2;

public String getCourseContent3() {
    return CourseContent3;

public void setCourseContent3(String courseContent3) {
    CourseContent3 = courseContent3;

public String getCourseContent4() {
    return CourseContent4;

public void setCourseContent4(String courseContent4) {
    CourseContent4 = courseContent4;

public String getCoursePrice() {
    return CoursePrice;

public void setCoursePrice(String coursePrice) {
    CoursePrice = coursePrice;

public String getCourseLength() {
    return CourseLength;

public void setCourseLength(String courseLength) {
    CourseLength = courseLength;

public static String TABLE = "Courses";

public static final String KEY_COURSEID = "Course ID";
public static final String KEY_COURSENAME = "Course NAme";
public static final String KEY_COURSEDES = "Course Description";
public static final String KEY_COURSECONTENTONE = "Course Content 1";
public static final String KEY_COURSECONTENTTWO = "Course Content 2";
public static final String KEY_COURSECONTENTTHREE = "Course Content 3";
public static final String KEY_COURSECONTENTFOUR = "Course Content 4";
public static final String KEY_COURSEPRICE = "Course Price";
public static final String KEY_COURSELENGTH = "Course Length";

public Course(String courseID, String courseName, String courseDes, String 
courseContent1, String courseContent2, String courseContent3, String 
courseContent4, String coursePrice, String courseLength, Context context){
    CourseID = courseID;
    CourseName = courseName;
    CourseDes = courseDes;
    CourseContent1 = courseContent1;
    CourseContent2 = courseContent2;
    CourseContent3 = courseContent3;
    CourseContent4 = courseContent4;
    CoursePrice = coursePrice;
    CourseLength= courseLength;

    Toast.makeText(context, "Course successfully added to the database", 

public String toString() {
    return "Course{" +
            "CourseID='" + CourseID + '\'' +
            ", CourseName='" + CourseName + '\'' +
            ", CourseDes='" + CourseDes + '\'' +
            ", CourseContent1='" + CourseContent1 + '\'' +
            ", CourseContent2='" + CourseContent2 + '\'' +
            ", CourseContent3='" + CourseContent3 + '\'' +
            ", CourseContent4='" + CourseContent4 + '\'' +
            ", CoursePrice='" + CoursePrice + '\'' +
            ", CourseLength='" + CourseLength + '\'' +

Error Screenshot

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


public static final String KEY_STUDENTID = "Student ID";
public static final String KEY_PASSWORD = "Student Password";
public static final String KEY_FIRSTNAME = "First Name";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSONE = "Address Line 1";
public static final String KEY_ADDRESSTWO = "Address Line 2";
public static final String KEY_TOWNCITY = "Town or City";
public static final String KEY_MOBILENO = "Mobile Number";
public static final String KEY_LANDLINENO = "Home Number";
public static final String KEY_PEMAIL = "Personal Email";
public static final String KEY_CEMAIL = "College Email";
public static final String KEY_COURSEID = "Course ID";
