TYPO3 pw_comments标签不计入评论

时间:2018-05-28 20:06:25

标签: typo3

我目前正在使用TYPO3扩展新闻+ pw_comments。到目前为止效果很好但<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.pwCommentsGetCountWithLabel" />始终显示0 Comments而不是例如1 Comment plugin.tx_pwcomments { settings { storagePid = 111 useEntryUid = 1 entryUid = TEXT entryUidData = GP:tx_news_pi1 | news moderateNewComments = 0 secondsBetweenTwoComments = 60 sendMailOnNewCommentsTo = asfga@hotmail.de sendMailTemplate = fileadmin/private/ext/pw_comments/Templates/MailNotification/mail.html } } 如果有新闻评论。


useEntryUid = 1

我输入的内容有什么问题或者我忘记了什么吗?我对lib.test = CONTENT lib.test { table = tx_pwcomments_domain_model_comment select { selectFields = count(*) pidInList = 111 andWhere = entry_uid = {field:uid} andWhere.stdWrap.insertData = 1 } renderObj = COA_INT renderObj { 10 = TEXT 10 { wrap = Anzahl Kommentare:&nbsp; | data = field:count(*) } } } 有点困惑,因为我不知道在这里写什么。在官方文档中查看,但我遇到了问题......



const nodes = Array.from(document.body.querySelectorAll("div"));

//The most straight-forward way to find the parents, 
//filter out any nodes where no other node in the array contains it 
//(note the m !== n check, which prevents contains to return true for the same node):
let parents = nodes.filter( n => !nodes.find( m => m !== n && m.contains(n) ));
//Conversely, to find any child-nodes, invert the contains-check to find any nodes that does not contain any other node in the array:
let children = nodes.filter( n => !nodes.find( m => m !== n && n.contains(m) ));
console.log("approach 1:\n", parents, "\n", children);

//Here is the same approach using compareDocumentPosition instead of contains:
parents = nodes.filter( n => !nodes.find(m => m.compareDocumentPosition(n) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) );
children = nodes.filter( n => !nodes.find(m => n.compareDocumentPosition(m) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY) )

console.log("approach 2:\n", parents, "\n", children);

//And finally, if you don't need the restriction of checking against 
//elements in the array, you can just see if the nodes have 
//the topmost parent/any children at all:
const topElement = document.body;
parents = nodes.filter( n => n.parentElement === topElement );
children = nodes.filter( n => !n.childElementCount );
console.log("approach 3:\n", parents, "\n", children);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


entryUidData = GP:tx_news_pi1 | news


entryUid.data = GP:tx_news_pi1 | news




[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0 ]
  ## this config is only valid if one tx-news record is selected
  plugin.tx_pwcomments {
    settings {

如果您使用typoscript viewhelper(已添加),请确保为变量{field:uid}提供值:

<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.test">{uid:item.uid}</f:cObject>