
时间:2018-05-28 13:52:04

标签: xcode linker static-libraries

有静态库名#!/bin/bash date1=$(date +"%s") byteSize=1073741824 CHUNK_SIZE=1073741824 hashsize=1048576 if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then echo "No file provided." exit 1 fi ARCHIVE="/mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/${1}" ARCHIVE_SIZE=`cat "${ARCHIVE}" | wc --bytes` cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles rm -rf TEMP rm -rf HASH mkdir TEMP mkdir HASH cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/TEMP date3=$(date +"%s") split -d --bytes=${CHUNK_SIZE} "${ARCHIVE}" chunk -a 4 date4=$(date +"%s") diff2=$(($date4-$date3)) cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/HASH date5=$(date +"%s") split -d --bytes=${hashsize} "${ARCHIVE}" chunk -a 5 date6=$(date +"%s") diff3=$(($date6-$date5)) cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/TEMP lastpartsize=`expr $(ls -l | tail -1 | awk '{print$5}') + 0` lastfile=$(ls -l | tail -1 | awk '{print$9}') cont=$(ls -l | wc -l) cnt=`expr $cont - 2` fileCount=$(ls -1 | grep "^chunk" | wc -l) echo "Total parts to upload: " $fileCount files=$(ls | grep "^chunk") init=$(/bin/aws glacier initiate-multipart-upload --account-id - --part-size $byteSize --vault-name final_vault --archive-description "${1}_${ARCHIVE_SIZE}_${byteSize}") echo "---------------------------------------" uploadId=$(echo $init | jq '.uploadId' | xargs) touch commands.txt i=0 for f in $files do byteStart=$((i*byteSize)) byteEnd=$((i*byteSize+byteSize-1)) echo /bin/aws glacier upload-multipart-part --body $f --range "'"'bytes '"$byteStart"'-'"$byteEnd"'/*'"'" --account-id - --vault-name final_vault --upload-id $uploadId >> commands.txt i=$(($i+1)) if [ "$i" == "$cnt" ] then byteEnd=`expr $byteEnd + 1` byteEnd2=$((i*byteSize+lastpartsize-1)) byteSize=$lastpartsize echo /bin/aws glacier upload-multipart-part --body $lastfile --range "'"'bytes '"$byteEnd"'-'"$byteEnd2"'/*'"'" --account-id - --vault-name final_vault --upload-id $uploadId >> commands.txt break fi done parallel --load 100% -a commands.txt --no-notice --bar cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/HASH files=$(ls | grep "^chunk") for f in $files do openssl dgst -sha256 -binary ${f} > "hash${f:5}" done echo "List Active Multipart Uploads:" echo "Verify that a connection is open:" /bin/aws glacier list-multipart-uploads --account-id - --vault-name final_vault >> /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/TEMP/commands.txt echo "-------------" echo "Contents of commands.txt" cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/TEMP cat commands.txt # Calculate tree hash. cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/HASH echo "Calculating tree hash..." while true; do COUNT=`ls hash* | wc -l` if [[ ${COUNT} -le 2 ]]; then TREE_HASH=$(cat hash* | openssl dgst -sha256 | awk '{print $2}') break fi ls hash* | xargs -n 2 | while read PAIR; do PAIRARRAY=(${PAIR}) if [[ ${#PAIRARRAY[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then break fi cat ${PAIR} | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary > temphash rm ${PAIR} mv temphash "${PAIRARRAY[0]}" done done cd /mnt/dbfiles/mahipal/splitfiles/TEMP echo "Finalizing..." /bin/aws glacier complete-multipart-upload --account-id=- --vault-name="final_vault" --upload-id="$uploadId" --checksum="${TREE_HASH}" --archive-size=${ARCHIVE_SIZE} >>commands.txt RETVAL=$? if [[ ${RETVAL} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "complete-multipart-upload failed with status code: ${RETVAL}" >>commands.txt echo "Aborting upload ${uploadId}" >>commands.txt /bin/aws glacier abort-multipart-upload --account-id=- --vault-name="final_vault" --upload-id="${uploadId}" >>commands.txt exit 1 fi echo "--------------" echo "Deleting temporary commands.txt file" #rm commands.txt date2=$(date +"%s") diff=$(($date2-$date1)) echo "Total Split Duration for Chunk Part Size: $(($diff2/ 3600 )) hours $((($diff2 % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($diff2 % 60)) seconds" >>commands.txt echo "Total Split Duration for hash Part Size: $(($diff3/ 3600 )) hours $((($diff3 % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($diff3 % 60)) seconds" >>commands.txt echo "Total upload Duration: $(($diff/ 3600 )) hours $((($diff % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($diff % 60)) seconds" >>commands.txt echo "Done." exit 0 ,另一个名为libstatic1.a的名为libstatic2.a的测试应用的静态库





为什么没有符号冲突,我使用testapp检查两个nm -a lib,它有相同的方法符号。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




