
时间:2018-05-28 13:02:14

标签: node.js amazon-web-services amazon-ses


但是,如果我没有,在发送没有此参数的请求后,我会收到MessageIdimport os import json import csv import twitter from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ACCESS_TOKEN = 'XXXX' ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = 'XXXX' CONSUMER_KEY = 'XXXX' CONSUMER_SECRET = 'XXXX' # Define the location id for the UK # With Yahoo Where on Earth ID WOEID = 23424975 # Define language of tweets LANG = "en" # Define type of tweets we are after TWEETS_TYPE = "recent" # Define max number of tweets per trend MAX_STATUSES = 10 # API configuration # API with request rate limited api = twitter.Api(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, sleep_on_rate_limit=True) # Check twitter account api details are correct # print(api.VerifyCredentials()) # Query the Twitter API for the current top 10 trends in the UK. uk_trends = api.GetTrendsWoeid(WOEID) print(uk_trends) # Return the 1000 most recent tweets for each trend for trend in uk_trends: ''' Extract name of each trend returned by Trend model and search required count value of recent tweets per trend ''' trend = str(trend.name) count = MAX_STATUSES search_results = api.GetSearch(term=trend, count=count) print(search_results) 的成功回复。看起来一切都很好。但事实并非如此。这封电子邮件永远不会发送。它们甚至不计入发送统计信息显示板(sendTemplatedEmail :)。


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