Create table Section
id_section int not null,
namesection varchar(25) not null,
Primary Key (id_section),
description varchar(100)
Insert into Section (id_section, namesection, description)
values (1, 'Women', 'Clothes for women'),
(2, 'Men', 'Clothes for men'),
(3, 'Children', 'Clothes for children');
Create table Product
id_product int not null,
nameproduct varchar(25) not null,
price int not null,
id_section int,
Primary key (id_product),
constraint fk_section
foreign key (id_section) references Section (id_section)
Insert into Product (id_product, nameproduct, price, id_section)
values (1, 'T-shirt blue', 15, 1),
(2, 'Skirt- red', 30, 1),
(3, 'Dress black', 50, 1),
(4, 'Shirt', 45, 2),
(5, 'T-shirt white', 15, 2),
(6, 'Pants', 25, 2),
(7, 'T-shirt black', 15, 3),
(8, 'Pants', 25, 3);
select *
from Product;
alter table Product drop price;
Create table Showcase
id_showcase int not null,
description varchar(200),
capacity int,
Primary key(id_showcase),
id_product int,
constraint fk_product
foreign key (id_product) references Product (id_product)
Insert into Showcase (id_showcase, description, id_product )
values(1,'women of showcase', 1);
Insert into Showcase (id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(2,'women of showcase', 2);
Insert into Showcase (id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(3,'women of showcase', 1);
Insert into Showcase (id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(4,'women of showcase', 2);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(5,'men of showcase', 3);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(6,'men of showcase', 3);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(7,'men of showcase', 4);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(8,'children of showcase', 5);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(9,'children of showcase', 6);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(10,'children of showcase', 5);
Insert into Showcase(id_showcase, description, id_product ) values(11,'children of showcase', 6);
Create table Warehouse(
id_warehouse int not null,
description varchar(200),
Primary Key(id_warehouse),
id_product int,
foreign key (id_product) references Product (id_product));
Insert into Warehouse (id_warehouse, description, id_product ) values(1,'women of showcase', 1);
Insert into Warehouse (id_warehouse, description, id_product ) values(2,'men of showcase', 4);
Insert into Warehouse (id_warehouse, description, id_product ) values(3,'children of showcase', 6);
Create Type Schedule_type as table(
[description] varchar(100), IsBlocked Bit) ;
Create table Employee (
id_employee int not null,
employeename varchar(25) not null,
address varchar(20) not null,
email varchar(20) not null,
phone varchar(9) not null,
schedule Schedule_type,
Primary Key (id_employee)
Create table Schedule(
id_schedule int not null,
description varchar(100)
Primary key (id_schedule))
Insert into Schedule(id_schedule, description) values(1, 'Day Shift');
Insert into Schedule(id_schedule, description) values(2, 'Night Shift');
select * from Schedule ;
drop table Schedule;
alter table Employee drop id_schedule;
Create table Employee (
id_employee int not null,
employeename varchar(25) not null,
address varchar(30) not null,
email varchar(20) not null,
phone varchar(9) not null,
Primary Key (id_employee),
id_schedule int,
foreign key(id_schedule) references Schedule (id_schedule));
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(1, 'Grumet Alina', 'bl.Unirii 1B','gr.alina@gmail.com','069888555',1);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(2, 'Stefan Sabin', 'str.Alex.Makedonski','str.sab@gmail.com','085588555',1);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(3, 'Dimitrescu Alex', 'Liverpool str.1c','sim.alexa@gmail.com','45885585',1);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(4, 'Gori Eva', 'Bucharest str.24','gr.eva@gmail.com','85885885',1);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(5, 'Istrate Maria', 'sectorul1','ist.mar@gmail.com','555584751',2);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(6, 'Georghiu Alina', 'Ilfov','geor.and@gmail.com','069585585',2);
Insert into Employee(id_employee, employeename, address, email, phone,id_schedule) values(7, 'Gonta Mihaela', 'lozova','gont.mih@gmail.com','258968589',2);
Create table Sale (
id_sale int not null,
cod_bar int not null,
sale_nr varchar(4) not null,
Primary Key (id_sale),
id_employee int,
foreign key(id_employee) references Employee(id_employee));
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(1,123456,'123',1);
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(2,789654,'n53',2);
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(3,177456,'12',3);
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(4,122366,'23',4);
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(5,123556,'89',5);
Insert into Sale (id_sale, cod_bar, sale_nr,id_employee ) values(6,369852,'1mn',6);
drop table Sale;
Select* from Sale;
Create table Product_Sale(
id_product_sale int not null,
Primary Key (id_product_sale),
id_sale int,
foreign key(id_sale) references Sale(id_sale),
id_product int,
foreign key(id_product) references Product(id_product));
Insert into Product_Sale (id_product_sale, id_sale, id_product) values(1,1,1);
Insert into Product_Sale (id_product_sale, id_sale, id_product) values(2,2,3);
Insert into Product_Sale (id_product_sale, id_sale, id_product) values(3,3,2);
Insert into Product_Sale (id_product_sale, id_sale, id_product) values(4,5,4);
Insert into Product_Sale (id_product_sale, id_sale, id_product) values(5,4,6);
Select* from Product_Sale;
drop table Product;
-- drop database Project;`enter code here`
列,参数或变量#6:找不到数据类型 时间安排:SCHEDULE_TYPE。