
时间:2018-05-26 14:09:51

标签: vb.net


例如: 这是第一个生产单元:

Production Cell 1,4 / 20/201 2:09:18 PM,340

Production Cell 1,4 / 20/201 3:13:48 PM,211


Production Cell 2,4 / 20/18 2:09:24 PM,531

Production Cell 2,4 / 20/201 3:13:45 PM,720



基于颜色的当前排序: 仍需要:经过时间,重量和Go / NoGo是基于最后的值,我还没有尝试过。

 Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBrowse.Click

    OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
    OpenFileDialog1.FileName = ""
    OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt"
    OpenFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
    OpenFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True ' Returns to original start directory

    If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
        m_FileName = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
        srFile = New StreamReader(m_FileName) ' Need new instance of the object, this is necessary

        While Not srFile.EndOfStream
            strLine = srFile.ReadLine

            If strLine.Contains("Production Cell 1") Then

                If strLine.Contains("PM, 1") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 1") Then
                    white1 += 1
                    lblWhiteCell1.Text = CStr(white1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 2") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 2") Then
                    black1 += 1
                    lblBlackCell1.Text = CStr(black1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 3") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 3") Then
                    red1 += 1
                    lblRedCell1.Text = CStr(red1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains(" PM, 4") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 4") Then
                    yellow1 += 1
                    lblYellowCell1.Text = CStr(yellow1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 5") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 5") Then
                    green1 += 1
                    lblGreenCell1.Text = CStr(green1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 6") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 6") Then
                    blue1 += 1
                    lblBlueCell1.Text = CStr(blue1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 7") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 7") Then
                    brown1 += 1
                    lblBrownCell1.Text = CStr(brown1)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 8") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 8") Then
                    grey1 += 1
                    lblGreyCell1.Text = CStr(grey1)

                End If

            ElseIf strLine.Contains("Production Cell 2") Then

                If strLine.Contains("PM, 1") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 1") Then
                    white2 += 1
                    lblWhiteCell2.Text = CStr(white2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 2") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 2") Then
                    black2 += 1
                    lblBlackCell2.Text = CStr(black2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 3") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 3") Then
                    red2 += 1
                    lblRedCell2.Text = CStr(red2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains(" PM, 4") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 4") Then
                    yellow2 += 1
                    lblYellowCell2.Text = CStr(yellow2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 5") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 5") Then
                    green2 += 1
                    lblGreenCell2.Text = CStr(green2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 6") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 6") Then
                    blue2 += 1
                    lblBlueCell2.Text = CStr(blue2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 7") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 7") Then
                    brown2 += 1
                    lblBrownCell2.Text = CStr(brown2)

                ElseIf strLine.Contains("PM, 8") Or strLine.Contains("AM, 8") Then
                    grey2 += 1
                    lblGreyCell2.Text = CStr(grey2)

                End If
            End If
        End While

    End If

    srFile.Close() ' Be sure to close the file
End Sub

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq

Public Class Program
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim inputData = New List(Of String)()
        'I am using generic collection here for the input data instead of file.
        'You can use File.ReadAllLines method to read all the lines from file and store them in an array.
        ' Dim inputData = File.ReadAllLines(m_FileName)
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 1, 4/20/2018 2:09:18 PM, 340")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 1, 4/20/2018 3:13:48 PM, 211")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 2, 4/20/2018 2:09:24 PM, 531")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 2, 4/20/2018 3:13:45 PM, 720")
        Dim cellDates = New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of DateTime))()
        Dim prodCell1 As String = "Production Cell 1"
        Dim prodCell2 As String = "Production Cell 2"

        For Each item In inputData
            Dim lineItems = item.Split({","c})
            Dim datePart = lineItems(1).Trim() & lineItems(2)

            Dim dateValue = DateTime.ParseExact(datePart, "M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

            If Not cellDates.ContainsKey(lineItems(0)) Then
                cellDates.Add(lineItems(0), New List(Of DateTime)())
            End If


        'Sorting dates of both the Cells.
        Dim prodCell1Dates = cellDates(prodCell1).OrderBy(Function(dt) dt)
        Dim prodCell2Dates = cellDates(prodCell2).OrderBy(Function(dt) dt)
        'You can add the dates values in the listboxes here as following.

        'lstProductCell1.DataSource = cellDates(prodCell1)
        'lstProductCell2.DataSource = cellDates(prodCell2)

        'Getting difference between the last and the first date.
        'This returns an instance of TimeSpan
        Dim prodCell1Duration = prodCell1Dates.Last() - prodCell1Dates.First()
        Dim prodCell2Duration = prodCell2Dates.Last() - prodCell2Dates.First()
        'Display difference in the form of total minutes in the Console.
        'You need to write code here to display values in the proper labels.

    End Sub
End Class

有用的链接 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timespan(v=vs.110).aspx


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我建议将数据导入为可用格式,然后您可以更轻松地引用所有内容,例如< CellData(2).Elapsed'

'Put Structure and 'global' arrays at module level
Structure EachCell
    Dim StartTime As Date
    Dim FinishTime As Date
    Dim CodeNumber As Integer
    Dim Elapsed As TimeSpan
End Structure
Private DataInFile() As String
Dim CellData(999) As EachCell
'leaving (0) element unused
 Private Sub MyRoutine()

    Dim threeparts As String(), CellRefNo As Integer, Temp As Date

    If IO.File.Exists("MyFilePath") Then
        DataInFile = IO.File.ReadAllLines("MyFilePath")

        For Each dataline As String In DataInFile
            If dataline.StartsWith("Production") Then
                'split dataline on comma
                threeparts = dataline.Split(","c)
                'refno/array index is 3rd element of first part  
                CellRefNo = CInt(threeparts(0).Split()(2))

                If IsNothing(CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime) OrElse CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime = DateTime.MinValue Then
                    'if .starttime field previously unused 
                    CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime = CDate(threeparts(1))
                    CellData(CellRefNo).FinishTime = CDate(threeparts(1))
                End If

                If CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime > CellData(CellRefNo).FinishTime Then
                    'if start/finish in wrong order swap
                    Temp = CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime
                    CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime = CellData(CellRefNo).FinishTime
                    CellData(CellRefNo).FinishTime = Temp
                End If
                CellData(CellRefNo).Elapsed = CellData(CellRefNo).FinishTime - CellData(CellRefNo).StartTime

                CellData(CellRefNo).CodeNumber = CInt(threeparts(2))

            End If
    End If
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Class Form1
 Private Sub FillData()
        Dim inputData = New List(Of String)()
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 1, 4/20/2018 2:09:18 PM, 340")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 1, 4/20/2018 3:13:48 PM, 211")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 2, 4/20/2018 2:09:24 PM, 531")
        inputData.Add("Production Cell 2, 4/20/2018 3:13:45 PM, 720")
        Dim itgWhite1, itgBlack1, itgRed1, itgYellow1, itgGreen1, itgBlue1, itgBrown1, itgGrey1 As Integer
        Dim itgWhite2, itgBlack2, itgRed2, itgYellow2, itgGreen2, itgBlue2, itgBrown2, itgGrey2 As Integer
        Dim DataCell1 As New List(Of CellData)
        Dim DataCell2 As New List(Of CellData)
        For Each s As String In inputData
            Dim sArray() As String = s.Split(","c) 'the c provides the Char that .Split requires
            Dim cd As New CellData()
            cd.CellNumber = CInt(sArray(0).Remove(0, 16)) 'Remove the Production Cell part
            cd.CellDate = CDate(sArray(1).Trim)
            cd.CellDetail = CInt(sArray(2).Trim)
            If cd.CellNumber = 1 Then
                Select Case cd.CellDetail
                    Case > 799
                        itgGrey1 += 1
                    Case > 699
                        itgBrown1 += 1
                    Case > 599
                        itgBlue1 += 1
                    Case > 499
                        itgGreen1 += 1
                    Case > 399
                        itgYellow1 += 1
                    Case > 299
                        itgRed1 += 1
                    Case > 199
                        itgBlack1 += 1
                    Case Else
                        itgWhite1 += 1
                End Select
                Select Case cd.CellDetail
                    Case > 799
                        itgGrey2 += 1
                    Case > 699
                        itgBrown2 += 1
                    Case > 599
                        itgBlue2 += 1
                    Case > 499
                        itgGreen2 += 1
                    Case > 399
                        itgYellow2 += 1
                    Case > 299
                        itgRed2 += 1
                    Case > 199
                        itgBlack2 += 1
                    Case Else
                        itgWhite2 += 1
                End Select
            End If
        White1 = {itgWhite1},
        Grey1 = {itgBlack1}, 
        Red1 = {itgRed1}, 
        Yellow1 = {itgYellow1}, 
        Green1 = {itgGreen1}, 
        Blue1 = {itgBlue1}, 
        Brown1 = {itgBrown1}, 
        Grey1 = {itgGrey1},
        White2 = {itgWhite2},
        Grey2 = {itgBlack2}, 
        Red2 = {itgRed2}, 
        Yellow2 = {itgYellow2}, 
        Green2 = {itgGreen2}, 
        Blue2 = {itgBlue2}, 
        Brown2 = {itgBrown2}, 
        Grey2 = {itgGrey2}")
        Dim Cell1Sorted As List(Of CellData) = DataCell1.OrderBy(Function(d) d.CellDate).ToList
        Dim Cell2Sorted As List(Of CellData) = DataCell2.OrderBy(Function(d) d.CellDate).ToList
        lblElapsed1.Text = (Cell1Sorted.Item(Cell1Sorted.Count - 1).CellDate - Cell1Sorted.Item(0).CellDate).TotalMinutes.ToString
        lblElapsed2.Text = (Cell1Sorted.Item(Cell2Sorted.Count - 1).CellDate - Cell2Sorted.Item(0).CellDate).TotalMinutes.ToString
    End Sub
End Class
Class CellData
    Property CellDate As DateTime
    Property CellNumber As Integer
    Property CellDetail As Integer
    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return $"Procuction Cell {CellNumber}, {CellDate}, {CellDetail}"
    End Function
End Class