我试图从我的ios Swift项目中的Firestore数据库中获取数据

时间:2018-05-25 09:06:28

标签: ios swift firebase google-cloud-firestore


enter image description here


db.collection("subscriptions").addSnapshotListener { querySnapshot, error in
    guard let snapshot = querySnapshot else {
        print("Error retreiving snapshots \(error!)")

    //print("Current data: \(snapshot.documents.map { $0.data() })")

    for document in snapshot.documents{


enter image description here


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您不想听每个事件,请使用library(gstat) library(sp) library(raster) library(parallel) library(spatstat) # create a regular grid nx=100 # number of columns ny=100 # number of rows srgr <- expand.grid(1:ny, nx:1) names(srgr) <- c('x','y') gridded(srgr)<-~x+y # generate a spatial process (unconditional simulation) g<-gstat(formula=z~x+y, locations=~x+y, dummy=T, beta=15, model=vgm(psill=3, range=10, nugget=0,model='Exp'), nmax=20) sim <- predict(g, newdata=srgr, nsim=1) r<-raster(sim) # generate sample data (Poisson process) int<-0.02 rpp<-rpoispp(int,win=owin(c(0,nx),c(0,ny))) df<-as.data.frame(rpp) coordinates(df)<-~x+y # assign raster values to sample data dfpp <-raster::extract(r,df,df=TRUE) smp<-cbind(coordinates(df),dfpp) smp<-smp[complete.cases(smp), ] coordinates(smp)<-~x+y # fit variogram to sample data vs <- variogram(sim1~1, data=smp) m <- fit.variogram(vs, vgm("Exp")) plot(vs, model = m) # generate 2 conditional simulations with one core processor one <- krige(formula = sim1~1, locations = smp, newdata = srgr, model = m,nmax=12,nsim=2) # plot simulation 1 and 2: statistics (min, max) are ok, simulations are also ok. spplot(one["sim1"], main = "conditional simulation") spplot(one["sim2"], main = "conditional simulation") # generate 2 conditional with parallel processing no_cores<-detectCores() cl<-makeCluster(no_cores) parts <- split(x = 1:length(srgr), f = 1:no_cores) clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c("smp", "srgr", "parts","m"), envir = .GlobalEnv) clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, expr = c(library('sp'), library('gstat'))) par <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = 1:no_cores, fun = function(x) krige(formula=sim1~1, locations=smp, model=m, newdata=srgr[parts[[x]],], nmax=12, nsim=2)) stopCluster(cl) # merge all parts mergep <- maptools::spRbind(par[[1]], par[[2]]) mergep <- maptools::spRbind(mergep, par[[3]]) mergep <- maptools::spRbind(mergep, par[[4]]) # create SpatialPixelsDataFrame from mergep mergep <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points = mergep, data = mergep@data) # plot mergep: statistics (min, max) are ok, but simulated maps show "vertical lines". i don't understand why. spplot(mergep[1], main = "conditional simulation") spplot(mergep[2], main = "conditional simulation") 方法而不是getDocuments


从firestore获取/// This will give you team data document.data()["team"] 信息后。以下是获取teamname的方法:



if let teamInfo = document.data()["team"] as? [String: Any] {
   let teams = teamInfo.map {$0.value}
   for team in teams {
       guard let validTeam = team as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {continue}
       let name = validTeam["name"] as? String ?? ""
       let officeId = validTeam["officeId"] as? String ?? ""
       print("name: \(name), officeId: \(officeId)")