
时间:2018-05-23 19:15:05

标签: git git-submodules


├── ProjectA
│   ├── .git
│   ├── _framework
│   ├── backend
│   ├── config
│   ├── frontend
│   └── info
├── ProjectB
│   ├── .git
│   ├── _framework
│   ├── backend
│   ├── config
│   ├── frontend
│   └── info
└── ProjectC
    ├── .git
    ├── _framework
    ├── backend
    ├── config
    ├── frontend
    └── info

在每个项目文件夹中,我在_framework文件夹中配置了一个子模块。 由于我在每个文件夹中积极开发,我也经常在_framework文件夹中进行更改。我发现在所有项目中保持_framework子模块同步需要花费大量时间。

例如: 当我在ProjectB开发并在子模块中进行更改时,我将提交并将我的更改推送到远程存储库。然后,当我切换到ProjectC时,我首先需要提取_framework子模块,在我能够再次开始工作之前提交主GIT存储库中的更改。

我知道为什么GIT子模块的设置有很好的理由,但有没有办法自动化这个过程?因此,当我在ProjectB中工作时,我推送子模块 - 在其他项目中,相同的子模块会在主要的本地GIT复制中自动拉出并提交?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




#!/usr/bin/env node

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');

// Logging something to the console so that we can verify if the hook is triggered or not
console.log('Invoking pre-push hook v1.0');

// Global variables
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const gitRepositoryPathOs = process.argv[1].replace(/(.*)\/\.git\/.*/, '$1');
const gitRepositoryParentFolder = path.dirname(gitRepositoryPathOs);
const gitRepositoryFolderName = path.basename(gitRepositoryPathOs);
const scriptFilePathOs = __filename;
const scriptLogFolderPathOs = `${path.dirname(scriptFilePathOs)}/logs`;

const pushSiblingProjects = false;
const debugRoutine = true;
let debugInfo = "";
let stdIn = [];

// Defines all the project folder names where this hook should be working with
const projectFolderNames = ['ProjectA', 'ProjectB', 'ProjectC'];
// Defines the submodules that this routine should be checking for in each project folder
const submodulePaths = ['_framework'];

 * Executes a shell command
 * @param {string} cmd Shell command to execute
 * @param {string} [workingDirectory=gitRepositoryParentFolder] Directory to execute the shell command in
 * @returns The result of the shell command
const executeShellCommand = async (cmd, workingDirectory = gitRepositoryPathOs) => {
    // if (debugRoutine) debugInfo += `- executeShellCommand('${cmd}', '${workingDirectory}')\n`;
    const {stdout, stderr} = await exec(cmd, {
        cwd: workingDirectory

    return stdout;

 * Starts the logic of this GIT hook routine
 * @returns Exit code to indicate to the GIT process if it should continue or not
const initGitHookRoutine = async () => {
    // Global variables
    let shellCommand = '';
    let shellResult = '';
    let siblingGitRepositoryUpdateExecuted = false;

    // Catch all parameters passed to the process.argv
    debugInfo += "Passed arguments:\n\n";
    process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) {
        debugInfo += `${index}: ${val}\n`;

    debugInfo += `Standard In:\n${stdIn.join()}`;

    debugInfo += "\n\n";
    debugInfo += `- gitRepositoryPathOs: '${gitRepositoryPathOs}'\n`;
    debugInfo += `- gitRepositoryParentFolder: '${gitRepositoryParentFolder}'\n`;
    debugInfo += `- gitRepositoryFolderName: '${gitRepositoryFolderName}'\n`;
    debugInfo += `- scriptFilePathOs: '${scriptFilePathOs}'\n`;

    try {
        // Retrieve a list of objects that we are about to push to the remote repository
        shellCommand = `git diff --stat --cached origin/master`;
        shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand);
    } catch (err) {
        shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
    debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;

    // Mark which submodules we need to process
    let submodulePathsToProcess = [];
    submodulePaths.forEach((submodulePath) => {
        if (shellResult.indexOf(submodulePath) > -1) {
    debugInfo += `- submodulePathsToProcess: ${submodulePathsToProcess.join()}\n`;

    if (submodulePathsToProcess.length > 0) {
        let submodulePath = '';

        // Now loop through the other projects and update the submodules there 
        // Using "old fashioned loop style" here as it seems to work better with async function calls...
        for (let i = 0; i < projectFolderNames.length; i++) {
            const projectFolderName = projectFolderNames[i];

            if (projectFolderName !== gitRepositoryFolderName) {
                const siblingGitRepositoryPathOs = `${gitRepositoryParentFolder}/${projectFolderName}`;
                debugInfo += `- processing GIT repository '${siblingGitRepositoryPathOs}'\n`;

                // Loop through the submodules that we need to update
                for (let j = 0; j < submodulePathsToProcess.length; j++) {
                    submodulePath = submodulePathsToProcess[j];

                    const siblingGitRepositorySubmodulePathOs = `${siblingGitRepositoryPathOs}/${submodulePath}`;
                    debugInfo += `- processing GIT submodule '${siblingGitRepositorySubmodulePathOs}'\n`;

                    try {
                        // Pull the latest version of the submodule from the remote repository
                        shellCommand = `git pull origin master`;
                        shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand, siblingGitRepositorySubmodulePathOs);
                    } catch (err) {
                        shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
                    debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;

                // Use git status to check which submodules need to be committed
                try {
                    shellCommand = `git status`;
                    shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand, siblingGitRepositoryPathOs);
                } catch (err) {
                    shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
                debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;

                // Now check for each submodule if it needs to be committed to the sibling project repository
                for (let j = 0; j < submodulePathsToProcess.length; j++) {
                    submodulePath = submodulePathsToProcess[j];

                    if (shellResult.indexOf(`${submodulePath} (new commits)`) > -1) {
                        // 1) Add the submodule reference to the local git staging area
                        try {
                            shellCommand = `git add ${submodulePath}`;
                            shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand, siblingGitRepositoryPathOs);
                        } catch (err) {
                            shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
                        debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;

                        // 2) Commit the submodule reference to the local git repository
                        if (shellResult.indexOf('ERROR') === -1) {
                            siblingGitRepositoryUpdateExecuted = true;
                            try {
                                shellCommand = `git commit -m "Submodule ${path.basename(submodulePath)} updated by GIT hook utility"`;
                                shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand, siblingGitRepositoryPathOs);
                            } catch (err) {
                                shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
                            debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;

                        // 3) Optionally push this to the remote repository (not recommended)
                        if (pushSiblingProjects) {
                            if (shellResult.indexOf('ERROR') === -1) {
                                try {
                                    shellCommand = `git push origin master`;
                                    shellResult = await executeShellCommand(shellCommand, siblingGitRepositoryPathOs);
                                } catch (err) {
                                    shellResult = `ERROR: could not execute '${shellCommand}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
                                debugInfo += `- shellCommand: '${shellCommand}', shellResult: '${shellResult}'\n`;



        // Check if we need to execute anything after we have modified the sibling repositories
        if (siblingGitRepositoryUpdateExecuted) {
            // Put your logic in here


    // Dump the debug information to the console
    if (debugRoutine) console.log(`* debugInfo: ${debugInfo}`);

    // Dump the debug information in a log file so that we can inspect it later on
    try {
        fs.writeFileSync(`${scriptLogFolderPathOs}/pre-push.log`, debugInfo);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(`ERROR: write the log file in folder '${scriptLogFolderPathOs}', error details: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);

    // To avoid push from taking place exit a code > 0
    return process.exit(0);

 * This is where the execution starts
 * First we capture the content from the shell standard in and then we start the logic itself

// NOTE: use 'npm install split --save-dev' to install the split module
process.stdin.pipe(require('split')()).on('data', (line) => {
    // Push the line into the stdIn array so we can use it later on
    if (line.trim() !== '') stdIn.push(line);
}).on('end', initGitHookRoutine)

NodeJS脚本需要一个外部模块(&#39; split&#39;)来解析调用脚本时Git钩子将添加的shell命令的标准输入。 代码仍然有点粗糙,但我认为这足以让其他人扩展。


在我的Mac上,脚本拒绝运行,因为hashbang #!/usr/bin/env node拒绝执行。我设法通过使用sudo ln -s /usr/bin/node /usr/local/bin/node


在我的机器上,我首先必须禁用系统完整性保护,然后才能真正创建符号链接。更多信息: https://www.imore.com/el-capitan-system-integrity-protection-helps-keep-malware-away

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • 作为主项目中的子模块(与项目A,B和C处于同一级别)
  • 作为每个子项目中的符号链接(-> ../framework_
