
时间:2018-05-23 11:55:49

标签: keystore fiware


的fiware idm最新版本
  • 首先,我用户enter image description here


 skip: /img/keyrock01.png nothing to do                               
    [sass]  skip: /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff nothing to do        
    GET /img/keyrock01.png 304 1.480 ms - -                                      
    GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 1.200 ms - -               
    Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
    e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
    arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
    l` = 'test@test.com' LIMIT 1;                                                
    Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
    e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
    arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
    l` = 'test@test.com' LIMIT 1;                                                
    Executing (default): INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`username`,`image`,`gravatar`,`
    email`,`password`,`date_password`,`enabled`,`admin`,`starters_tour_ended`) VA
    LUES ('aeb5a8fc-3ee7-48af-a0eb-7b9cf849cf8f','Test','default',false,'test@tes
    t.com','e9f7c64ec2895eec281f8fd36e588d1bc762bcca','2018-05-23 10:54:09',false
    Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): START TRANSACTION;         
    Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): SELECT `id`, `activation_ke
    y`, `activation_expires`, `reset_key`, `reset_expires`, `verification_key`, `
    verification_expires`, `user_email` FROM `user_registration_profile` AS `User
    _Registration_Profile` WHERE `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = 'test
    @test.com' LIMIT 1;                                                          
    Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): INSERT INTO `user_registrat
    ion_profile` (`id`,`activation_key`,`activation_expires`,`user_email`) VALUES
     (DEFAULT,'3qfo4sfc358','2018-05-24 10:54:09','test@test.com');              
    Executing (437cc850-daa7-42ad-a04e-12094cad524c): COMMIT;                    
    POST /sign_up/ 200 211.580 ms - 6803                                         
    [sass]  skip: /javascripts/jquery-3.2.1.min.js nothing to do                 
    GET /javascripts/jquery-3.2.1.min.js 304 0.876 ms - -                        
    [sass]  source: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/themes/default/jquery.Jcrop.scss     
    [sass]  dest: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/public/stylesheets/jquery.Jcrop.css    
    [sass]  read: /home/ubuntu/fiware-idm/themes/default/jquery.Jcrop.scss
  • 我没有收到任何确认邮件,因此我点击确认未收到 这是idm日志


    GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 1.080 ms - -
      执行(默认):SELECT idusernamedescription
      websiteimag egravataremailpassworddate_password
      enabledadminst arters_tour_endedextrascope来自   user AS User WHERE Useremai l ='test@test.com'LIMIT 1;
      执行(默认):更新user_registration_profile SET
      activation_key ='z0fv4m8l12k',activation_expires ='2018-05-24
      11:07:21'在哪里user_email ='test@test.com'
      POST / confirm 302 78.040 ms - 66
      [sass] skip:/ auth / login无事可做   GET / auth / login 200 4.321 ms - 6786


  • 我打开了mysql数据库
  • SELECT idm database
  • 使用此更新用户表 UPDATE user SET enabled = 1 where email= "test@test.com";在此之后,我可以正确访问此用户的idm,但在我的情况下,我无法执行此解决方案

所以我问是否有成功从idm发送确认邮件到用户带有验证链接的Sig up邮件,并且在克隆了帐户验证后的链接并且用户可以使用此帐户访问idm任何帮助

更新 我安装smtp-server并配置idm以与smtp-server进行通信,并按照步骤验证帐户 - 注册测试用户 这是idm的日志

GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 2.783 ms - -               
[sass]  skip: /img/keyrock01.png nothing to do                               
GET /img/keyrock01.png 304 0.568 ms - -                                      
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
l` = 'testuser@testuser.com' LIMIT 1;                                        
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, `username`, `description`, `website`, `imag
e`, `gravatar`, `email`, `password`, `date_password`, `enabled`, `admin`, `st
arters_tour_ended`, `extra`, `scope` FROM `user` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`emai
l` = 'testuser@testuser.com' LIMIT 1;                                        
Executing (default): INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`username`,`image`,`gravatar`,`
email`,`password`,`date_password`,`enabled`,`admin`,`starters_tour_ended`) VA
LUES ('f11aa78f-2d48-4b36-805c-8ca8383ef44b','Testuser','default',false,'test
user@testuser.com','c178fcf003558346bb951eae536f205ab1420401','2018-05-25 18:
Executing (3b3a82b6-9c0b-44ae-9abe-f3cc4746e06f): START TRANSACTION;         
Executing (3b3a82b6-9c0b-44ae-9abe-f3cc4746e06f): SELECT `id`, `activation_ke
y`, `activation_expires`, `reset_key`, `reset_expires`, `verification_key`, `
verification_expires`, `user_email` FROM `user_registration_profile` AS `User
_Registration_Profile` WHERE `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = 'test
user@testuser.com' LIMIT 1;                                                  
Executing (3b3a82b6-9c0b-44ae-9abe-f3cc4746e06f): INSERT INTO `user_registrat
ion_profile` (`id`,`activation_key`,`activation_expires`,`user_email`) VALUES
 (DEFAULT,'v9hadxsieme','2018-05-26 18:49:42','testuser@testuser.com');      
Executing (3b3a82b6-9c0b-44ae-9abe-f3cc4746e06f): COMMIT;                    
POST /sign_up/ 200 191.699 ms - 6803

这是smtp-server的日志 [

2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] 250-SMTPUTF8                 
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] 250-SIZE 10485760            
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] 250-XCLIENT NAME ADDR PORT PR
OTO HELO LOGIN                                                               
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] 250 XFORWARD NAME ADDR PORT P
ROTO HELO IDENT SOURCE                                                       
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] C: MAIL FROM:<noreply@localho
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] S: 250 Accepted              
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] C: RCPT TO:<testuser@testuser
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] S: 250 Accepted              
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] C: DATA                      
[2018-05-25 18:49:43] DEBUG [#7o7cqgw2g77rqfs7] S: 354 End data with <CR><LF>
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8                                       
From: noreply@localhost                                                      
To: testuser@testuser.com                                                    
Subject: Welcome to Keyrock                                                  
Message-ID: <c4b64133-9a38-39ab-bc98-0fd5647040b1@localhost>                 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable                                  
Date: Fri, 25 May 2018 18:49:43 +0000                                        
MIME-Version: 1.0                                                            

<!DOCTYPE html>                                    
    <meta content=3D"text/html; =                  
charset=3DUTF-8" http-equiv=3D"Content-Type">      
    <table style=3D"background-color: #F1F1F2; min-
height: 300px; =                                   
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a, arial, sans-serif;" =                           
cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"100%">
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3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" =                          
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; =                                                
min-height: 80px; display: block;">                
              <td =                                
style=3D"background-color: white; width:700px;">   
                <img =                             
title=3D'Keyrock' alt=3D'Keyrock' style=3D"height: 
70px;" =                                           
              <tr style=3D"height: auto; padding: =
20px 15px 10px; color: #666; background-color: #FFF
; font-size: 13px;">                               
                    <table style=3D"height: auto; =
padding: 20px 15px 10px; color: #666; background-co
lor: #FFF; font-size: =                            
              <p>Hello Testuser1!</p>              

<p>Welcome to Keyrock! By clicking =               
on the link "I accept" below, you state that you ha
ve read and accepted the=                          
 our Terms and Conditions and the creation of your 
account will be =                                  

<p><a href=3D"http://localhost:3000/activate?=     
testuser1.com" =                                   
target=3D"_blank">I accept</a></p>                 
                <td style=3D"border-top:1px solid =
                <td style=3D"border-top: 1px solid 
#FF0; border-bottom: 1px=                          
 solid #193B6B; height: 0px; width: 100%; display:b
              <tr style=3D"background-color: #FFF;"
>   =                                              
                <td style=3D"padding:15px 15px 0px;
 display: =                                        
block; padding-bottom: 30px; font-size: 11px;">    
                    2018 =                         
                    <a style=3D"color: #193B6B; tex
t-decoration: =                                    
none;" href=3D"https://github.com/ging" onMouseOver
=3D "this.style.=                                  
cssText=3D 'color: #48B9C9; text-decoration: none;'
" onMouseOut=3D "this.=                            
style.cssText=3D 'color: #193B6B; text-decoration: 
none;'">GING DIT</a>- =                            
Universidad Polit=C3=A9nica de Madrid.             


2018-05-25 19:01:58] DEBUG [#bjwvvi7anyru4k3d] C: <19
949 bytes of DATA>                                    
[2018-05-25 19:01:58] DEBUG [#bjwvvi7anyru4k3d] S: 250
 Message queued as abcd                               
[2018-05-25 19:01:58] INFO  [#bjwvvi7anyru4k3d] Connec
tion closed to [127.0.0                               

我从smtp-server日志复制HTML,这是电子邮件。发送给用户 enter image description here

当我点击我接受时,我收到了此错误消息 n


我将无效的csrf令牌作为回复 这是idm的日志

ass]  skip: /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff nothing to do                     
[sass]  skip: /img/keyrock01.png nothing to do                                            
GET /fonts/neotechstd/neotechstd-regular.woff 304 1.087 ms - -                            
GET /img/keyrock01.png 304 0.904 ms - -                                                   
[sass]  skip: /activate nothing to do                                                     
Executing (default): SELECT `User_Registration_Profile`.`id`, `User_Regi s t  ra t        
ion_Profile`.`activation_key`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`activation_e x p  ir e        
s`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`reset_key`, `User_Registration_Profile` . `  re s        
et_expires`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`verification_key`, `User_Regis t r  at i        
on_Profile`.`verification_expires`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_em a i  l` ,        
 `User`.`id` AS `User.id`, `User`.`username` AS `User.username`, `User`. ` d  es c        
ription` AS `User.description`, `User`.`website` AS `User.website`, `Use r `  .` i        
mage` AS `User.image`, `User`.`gravatar` AS `User.gravatar`, `User`.`ema i l  `  A        
S `User.email`, `User`.`password` AS `User.password`, `User`.`date_passw o r  d`          
AS `User.date_password`, `User`.`enabled` AS `User.enabled`, `User`.`adm i n  `  A        
S `User.admin`, `User`.`starters_tour_ended` AS `User.starters_tour_ende d `  ,  `        
User`.`extra` AS `User.extra`, `User`.`scope` AS `User.scope` FROM `user _ r  eg i        
stration_profile` AS `User_Registration_Profile` LEFT OUTER JOIN `user`  A S   ` U        
ser` ON `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = `User`.`email` WHERE  ` U  se r        
_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = '3Dtestuser1@testuser1.com' LIMIT  1 ;              
GET /activate?=activation_key=3Dpr93n16tgk8&email=3Dtestuser1@testuser1. c o  m  4        
03 21.857 ms - 18                                                                         
[sass]  skip: /activate nothing to do


但是危险:激活用户时出错 以及此步骤后的idm日志

Executing (default): SELECT `User_Registration_Profile`.`id`, `User_Registration_Profile`.        
`activation_key`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`activation_expires`, `User_Registration_Pro        
file`.`reset_key`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`reset_expires`, `User_Registration_Profile        
`.`verification_key`, `User_Registration_Profile`.`verification_expires`, `User_Registrati        
on_Profile`.`user_email`, `User`.`id` AS `User.id`, `User`.`username` AS `User.username`,         
`User`.`description` AS `User.description`, `User`.`website` AS `User.website`, `User`.`im        
age` AS `User.image`, `User`.`gravatar` AS `User.gravatar`, `User`.`email` AS `User.email`        
, `User`.`password` AS `User.password`, `User`.`date_password` AS `User.date_password`, `U        
ser`.`enabled` AS `User.enabled`, `User`.`admin` AS `User.admin`, `User`.`starters_tour_en        
ded` AS `User.starters_tour_ended`, `User`.`extra` AS `User.extra`, `User`.`scope` AS `Use        
r.scope` FROM `user_registration_profile` AS `User_Registration_Profile` LEFT OUTER JOIN `        
user` AS `User` ON `User_Registration_Profile`.`user_email` = `User`.`email` WHERE `User_R        
egistration_Profile`.`user_email` = 'testuser1@testuser1.com' LIMIT 1;                            
GET /activate?=activation_key=3Dpr93n16tgk8&email=testuser1@testuser1.com 200 22.253 ms -         

所以我很困惑为什么idm dosent验证用户帐户后我获得激活链接任何建议

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在以前版本的IdM(&lt; 5.0)中,除非您设置电子邮件服务器以发送确认电子邮件,否则您必须在应用程序日志中搜索确认链接。这是因为IdM抛出异常并记录无法发送的邮件。



