以下导致错误: idris20022-6:idris_rts.c:967:doCopyTo:断言'0'失败。
module Threads
--this doesn't work, because the waitAndRead thread can't read the ioref
import System.Concurrency.Channels
import System
import Data.IORef
waitAndRead : IORef Int -> IO ()
waitAndRead x = do
usleep $ 500*1000
v <- readIORef x
putStrLn $ "V is " ++ show v
main : IO ()
main =
x <- newIORef 0
mpid <- spawn (waitAndRead x)
usleep $ 100 * 1000
case mpid of
Just mpid => writeIORef x 1
Nothing => putStrLn "Can't spawn!"
usleep $ 1000 * 1000
putStrLn "Done!"