
时间:2018-05-21 20:47:50

标签: c# unit-testing moq vs-unit-testing-framework

我有一个Web API项目,其中包含从API Controller调用的以下服务类。我想使用Moq框架为下面的类编写单元测试用例。如何使用Moq构建多个接口?如果不可能使用Moq,还有其他框架吗?

public class MyService : IMyService
    private readonly IInterface1 _interface1;
    private readonly IInterfaces2 _interface2;
    private readonly IInterface3 _interface3;

    public MyService(IInterface1 interface1,IInterface2 interface2,IInterface3 interface3)

    public SomeModel MyMethod1(1Model model)
        //do something here.... 

    public SomeMode2 MyMethod2(Model2 model)
        //do something here.... 

    public SomeMode3 MyMethod3(Model3 model)
        //do something here.... 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public interface IOne
    int Foo();

public interface ITwo
    int Foo(string str);


public class Some
    private readonly IOne one;
    private readonly ITwo two;

    public Some(IOne one, ITwo two)
        this.one = one;
        this.two = two;

    public void Work()
        // Uses one and two


// Arrange
// Let's set up a mock for IOne so when Foo is called, it will return 5
var iOneMock = new Mock<IOne>();
iOneMock.Setup(x => x.Foo()).Returns(5);

// Let's set up the mock for ITwo when Foo is called with any string, 
// it will return 1
var iTwoMock = new Mock<ITwo>();
iTwoMock.Setup(x => x.Foo(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(1);

var some = new Some(iOneMock.Object, iTwoMock.Object);

// Act

// Assert
// Let's verify iOneMock.Foo was called. 
iOneMock.Verify(x => x.Foo());
// Let's verify iTwoMock.Foo was called with string "One" and was called only once
iTwoMock.Verify(x => x.Foo("One"), Times.Once());


答案 1 :(得分:0)


var mocker = new AutoMoqer();
var myService = mocker.Create<MyService>();
var interface1 = mocker.GetMock<IInterface1>();