什么是hyperledger-fabric chainfile?我在哪里可以得到它?

时间:2018-05-21 09:23:53

标签: hyperledger-fabric blockchain hyperledger

通过执行./byfn.sh -m up,我通过其官方文档提出了hyperledger-fabric网络。



具体命令为peer chaincode invoke -o orderer.example.com:7050 --tls true --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.example.com-cert.pem -C mychannel -n mycc -c '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'


操作系统:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对等体上安装的public function getData(array $query=null){ $findquery=$this->find('all',$query); return $findquery; } public function gettotal() { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $pcbx = $_POST['pcbx']; $pcby = $_POST['pcby']; $pcb_qty = $_POST['pcb_qty']; $smt_pads = $_POST['smt_pads']; $hole_pads = $_POST['hole_pads']; $fine_pitch = $_POST['fine_pitch']; $layers = $_POST['layers']; $pcbper = $_POST['pcbper']; if (!($pcbx > 350) && !($pcbx < 50) && !($pcby > 350) && !($pcby < 50) && !($pcb_qty < 1)) { $sum = ($pcb_qty * $pcby * $pcbx) / 1000000; if (!$layers == '0') { $query = array( 'conditions' => array('layer' => $layers), 'fields' => array('layer_value') ); $check = $this->Layer_setup_pricemaster->getData($query); $layer_price = $check[0]['Layer_setup_pricemaster']['layer_value']; } /* get SMT Pads Point price based on condition the sum of pcbx, pcby and pcb Quantity is greater than or equal to min price and less than or equal to max_price from Per_point_pricemaster table*/ $check101 = $this->Per_point_pricemaster->getData(array('condition' => array('id' => 22))); $end_price = $check101[21]['Per_point_pricemaster']['min_price']; if($smt_pads != 0 && $smt_pads != ''){ if($sum >= $end_price){ $query2 = array( 'conditions' => array('min_price ' => $end_price), 'limit' => 1, 'fields' => array('price') ); }else{ $query2 = array( 'conditions' => array('min_price <=' => $sum, 'max_price >=' => $sum), 'limit' => 1, 'fields' => array('price') ); } $check2 = $this->Per_point_pricemaster->getData($query2); $point_price = $check2[0]['Per_point_pricemaster']['price']; }else { $point_price = 0; } /* get Through Hole Pads Point price based on condition the sum of pcbx, pcby and pcb Quantity is greater than or equal to min price and less than or equal to max_price from through_hole_padsmaster table*/ $check102 = $this->Through_hole_padsmaster->getData(array('condition' => array('id' => 22))); $end_price2 = $check102[21]['Through_hole_padsmaster']['min_price']; if($hole_pads != 0 && $hole_pads != ''){ if ($sum >= $end_price2) { $query3 = array( 'conditions' => array('min_price ' => $end_price2), 'limit' => 1, 'fields' => array('price') ); }else { $query3 = array( 'conditions' => array('min_price <=' => $sum, 'max_price >=' => $sum), 'limit' => 1, 'fields' => array('price') ); } $check3 = $this->Through_hole_padsmaster->getData($query3); $hole_pads_price = $check3[0]['Through_hole_padsmaster']['price']; }else { $hole_pads_price = 0; } /* Get the Stencil Price from stencil_pricemaster table which is by default id=5 */ $query4 = array( 'conditions' => array('id' => 5), 'fields' => array('including_tax') ); $check4 = $this->Stencil_pricemaster->getData($query4); $stencil_price = $check4[0]['Stencil_pricemaster']['including_tax']; if($fine_pitch != 0 && $fine_pitch != ''){ /* Get BGA/QFN/Fine Pitch Point Price from bga_qfnmaster table wich is by default id=1 */ $query5 = array( 'conditions' => array('id' => 1), 'fields' => array('price') ); $check5 = $this->Bga_qfnmaster->getData($query5); $bga_qfn_price = $check5[0]['Bga_qfnmaster']['price']; }else { $bga_qfn_price = 0; } if(!empty($pcbper) && $pcbper != '0'){ $pointsum1 = $smt_pads * $point_price * $pcb_qty * $pcbper; $pointsum2 = $hole_pads * $hole_pads_price * $pcb_qty * $pcbper; $pointsum3 = $fine_pitch * $bga_qfn_price * $pcb_qty * $pcbper; if (!$layers == '0') { $total = $pointsum1+ $pointsum2 + $pointsum3 + $layer_price + $stencil_price; } else { $total = $pointsum1 + $pointsum2 + $pointsum3; } } else{ $pointsum1 = $smt_pads * $point_price * $pcb_qty; $pointsum2 = $hole_pads * $hole_pads_price * $pcb_qty; $pointsum3 = $fine_pitch * $bga_qfn_price * $pcb_qty; if (!$layers == '0') { $total = $pointsum1 + $pointsum2 + $pointsum3 + $layer_price + $stencil_price; } else { $total = $pointsum1 + $pointsum2 + $pointsum3; } } echo $total = number_format($total); } else { echo "Calculating..."; } exit; } 包是protobuf消息的序列化字节。 chaincode消息中的protobuf,在原型文件“https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/release-1.1/protos/peer/chaincode.proto”中定义
