
时间:2018-05-21 01:53:15

标签: python dictionary merge union


a = {"name": "john",
     "owns": {"cars": "Car 1", "motorbikes": "Motorbike 1"}}

b = {"name": "john",
     "owns": {"cars": "Car 2"}}

如果ab在同一嵌套级别上具有公共密钥,则结果应为列表,其中包含两个值,并将其指定为共享密钥的值。 / p>


{"name": "john",
 "owns": {"cars": ["Car 1", "Car 2"], "motorbikes": "Motorbike 1"}}


{'name': 'john', 'phone': '123', 'owns': {'cars': 'Car 2'}}


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



def update_merge(d1, d2):
    if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict):
        # Unwrap d1 and d2 in new dictionary to keep non-shared keys with **d1, **d2
        # Next unwrap a dict that treats shared keys
        # If two keys have an equal value, we take that value as new value
        # If the values are not equal, we recursively merge them
        return {
            **d1, **d2,
            **{k: d1[k] if d1[k] == d2[k] else update_merge(d1[k], d2[k])
            for k in {*d1} & {*d2}}
        # This case happens when values are merged
        # It bundle values in a list, making sure
        # to flatten them if they are already lists
        return [
            *(d1 if isinstance(d1, list) else [d1]),
            *(d2 if isinstance(d2, list) else [d2])


a = {"name": "john", "phone":"123123123",
     "owns": {"cars": "Car 1", "motorbikes": "Motorbike 1"}}
b = {"name": "john", "phone":"123", "owns": {"cars": "Car 2"}}

update_merge(a, b)
# {'name': 'john',
#  'phone': ['123123123', '123'],
#  'owns': {'cars': ['Car 1', 'Car 2'], 'motorbikes': 'Motorbike 1'}}


a = {"name": "john"}
b = {"name": "jack"}
c = {"name": "joe"}

d = update_merge(a, b)
d = update_merge(d, c)

d # {'name': ['john', 'jack', 'joe']}

答案 1 :(得分:0)


from functools import reduce
import operator

# Usage: merge(a, b, ...)
def merge(*args):
    # Make a copy of the input dicts, can be removed if you don't care about modifying
    # the original dicts.
    args = list(map(dict.copy, args))

    # Dict to store the result.
    out = {}

    for k in reduce(operator.and_, map(dict.keys, args)):  # Python 3 only, see footnotes.
        # Use `.pop()` so that after the all elements of shared keys have been combined,
        # `args` becomes a list of disjoint dicts that we can merge easily.
        vs = [d.pop(k) for d in args]

        if isinstance(vs[0], dict):
            # Recursively merge nested dicts
            common = merge(*vs)
            # Use a set to collect unique values
            common = set(vs)
            # If only one unique value, store that as is, otherwise use a list
            common = next(iter(common)) if len(common) == 1 else list(common)

        out[k] = common

    # Merge into `out` the rest of the now disjoint dicts
    for arg in args:

    return out

假设要合并的每个字典具有相同的"结构",那么"owns"不能是a中的列表和{{1}中的字典}。 dict的每个元素也需要是可散列的,因为此方法使用集合来聚合唯一值。

以下内容仅适用于Python 3,因为在Python 2中,b返回一个普通的旧列表。


另一种方法是添加额外的reduce(operator.and_, map(dict.keys, args)) 以将列表转换为集合:


答案 2 :(得分:-1)


import itertools, sys
a = {"name": "john", "phone":"123123123", "owns": {"cars": "Car 1", "motorbikes": "Motorbike 1"}}
b = {"name": "john", "phone":"123", "owns": {"cars": "Car 2"}}
def condense(r):
  return r[0] if len(set(r)) == 1 else r

def update_dict(c, d):
  _v = {j:[c for _, c in h] for j, h in itertools.groupby(sorted(list(c.items())+list(d.items()), key=lambda x:x[0]), key=lambda x:x[0])}
  return {j:update_dict(*e) if all(isinstance(i, dict) for i in e) else condense(e) for j, e in _v.items()}

print(update_dict(a, b))


{'name': 'john', 'owns': {'cars': ['Car 1', 'Car 2'], 'motorbikes': 'Motorbike 1'}, 'phone': ['123123123', '123']}